US chamber of commerce?


Are they a partisan organisation? They are running some serious negative ads in Mississippi against the democrat running for senator here, saying things like 'RONNIE MUSGROVE STOLE 30000 JOBS FROM MISSISSIPPIANS TELL HIM TO START CARING ABOUT JOBS' and other rot. Of course, Mississippi actually net gained about 10,000 jobs during that recession, one of like five or so states to do so, but let's ignore that. It doesn't matter if you gained jobs in total if you lost any. Good 'ole Republican math.

The ads unfortunately seem to be working, as he's dropped about eight points in the polls since then. The Republican just has a ridiculous amount of PAC and corporate money flowing to him, and Musgroves biggest constituency is poor blacks, so what is he supposed to do? The man against the machine. And the Chamber of Commerce is fucking ridiculous. Why don't they just set themselves up as an arm of the GOP.
Yeah they are. I would hate it too but idiots like Cypress need to be offset by someone.

We all have our role to play.