US faces longest recession in 20 yeas: economist


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U.S. faces longest recession in 20 years: economist

Canada won't escape downturn
SAN FRANCISCO -- Canada's largest trading partner will likely be in recession until late 2009, but slowing global economies, particularly in China, also pose a threat to Canadian growth, Jay Brinkmann, the chief economist of the U.S. Mortgage Bankers Association said Tuesday.

At a crowded press briefing at the MBA's 2008 conference in San Francisco, Mr. Brinkmann said the U.S. economy would dip into a mimimum three quarters of recession starting in the fourth quarter of this year, but the chance the recession started in the third quarter was very high.

"A recession appears underway, as evidenced in rising unemployment, contracting manufacturing activity and declining inflation-adjusted consumption spending," he said. "It's probably going to be longer than any recession we've seen in the last two decades."

Furthermore, a full U.S. economic recovery could take years given the dwindling size of the country's manufacturing sector, the industry that has traditionally boosted American growth after periods of contraction. He said the previous recession aided in the mass movement of manfuacturing offshore to cheaper regions such as China.

Mr. Brinkmann said the consumer-led U.S. recession would contine to hurt Canadian building product exports, but Canada would receive some support from its energy sector. However, the global slowdown was also casting a dark cloud over Canada.

"I think Canadians will be hurt by a fallout in demand from China," he said.

With the U.S. economy accounting for about 76% of Canada's export revenue, the struggling American consumer and devastated housing market will also drag on Canadian growth.

Mr. Brinkmann said the recession would be particulalry painful for consumers with U.S. unemployment rising to about 7.8% by early 2010 from 6.1% and remaining elevated throughout much of 2010. House prices are expected to fall further, down about 7% this year and 4% in 2009 before ticking up modestly in 2010. Meanwhile, foreclosure rates will continue to post fresh record highs and single family housing starts should break below their 1981 record low early next year at about 525,000 units.

"We expect residential investment to decline further through the first half on 2009 due to the excess of supply of houses and weakened demand from the recession," he said.

More millionairs than ever before! :clink:
It is amazing, considering we aren't technically even in 'recession' as of yet. Granted, when this quarter closes, we probably will officially be in one, you would think from the propaganda, we have been in a recession the past 8 years.
It is amazing, considering we aren't technically even in 'recession' as of yet. Granted, when this quarter closes, we probably will officially be in one, you would think from the propaganda, we have been in a recession the past 8 years.

Yeah, the doomsayers can finally pat themselves on the back. Its coming. I haven't felt it yet, but my employer has.
That's what happens to any country that imports more than it exports creating a huge trade deficit, outsources jobs, lives beyond their means on credit, deregulates financial institutions, expands businesses to soon and gambles their futures away believing that financial growth is endless. There are many other lesser factors as well.

Simple economics 101. Will most people ever learn from history? NO! Will most people continue to be greedy and corrupt? YES! People complain because government is to big, well, it's the same when it comes to corporations.

Have a nice day! :)
USC is a moron who makes up a name to post lame shit like this.
This gtr maybe and the next one will make a recession.
Remains to be seen how long it will last, no one is smart enough to predict.
These morons have been wrong for 20gtrs why would someone think the recessionista's would be right now.
USC is a moron who makes up a name to post lame shit like this.
This gtr maybe and the next one will make a recession.
Remains to be seen how long it will last, no one is smart enough to predict.
These morons have been wrong for 20gtrs why would someone think the recessionista's would be right now.

yeah Damo said just the other day, well you did not tell us exactly when it would begin, etc,etc...
The unsighted just making excuses for their failures.
It is amazing, considering we aren't technically even in 'recession' as of yet. Granted, when this quarter closes, we probably will officially be in one, you would think from the propaganda, we have been in a recession the past 8 years.

More like we've been in a depression mode for the past 8 years, thanks to Bushco. :cof1:
if usc studied for a year straight he could get into a junior college.

why would I want to do that ? I have my farm paid for, my business still looks fine, I have enough funds to keep me the rest of my life.

All those educated fools are what screwed the pooch for America anyway.

Death to MBA's !
Panicky investors are driving this recession right now. Some of the economic indicators over the past month or so actually weren't so bad, but they were completely overshadowed by the market & the guys who seem to do nothing but look at screens all day with their hands on their head.

I don't think it's going to be as bad as everyone thinks; nothing but a hunch. The banks are the only weak link, and the bailout will enable them to function, if not as they always have, at least in a way that we can still do business & get credit. It really helps that there is an election this year & a new admin coming; no matter who wins, any sort of transition like that can feel like a clean break on a lot of levels, and might help to ease fears out there.
70% ro so of our economy is dependent on consumer spending. with layoffs and people maxxed out on credit, credit card companies dropping maximums on cards, etc....
This will take a while.
this is why you go with educated opinions.
Unemployment is VERY low by recession standards.
THIS IS 90% wallstreet good ole boy network created recession.
Mainstreet is out there working there ass off.
Gas prices have dropped a dollar, this will increase consumer spending just like it cut it back at $4 gal. By mid 2009 we'll be back to 2% plus growth
Unemployment is VERY low by recession standards.

But , but, you just posted that we were not in a recession ??