United Nations Parasites Are Arresting Entrepreneurs


Verified User
The U.N.’s latest ‘criminals’ are nothing more than entrepreneurs cashing in on the larger scam:

Interpol has announced a huge takedown in 90 countries targeting crooks cashing in on the coronavirus endemic.

Items seized as part of Operation Pangea XIII included 34,000 bogus surgical masks, Interpol said Thursday.

The outbreak of the coronavirus disease has offered an opportunity for fast cash, as criminals take advantage of the high market demand for personal protection and hygiene products, officials said.

“Once again, Operation Pangea shows that criminals will stop at nothing to make a profit,” Interpol Secretary General Jürgen Stock said in a news release. ”The illicit trade in such counterfeit medical items during a public health crisis shows their total disregard for people’s wellbeing, or their lives.”

Published 20 hours ago
Interpol arrests 121 criminals in 90 countries cashing in on coronavirus
By Robert Gearty


Everybody dumb enough to fall for the coronavirus scam deserves to get screwed. Hell, the suckers are being taken for a few bucks, while government parasites are taking American taxpayers for more than a trillion tax dollars.

NOTE: The coronavirus scam is saving Trump with tax dollars, as well as propping up Wall Street, and propping up his phoney economy. I assume Trump’s cheerleaders like Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, and so on do not object to Trump meaning tax dollars when he says “Make America Great Again.”



If Trump was honest he would put propellers on his hats:

In theory, INTERPOL cannot arrest anyone. In theory, INTERPOL does not deal with military, racial, religious, or political matters.

NOTE: The U.N. wasted no time latching onto the coronavirus scam when compared to the time it took U.N. parasites to profit from climate change hustles.

INTERPOL was created in 1923. The U.N. opened for business in 1945; so why did it take all of those decades for INTERPOL to involve itself in the U.N.’s environmental agenda?

ANSWER: After the manmade climate change fraud was exposed the U.N. was looking for new crimes. INTERPOL “criminalizing” objections to environmental scams was the obvious choice.

Interpol pledges war on environmental crime
Mon Nov 8, 2010 3:28 pm ET


The United Nations arresting Americans in their own country is not possible without INTERPOL. Without INTERPOL an environmental court is as meaningless as is the rest of the U.N.’s judicial system —— The World Court, and its spinoffs, the International Criminal Court, special tribunals, and whatever else they invent out of thin air.

To make it all work INTERPOL needed the authority to investigate American industries in order to charge them with an environmental crime even when a targeted company did not violate American laws. When Obama amended President Reagan’s EO he handed INTERPOL the necessary authority.

If you think INTERPOL is a good thing you are missing the significance of the Chicago sewer rat’s betrayal designed to strengthen the U.N.’s grip on this country’s independence. Obama’s EO said:


Here is a small part of the betrayal:

The effect of Obama's amendment is to give them immunity from violating any American law. Agents of INTERPOL will now presumably have the same protection that foreign diplomats have while in this country. It is that immunity that has been used by other countries to spy on the United States. This arrangement, for example, now would make it possible for an American citizen being seized by INTERPOL agents and taken out of the country outside the reach of American courts and the rights they would enforce, most notably habeas corpus or the right for a judge to review a person's detention. The extent to which INTERPOL would be exempt from American extradition laws now becomes questionable.

Likewise, INTERPOL agents could seize property, including firearms, without search warrants and conduct other warrantless searches. They could break into homes and businesses to search and seize records without fear of prosecution, either criminally or civilly. In short, the powers that INTERPOL would have by being immune to U. S. law is virtually the same as martial law provides.

Moreover, INTERPOL's files and records are immune from U. S. court orders, including search warrants and civil subpoenas. And INTERPOL is protected from Freedom Of Information inquires from American media.

Beaufort Observer
Obama gives INTERPOL immunity to operate at will in the USA.
December 28, 2009


Handing INTERPOL authority over Americans added a major step to legitimating the U.N.’s judicial system. In short: INTERPOL authority can send ‘environmental criminals’ to a U.N. court where a guilty verdict is assured. There is not a chance they would risk losing a case in an American court.

And who will the U.N.’s court actually prosecute after INTERPOL makes the arrest? ANSWER: Every American the U.N. wants to silence:

The UN and Interpol How the UN will gain power
By Barry Napier Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Just to be clear. INTERPOL provides 184 member nations with information on the whereabouts of international criminals.

There are 192 U.N. member states. The number of countries in the world is usually put at 196. So INTERPOL is giving the same information to nearly every country in the world. Many of INTERPOL’s 184 clients are America’s enemies. It does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that an unfriendly Muslim government can warn every terrorist not on an actual battlefield to change locations before the cops arrive.

Local cops wearing INTERPOL jackets making an arrest is political slight of hand.

The United Nations and INTERPOL were very carful to avoid a mutually beneficial relationship in all the decades before Obama gave INTERPOL diplomatic immunity. The whole idea behind giving INTERPOL diplomatic immunity was so INTERPOL could make arrests the FBI and local police could not do. It has not started yet, but you can be sure INTERPOL will be making political arrests for the United Nations in this country before very long —— just as INTERPOL did when Reinhard Heydrich was in charge.

