US on Top in Economic Competitiveness


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:readit:US on Top in Economic Competitiveness
Wednesday October 31, 6:05 am ET
By Eliane Engeler, Associated Press Writer
World Economic Forum Says US Back on Top in Economic Competitiveness Ranking

GENEVA (AP) -- The United States has regained its status as the world's most competitive economy thanks to strong innovation and excellent universities, according to a survey released Wednesday by the World Economic Forum.
i think we have a good mix of public and private universities.. What govt needs to do is to provide more subsidized loans so that middle class and poor kids can go to school.. its sickening how little they allow and private loan institutions have high rates.

govt should look at it as an investment.. help a kid go to school with low rates and flexible payback options.. and he/her becomes a tax payer for next 50years.
Moron Castro Cypress
Actually a rich dive company owner started an endowment for the free tuition
Called Tops, read it opens a closed brain.
excellent point top!

Louisiana should give up federal student loans, taxpayer funded grants, state and federal educational subidies, federal research dollars, and let the free market sort it out.
Umm I think KY's education is ranked higher than LA....
I could be wrong though since I have no degree.

Can't sell it so they give it away ?
isn't it more about quality of life rather than economic competitiveness?? i mean london has a higher quality of living, more days off, more relaxed and so the people are friendlier and more relaxed as well... may be why for a first world nation we have lower age mortality rate than other first world countries... but hey we're the most economic, yay!