US poverty map (interactive)

According to the map in my corner of the state about 10%-20% are below the line. I'd say that is pretty accurate.
Why hasn't Obama lifted all the poor out of poverty?
Why has it only gone up ?
This would seem to not take COL into account if its using a fixed poverty line figure. 23k will go a lot farther in rural Alabama than in SoCal suberbia for example.
If Desh is inferring that the evil rich people who are ruining this country happen to be lefties, why isn't she out burning down their houses in protest. After all, she lives much closer to them than the righties do...
Damn San Bernadino has a poverty rate of 20.4 and Los Angeles is 19.1 damn I thought we'd be higher
I'd also like to see a similar map of educational achievement. It would be interesting to compare midwest rural counties which have significantly lower poverty rates than southern rural counties. My bet is education is the key factor as to why that would be.
I'd also like to see a similar map of educational achievement. It would be interesting to compare midwest rural counties which have significantly lower poverty rates than southern rural counties. My bet is education is the key factor as to why that would be.

I think it would show education as well. Most of the folks here have at least a 2 year degree. Many of them drive more than 30 miles to work but living here they do pretty well. Also, I think some areas of the country have a different work ethic than others. Last month a group of 8 of my former students were preparing to go to Mississippi for a plant shutdown and re-tooling job. These boys have no degree but travel the country doing temporary jobs like this. I asked why the company didn't hire locals for the shutdown job and they said they didn't know but on the last job they were on their boss said he couldn't find enough locals to hire.

Here's something else that is interesting to me as a teacher. I have been teaching at the same school for 27+ years. In those years there has only been one where we didn't graduate 100% of the kids. I was talking to another math teacher and he said his school (both small schools) was about the same. I find that to be interesting in that the graduation rate is an area of great concern for most schools, especially in urban areas. And let me just finish with this...Republicans are no friend of public education in general or of the small school in particular.
Damn San Bernadino has a poverty rate of 20.4 and Los Angeles is 19.1 damn I thought we'd be higher

Yeah, you would think so given that this state is pretty much controlled by dumbocrats. But not to worry, in about four years they will accomplish what it took Obama two years to do. ;)