Upgrade Time...


Staff member
Instead of trying to plan it out. I'm pretty much going to have to just do it when I have time.

I need to upgrade to the newest and best security enabled vBulletin. So, sometime expect to get the "We are upgrading..." page for a bit, until I get everything all set back up.


The Staff
Well, I've finished the upgrade.

There is only one change that I know that will effect the users. You will no longer be able to set your password the same as your username. If you have done that you will be required to change it at your next login, I'm sure that y'all won't be telling us that it happened to you...


If you do notice anything that isn't working please post it here, and I'll get it working... or I'll tell you why it doesn't work any more.


The Staff
Back up and running. There was a security issue and I didn't think I should wait. Sorry for the short warning.