URGENT! For Socrrtease, Desh, All Far Leftists


New member
THIS is for Suckn'tease, Desh, and all Wacko-Left Socialists who SWORE I was "making up" the Pew Poll that SHOWS that TWENTY PERCENT of WHITE DEMOCRATS say that if Obama is the Democrat Nominee, they WILL VOTE FOR MCCAIN.

Democratic Base Fissures

Although attention has been focused on McCain's problems with the GOP base, there are indications that some Democrats might defect if Obama is the party's nominee. Overall, 20% of white Democratic voters say they would vote for McCain if Obama is the Democratic nominee. That is twice the percentage of white Democrats who say they would support McCain in a Clinton-McCain matchup. Older Democrats (ages 65 and older), lower-income and less educated Democrats also would support McCain at higher levels if Obama rather than Clinton is the party's nominee.

The three leading presidential candidates have divergent images, which are reflected in the words that voters use to describe Obama, Clinton and McCain. In general, the single words used to describe Obama are very positive, but the word "inexperienced" is used most frequently to describe the Illinois senator.

When I posted this FACT, which is like everything ELSE non-opinion I post, a FACT(something that losers like Suckn'tease can't TAKE), I was told that "You made it up! It's not true!", by that moron Suckn'tease. Where is the LINK!!

The link, the link, the link! These dumb Lefties think that just because there's a "link", that makes it TRUE, Haaaaaahahaha! What if it's a LINK to Dan Rather, with his Phony Documents about Bush? What if it's a "link" to the N.Y. Times, which has been caught FIVE TIMES printing stories that "respected journalists" MADE UP, or had NO PROOF.
And conversely, if I say the temperatures in the fission core of a thermonuclear device are 10 to the 8th power Kelvin (100 Million Degrees K), and that the speed of the Plutonium neutrons traveling outward in the 10 nanosecond "shakes" between each generation of fission(1,2,4,8,16,32,etc.) is 2.18 x 10^24 cm/sec(very fast, approaching light speed) in a Teller-Ulam 2stage Thermonuclear Weapon, it's because they are FACTS.
I don't NEED a f**king link, you horse-blindered, ostrich-head-in-the-sand Liberal! I don't "make up" shit! Stop being AFRAID to FACE the TRUTH, and you might LEARN something.
Now that THAT'S settled, suck'r'tease, you, or other Libs never answered my question: Now WHICH Party is it that has all the White Racists? Is it the one whose recent President has MORE African Americans in High Positions, Cabinet or immediately below(Republican-Bush), or is it the one with the Ku Klux Klan Member as it's "Elder Statesman"(Democrat-Robert "K.K.K." Byrd). You see, Republicans, Conservatives wouldn't keep rubbing Democrat's noses in it, if these Hypocrite Democrats, and their P.R. Arm, Network Media, didn't keep giving the False, LYING Perception that it is REPUBLICANS/Conservatives who are the most "racist". You know, Conservatives, those of us who think it's DEMEANING to keep a man or woman on a leash of a barely livable existence, with a poverty-scraping welfare check, instead of teacing them giving incentive, to GET OFF Welfare, and have the PRIDE and SELF-SUFFICIECNCY of a job, an education. Not just "Do what Ma and Grandma did, and keep votin' Democrat, so we can get a Gummint check.
jollie is a hate troll.

He/she is going to be misserable over the next couple of decades politically.