US Is an Oligarchy Not a Democracy, says Scientific Study


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US Is an Oligarchy Not a Democracy, says Scientific Study

by Eric Zuesse Published on Monday, April 14, 2014 by Common Dreams

A study, to appear in the Fall 2014 issue of the academic journal Perspectives on Politics, finds that the U.S. is no democracy, but instead an oligarchy, meaning profoundly corrupt, …’

The U.S., in other words, is basically similar to Russia or most other dubious "electoral" "democratic" countries. We weren't formerly, but we clearly are now. Today, after this exhaustive analysis of the data, “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.” That's it, in a nutshell.
Of course!!!!! America is a One Political Party Duopoly Oligarchy. It simply has two differently named factions like the NFL has the American and National Conferences American government has the Democrat and Republican card carrying members who only have different faces so we can tell em apart. The party agenda is simple. BIG authoritarian government total control by the corrupt few in Washington through the bribery and manipulation system with Wall Street and all Special Interest. Their motto is "fuck the Constitution and the nation's well-being."
US Is an Oligarchy Not a Democracy, says Scientific Study

by Eric Zuesse Published on Monday, April 14, 2014 by Common Dreams

A study, to appear in the Fall 2014 issue of the academic journal Perspectives on Politics, finds that the U.S. is no democracy, but instead an oligarchy, meaning profoundly corrupt, …’

The U.S., in other words, is basically similar to Russia or most other dubious "electoral" "democratic" countries. We weren't formerly, but we clearly are now. Today, after this exhaustive analysis of the data, “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.” That's it, in a nutshell.

When you get your information from fools, you tend to look like a fool.

There is no factual way to argue that the US is an Oligarchy unless you fabricate your claims with the stupidity contained in this article. But in case you are still confused, America was never a straight Democracy. It was formed as a Republic of States which is why our Presidents are chosen by an electoral process, not popular vote.

You see, our founders were concerned about giving clueless low information twits the power to to choose leaders who promised them something or nothing.

Unfortunately for us, this is precisely what is happening which resulted in Obamas election.

I am amused by the claims this is, somehow, a scientific study. I'm not surprised that clueless twits like Rune and Sardonic would thank such a dimwitted moronic article and claim. I am equally unsurprised that an ignorant twit like Classic would agree with you.
The rich control the United States, totally. Everyone knows that, surely? When was the last poor person elected to anything?
When you get your information from fools, you tend to look like a fool.

There is no factual way to argue that the US is an Oligarchy unless you fabricate your claims with the stupidity contained in this article. But in case you are still confused, America was never a straight Democracy. It was formed as a Republic of States which is why our Presidents are chosen by an electoral process, not popular vote.

You see, our founders were concerned about giving clueless low information twits the power to to choose leaders who promised them something or nothing.

Unfortunately for us, this is precisely what is happening which resulted in Obamas election.

I am amused by the claims this is, somehow, a scientific study. I'm not surprised that clueless twits like Rune and Sardonic would thank such a dimwitted moronic article and claim. I am equally unsurprised that an ignorant twit like Classic would agree with you.

I am not the least bit surprised that a statist right wing authoritarian such as yourself denies the obvious.
I have been proclaiming our government an oligarchy for many years.

The will of the people means absolutely nothing. Congress does the will of the highest bidder. It is absolutely corrupt, illegal and an oligarchy (in fact it is a plutocracy more accurately, but still an oligarchy)

By the way, we are officially a Constitutional Republic.
I am not the least bit surprised that a statist right wing authoritarian such as yourself denies the obvious.
I have been proclaiming our government an oligarchy for many years.

Really shit-for-brains? That's fascinating because I see your arguments as being a brain dead leftist supporting massive Government Nanny Statism.

But again, you're too stupid to comprehend the definition of oligarchy and how it cannot be applied to US Governance by anyone in a rational intelligent manner.

The will of the people means absolutely nothing. Congress does the will of the highest bidder.

This is what is wrong with clueless dimwits like you; you think the Congress is supposed to abide to the will of the people. But that is not why it exists. It exists to perform the Constiturional duties set out in the Constitution to defend and protect the nation and administer its laws; not kowtow to losers who vote for politicians who stay in power by promising them something by taking it fom someone else promoting a Nanny State.

It is absolutely corrupt, illegal and an oligarchy (in fact it is a plutocracy more accurately, but still an oligarchy)

It cannot be an oligarchy no matter how many times you stupidly claim it. Our political process is corrupted when low information dunces like you vote for professional politicians who use the equally corrupt abomination called the tax code to buy your votes.

But again, you're too stupid to comprehend anything beyond your brain dead memes and parroting talking points you have been fed like the gullible bran dead lemming you are. [/quote]

By the way, we are officially a Constitutional Republic.

....of States.

Really shit-for-brains? That's fascinating because I see your arguments as being a brain dead leftist supporting massive Government Nanny Statism.
Cite my support of "supporting massive Government Nanny Statism". Even one example will suffice.
But again, you're too stupid to comprehend the definition of oligarchy and how it cannot be applied to US Governance by anyone in a rational intelligent manner.
Since you are not even aware of the iron law of oligarchy it is incumbent upon you to prove that the US is not an oligarchy.
This is what is wrong with clueless dimwits like you; you think the Congress is supposed to abide to the will of the people.
Yes, the people give Congress the right to govern us at our leisure. We reserve the right to remove them from government, (by force if required) if they don't serve the will of the people. The government of today has legalized bribery and considers itself legitimate but it is not.
But that is not why it exists. It exists to perform the Constiturional duties set out in the Constitution to defend and protect the nation and administer its laws;
Provided it adheres to the limits of the constitution. When it does not, it is our duty to change it.
not kowtow to losers who vote for politicians who stay in power by promising them something by taking it fom someone else promoting a Nanny State.
You fear many things; fear rules your life and makes all your decisions for you. Progressives want to lower the cost of government. Spending growth has been extremely low under Obama. Your oft repeated accusations are false and unprovable, hence laughable.
It cannot be an oligarchy no matter how many times you stupidly claim it.
Prove it.
Our political process is corrupted when low information dunces like you vote for professional politicians who use the equally corrupt abomination called the tax code to buy your votes.
The tax code vastly favors your side, and hurts the economy at large you oafish fool.
But again, you're too stupid to comprehend anything beyond your brain dead memes and parroting talking points you have been fed like the gullible bran dead lemming you are.

Please, by all means, do show my apparently numerous talking points and their origins. Offer proof of something, anything, and we can continue. So far you have proven nothing.

....of States.
