US Military considers recruiting foreigners


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Military considers recruiting foreigners
Expedited citizenship would be an incentive
An Armed Forces center in Plymouth. US officials are trying tactics to find recruits; one involves attracting noncitizens. An Armed Forces center in Plymouth. US officials are trying tactics to find recruits; one involves attracting noncitizens. (JULIA CUMES/ASSOCIATED PRESS)

By Bryan Bender, Globe Staff | December 26, 2006

WASHINGTON -- The armed forces, already struggling to meet recruiting goals, are considering expanding the number of noncitizens in the ranks -- including disputed proposals to open recruiting stations overseas and putting more immigrants on a faster track to US citizenship if they volunteer -- according to Pentagon officials.

Foreign citizens serving in the US military is a highly charged issue, which could expose the Pentagon to criticism that it is essentially using mercenaries to defend the country
Just one more step towards a police state.
Natives soldiers will not be as likely to turn on US citizens as will foreigners be.
the military has already been getting plenty of recruits form our colonies/protectates, with citizenship bribes. Now I guess they want to go to Saudi Arabia and recruit ?
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If we're gonna be an empire, we have to start acting like it. Just like the european colonial power did: hire foreigners to fight for us.

God knows, Iraq-warcheerleading Neocons aren't going to sign up in droves to fight in iraq.
I thought this had been policy for a while now, no?

If it wasn't, it's certainly good that it is now. We need more labor, we need the ranks filled, and those volunteers want citizenship.

Good for everybody except apparently you two.
Just one more step towards a police state.
Natives soldiers will not be as likely to turn on US citizens as will foreigners be.
the military has already been getting plenty of recruits form our colonies/protectates, with citizenship bribes. Now I guess they want to go to Saudi Arabia and recruit ?

You're an idiot.

If we're gonna be an empire, we have to start acting like it. Just like the european colonial power did: hire foreigners to fight for us.

God knows, Iraq-warcheerleading Neocons aren't going to sign up in droves to fight in iraq.

again bison on my link in sig line...mudville...lotsa real men are more than willing to do what has to be done...!;)
If we're gonna be an empire, we have to start acting like it. Just like the european colonial power did: hire foreigners to fight for us.

God knows, Iraq-warcheerleading Neocons aren't going to sign up in droves to fight in iraq.

Really? Empires hire foreigners? You, too, are an idiot. All the great empires have always used intimidation to conscript their citizens into service, and anyone that didn't agree was called unpatriotic and hanged. Cypress would like that mdoel.
I thought this had been policy for a while now, no?

If it wasn't, it's certainly good that it is now. We need more labor, we need the ranks filled, and those volunteers want citizenship.

Good for everybody except apparently you two.

Right, volunteering. They are already doing this at the Mexican border, where as soon as they catch them they get them to sign up and they are called “green card enlistees”. It is so exploitative it’s not even funny.
It reminds me very much of what they do to the lower classes who are already citizens. “Got into a little home town jam, they put a rife into my hands, said, go and kill the yellow man”.

I cannot imagine what could be more immoral than a country who extorts poor and desperate immigrants to do their dying for them, and uses them to go kill other poor and desperate non-white people.

And some say this is the greatest country in the world. Some even dare to claim that God has blessed this country. I would be afraid to speak such words. It is only a matter of time before God finally becomes fed up and sends a wasp to bite the tongues of those who speak such blasphemy, and they will choke to death.
You're an idiot.

Maybe you are the idiot Water.
If we are so bad that we can “kick their raghead asses” then where all of the big tough talking all American boys to go do just that? What are you guys, a bunch of faggot boys these days?
Back in my day, a man did his own fighting.
Really? Empires hire foreigners? You, too, are an idiot. All the great empires have always used intimidation to conscript their citizens into service, and anyone that didn't agree was called unpatriotic and hanged. Cypress would like that mdoel.

I’d like to see you back this up bigmouth. I’m pretty sure that empires like the Ottoman one did in fact conscript captured foreigners.
You are so full..............

Right, volunteering. They are already doing this at the Mexican border, where as soon as they catch them they get them to sign up and they are called “green card enlistees”. It is so exploitative it’s not even funny.
It reminds me very much of what they do to the lower classes who are already citizens. “Got into a little home town jam, they put a rife into my hands, said, go and kill the yellow man”.

I cannot imagine what could be more immoral than a country who extorts poor and desperate immigrants to do their dying for them, and uses them to go kill other poor and desperate non-white people.

And some say this is the greatest country in the world. Some even dare to claim that God has blessed this country. I would be afraid to speak such words. It is only a matter of time before God finally becomes fed up and sends a wasp to bite the tongues of those who speak such blasphemy, and they will choke to death.

of shit...diarreah mouth! No wonder the 'real troops' serving in the ME arena hate you and your 'Code Pink' associates...(morons) so much!

Click on my sig link...'Mudville' how many illegal aliens do you see posting on this 'real' military blog?...None 'BIMBO'!
how many illegal aliens do you see posting on this 'real' military blog?...None 'BIMBO'!

they can read English ?
Maybe you are the idiot Water.
If we are so bad that we can “kick their raghead asses” then where all of the big tough talking all American boys to go do just that? What are you guys, a bunch of faggot boys these days?
Back in my day, a man did his own fighting.

Maybe you're an idiot.
I’d like to see you back this up bigmouth. I’m pretty sure that empires like the Ottoman one did in fact conscript captured foreigners.

Yes, of course, we're capturing and enslaving foreign children and forcing them into our armies! BOOO! The French do it all the time too!
1. The US is not a "man". You're pseudo-machoist language is annoying, every time you use it.
2. Would it matter if I were gay, Darla? Why do you always insult homosexuals? Should I insult you by calling you black?
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Right, volunteering.

You're party wants conscription. Not of women though or 35-year olds though. That would be crazy. Luckily, the youth don't vote, so they won't even know how they're being screwed over. Maybe we should repeal that ammendment while we're at it.

They are already doing this at the Mexican border, where as soon as they catch them they get them to sign up and they are called “green card enlistees”. It is so exploitative it’s not even funny.
It reminds me very much of what they do to the lower classes who are already citizens. “Got into a little home town jam, they put a rife into my hands, said, go and kill the yellow man”.

Where do you get your news? AssHat?

I cannot imagine what could be more immoral than a country who extorts poor and desperate immigrants to do their dying for them, and uses them to go kill other poor and desperate non-white people.

If they don't want to be "extorted" they shouldn't have volulntary signed up for the military.

And some say this is the greatest country in the world.

It's not.

Some even dare to claim that God has blessed this country.

God can't bless anything, beings as he doesn't exist.

I would be afraid to speak such words.


It is only a matter of time before God finally becomes fed up and sends a wasp to bite the tongues of those who speak such blasphemy, and they will choke to death.

I dare him.