Universal Income, Another Nail In The Canadian Coffin

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
If applied, universal income will raise inflation ten fold because as soon as it becomes public news (like when it is announced that minimum wage is going up) everyone will raise the price of everything and people who can barely afford living now with seemingly decent jobs will then not be able to afford their bills, food will even be harder to come by and likely lose their homes while people with next to nothing get the basic income and can't even find a home because there are not enough homes for the people living in Canada right now. Instead of people on subsidy getting left behind when minimum wage is increased it will be the working class left behind while poor people are given basic income yet have to remain homeless.

It will not fix our homelessness problem because with a couple of thousand dollars per month per person, even homes are not going to pop up out of nowhere for people to live in because again like I shared with the officials of Canada back in Jan. 2023 we have more people than homes in Canada and the government keeps loading 4 - 5 hundred thousand immigrants into Canada per year. What have they done, next to nothing but talk more rubbish to try and appease the public.

It's like Justin Trudeau in part is treating Canada like a simulation game only the game he treats Canada like automatically builds homes for the people loaded into the country so he just keeps loading people in while assuming homes will magically appear like in a simulation game!

By the time that there are enough homes (If we close our borders to make that possible) inflation will likely make it too expensive for people on universal income to afford such homes because let's face it, if Canada closes it's borders now to prevent any immigration and builds a million homes over the next ten years (which is likely not even close to enough homes to house everyone at a million homes) universal income will be outdated. So what is the plan, using universal income as a guise to make it look like they are doing something about poverty when over the next ten years millions could die from homelessness while our useful idiots work with the WEF against us to enslave us while they continue to attempt to force oppression on those of us left alive and a Canadian debt's interest even more so radically then now spiraling literally way out of control?!

We need to close our borders and build enough homes for the people already here in Canada but our federal government isn't about helping Canadians I clearly see, it's about making up guises to enslave Canadians while they work towards dividing and conquering us for the World economic forum I have come to find over the years. If countries of the world didn't own the world bank I would be suspicious that Justin Trudeau was offered a percentage into the world bank to speed up Canada's interest on our debt so he could speed up the rate of which he accumulates tax payers cash.

I was listening to CBC radio today of which they always screen out genuine callers to suit the useful idiot ~ WEF agenda under useful idiot policy and they brought this subject up and of course all callers except one caller were all for it but the one who was against it I don't even recall the reason she had being shared and yet all of the other callers gave their bogus reasons like a First Nations woman chewing gum over the phone like a horse acting like the First Nations should get universal income. Why would they be included when they live on reserves tax free and are not even subjected to pay towards Canada's national debt like tax payers are? Their ancestors wanted reserves so they could chief themselves because they wanted not anything to do with Canadian governing so why would tax payers fund anything that they do let alone why would Canadian tax payers want to go further into debt to fund them living tax free and not being subjected to owe on Canada's National debt while getting universal income?!! They chief themselves, they can create their own universal income and fund it themselves since they live tax free on reserves where their ancestors wanted them to chief themselves if sadly enough universal income were ever to become a thing of which I work towards putting a stop too right now and I live in a tent but I care about Canada and the people who live here!

Take a look at Canada's National debt clock now that our so called federal government had wasted billions on rubbish. If we implement universal income we will be enslaved is all I see. I'd be surprised if 40 million people can keep up with our national debts interest as it is and it appears we have been set up for this for years now like they planned all of this by bringing it up universal income years ago go figure.

Canada's National Debt Clock : The Canadian Taxpayers Federation

On the CBC I also heard Kathleen Wynne's testimony in part. I wouldn't trust Kathleen Wynne's testimony on such because she has proven to me to be a useful idiot long ago. (I remember playing my own powerful, original kick butt music on guitar on pier 4 in Hamilton Ontario Canada back in 2012 when Kathleen Wynne with a few friends came close for a listen at the waterfront and Kathleen came right up to me and started talking to me. I, knowing who she was, asked her if she was trying to get lucky and she laughed and told me she was a lesbian of which I already knew. When I ran into her in Collingwood about a year ago she froze like a statue and looked like she saw a ghost as if she did something to me and was afraid. I carried on as usual and thinking back she might have been in on corrupting those I once called family but life goes on and for me without a family. I don't hate Kathleen or anyone else for that matter but I will never trust her on pretty much anything especially when it comes to protecting Canada.)

Lobbyist and or World Economic Forum dictatorship is not a democracy, it is our officials turning their backs on citizens, turning their backs on democracy and catering to the dictatorship of ignorant, selfish, greedy and compulsive, obsessive, lying, deceiving imbeciles (WEF members) who pay dimwits (those who exorcise deliberate ignorance towards fact especially on the foundation of an issue while instead try and force lies and deceptions upon everyone while even attempting to refer to such as ideology to try and get away with attempting to push that ideology in any way Trumps fact) to do their thinking for them! We need to criminalize lobbying as well criminalize officials conspiring with the WEF! Take WEF members, throw them in prison for conspiracy as factually proven on international levels over the past decade as they force the same lies and deceptions upon several countries simultaneously which is the factual evidence proving conspiracy unfolding beyond any shadow of doubt and distribute all of their wealth back into the countries they have been using useful idiots to steal from for decades then the citizens of such countries will be able to afford to live and have a decent life. Useful idiots can be thrown behind bars and their wealth given back to the country they have committed tyranny (those in government) and treason (those in parliament) against by conspiring with WEF members. When this happens 90 percent of the so called crisis we face will magically disappear I foresee because again all that they do is lie and deceive compulsively and obsessively as I have factually demonstrated for years now when it comes to the very foundations of many primary issues.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
The Canadian political system and economy are both if anything even worse than America...which is hard to do. There is nothing left to save, it wont be saved, it is over as a country that matters.