UPDATE: 'Healthcare reform' kills seniors to pay for illegal aliens, uninsured


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July 16, 12:18 PM
18 commentsShareThisRSS Email Print In yesterday's article I provided information proving that while all eyes are focused on the confirmation hearings for Judge Sonia Sotomayor, Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress are engaged in under-the-radar scheming to pass some highly dangerous legislation.

One of these proposals is the healthcare bill that Obama desperately wants to get approved before September, before anyone really has time to actually read what's in the bill, and before the citizens can mount an effective campaign to stop it.

The bottom line is that the massive trillion-dollar legislation that will tax the middle-class and wealthy is designed to kill off senior adults and the severely chronically ill in order to pay for the healthcare of roughly 8 million out of 300 million citizens who are not insured, and over 20 million or more illegal aliens that currently have access to our healthcare system although they are not citizens of this country.

How do we know this is true? Obama has proposed a 50 billion-dollar reduction in Medicare benefits for Senior Adults. This means that gradually our Seniors will be forced into the government-run plan created by the healthcare bill, which contains mandatory rationing of care. No country in the world has implemented socialized medicine without imposing strict rationing standards on its citizens. This is the only way that such a plan can 'save money.'

Who benefits most from healthcare? The aging. With aging comes the diseases associated with higher healthcare costs.

This is why Obama's first choice to oversee the process (before it was discovered he was knee-deep in a tax evasion scandal), former Senator Tom Dascle, stated in a book he authored that 'the elderly have a responsibility to die, knowing that they are not going to survive their chronic illnesses, so that society can save money and pump funds into caring for younger, more worthy recipients.'

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner mouthed these words as well. And make no mistake, this philosophy has been propounded for years by 'medical ethicists' and social engineers who wish to create a 'brave new world' where centralized government controls everything, including when you die.

And please, do not make the deadly mistake of believing the Obama-Democrat rhetoric about being able to choose to stay on your current plan. How many times has this gang of thugs, including Obama, lied to us before about various policy initiatives?

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