US begins to break foreign oil ‘addiction’


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US begins to break foreign oil ‘addiction’

By Carola Hoyos, Chief Energy Correspondent

Published: May 19 2008 14:28 * Last updated: May 19 2008 22:13

The US is starting to break its “addiction” to foreign oil as high prices, more efficient cars, and the use of ethanol significantly cut the share of its oil imports for the first time since 1977.

The country’s foreign oil dependency is expected to fall from 60 per cent to 50 per cent in 2015, before rising again slightly to 54 per cent in 2030, according to the head of the Department of Energy’s statistical arm.

The net imports of the world’s biggest consumer are expected to fall between now and 2030, ending what has been an almost relentless 30-year climb in the use of foreign oil and a fall in domestic production. In 2006, George W. Bush said in his State of the Union speech that America was “addicted to oil” – often imported from unstable parts of the world – and said he would work to address the issue.
I think its more to do with people just not using expensive gas. lots of heating oil companies are laying off staff around here.. They arent even sure how people are heating there water and houses.
that's funny, thanks US I needed a good laugh this morning.
This guy must be pro-energy industry, going to 50% imports is breaking the addiction to foreign oil. LOFL
Chicken grease is the answer.

The only person in country music that I like - the dope smoking, leftist Willie Nelson - has a tour bus that runs on cooking grease from restaurants, or something. one might guess, I can't stand Willie Nelson. I do like some of his songs though. :)

Yeah, biodiesel. Chicken grease just sounds better. :)

I like Willie too. He's the only one in that genre of music I can stomach. What a great songwriter. None of the uber-patriotism, and dropping bombs on afghans crap that some of those other country stars sing about.
that's funny, thanks US I needed a good laugh this morning.
This guy must be pro-energy industry, going to 50% imports is breaking the addiction to foreign oil. LOFL

It is from the finiancial times or somesuch rag. They have to sound upbeat to support their industry.