Interpol – Fascist Friends
By Barry Napier Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Finally, how come INTERPOL do not report the organizers of the criminals organizing the illegal alien caravans invading this country? After all, REPORTING criminals to member states is what INTERPOL is supposed to do —— not arrest anyone. The illegal alien invasion is more of a crime than is Americans objecting to giving tens of billions of tax dollars to alternative energy ripoffs like wind turbines and solar panels.
The illegal alien invasion is more of a crime than is Americans objecting to giving tens of billions of tax dollars to alternative energy ripoffs like wind turbines and solar panels.

At least one Democrat leader admits that he speaks for the Parasite Class and the United Nations:

A top Democratic leader told colleagues their party should use the Chinese coronavirus pandemic to advance their political agenda.

U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., the House majority whip, said on a conference call Thursday with more than 200 House Democrats that the crisis is "a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision," reported The Hill.

The Democrats already have opposed at least two proposals in the Senate to provide relief for families, small businesses and corporations that are struggling due to the shutdown in response to the virus.

Among the demands by Democrats are better bargaining power for unions, environmental rules for airlines and tax credits for wind and solar power.

None are directly related to the coronavirus.

The Senate's first "fast-track" legislation was defeated on a party-line vote late Sunday.

"All of a sudden, the Democratic leader and the speaker of the House shows up and we're back to square one," said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

"We’re fiddling here, fiddling with the emotions of the American people, fiddling with the markets, fiddling with our health care. The American people expect us to act tomorrow," McConnell said. "And I want everybody to fully understand if we aren’t able to act, it’ll be because of our colleagues on the other side continuing to dicker when the country expects us to come together and address this problem."

Clyburn: Democrats must use Chinese virus to restructure America 'to fit our vision'
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published March 23, 2020 at 5:27pm


I do not know what Clyburn means by restructure? My best guess is that he means shore up the Parasite Class’ vision before they lose the gains they made so far.

restructure (verb)
restructured, restructuring, restructures (verb, transitive)

1. To alter the makeup or pattern of: “serious efforts to restructure third world debt” (Felix Rohatyn).

2. To make a basic change in (an organization or a system, for example).

verb, intransitive
To alter the structure of something.

Democrat parasites have been imposing their vision on the country since 1913. Their vision relies on telling the American people to behave, i.e., Americans must do rather than they must not do.

I will begin with the Democrat Party’s strategy for dictating behavior —— Good Samaritan Laws.

When the government can punish you for not supporting strangers it is only one baby step shy of abolishing every individual liberty. A country without individual liberties is the only kind of country Socialists/Communists want.


The opportunities the coronavirus provides for dictating behavior is a godsend for Democrat Party parasites. The EPA and the ACA punishing Americans for not doing what bureaucrats and Democrat judges tell them to do pales by comparison compared to the coronavirus scam ordering every man, woman, and child to do as they are told.

NOTE: Democrats fear Eric Hoffer more than they hate Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. See the Hoffer quote at the end of my messages.

Finally, Shit-For-Brains Clyburn and Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi are a matching pair:


Democrat parasites have been imposing their vision on the country since 1913. Their vision relies on telling the American people to behave, i.e., Americans must do rather than they must not do.

Socialists/Communists are moving to their next phase of dictating behavior:

3 types of laws Democrats no longer want enforced
By Sean Harshey
Published July 29, 2020 at 7:21pm


It is not only the government legislating behavior, the real danger is in private sector do-gooder freaks enforcing behavior. Note that elected Democrat officials and bureaucrats gave this freak the only justification he needed:

A South Florida man fired a gun at a Miami Beach hotel after police say he became enraged over a mother and son’s lack of social distancing.

Douglas Marks, 29, was arrested Tuesday morning on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, use of a firearm to commit a felony and discharging a firearm in public. Jail records show he’s being held at Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on $11,000 bond.

The incident occurred Monday evening in the lobby of Crystal Beach Suites, located at 6985 Collins Ave. Marks noticed a woman, later identified as Veronica Pena, sitting on a couch with her son. He approached the two and told them to leave.

“You all aren’t social distancing,” Marks barked, according to the arrest report.

Ignoring him, Pena and her son didn’t move. She then overheard Marks say, “Let me take care of them, I have two people not following directions” before he grabbed a black firearm and let off several shots, according to Miami Beach police.

No one was injured.

Marks later admitted to the shooting, saying that he did so because someone was following him. He also claimed to have asked the hotel front desk to call 911 before firing “four warning shots,” the report says.

The lack of social distancing angered him. He pulled out a gun and started firing, cops say.
By C. Isaiah Smalls II
The Miami Herald 6 hrs ago


NOTE: I saw the seeds of freak power planted way back during the gasoline shortage when the government ordered every pump jockey to enforce the amount of gasoline automobile owners could buy. At least there was a product involved. Today’s freaks control nothing more than behavior.