US superpower status is shaken


Villified User
US superpower status is shaken

By Paul Reynolds
World affairs correspondent, BBC News website

Will Uncle Sam still bestride the world in future?
The financial crisis is likely to diminish the status of the United States as the world's only superpower.

On the practical level, the US is already stretched militarily, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and is now stretched financially.

On the philosophical level, it will be harder for it to argue in favour of its free market ideas, if its own markets have collapsed.

Pivotal moment?

Some see this as a pivotal moment.

The political philosopher John Gray, who recently retired as a professor at the London School of Economics, wrote in the London paper The Observer: "Here is a historic geopolitical shift, in which the balance of power in the world is being altered irrevocably.

"The era of American global leadership, reaching back to the Second World War, is over... The American free-market creed has self-destructed while countries that retained overall control of markets have been vindicated."

"In a change as far-reaching in its implications as the fall of the Soviet Union, an entire model of government and the economy has collapsed.

"How symbolic that Chinese astronauts take a spacewalk while the US Treasury Secretary is on his knees."
i doubt it if you gauge superpower on military. economic superpower may be shaky right now.
The US will be a very strong country for at least another hundred years. But the Chinese are soon to surpass us in total values, and we were never the per capita king. But we are still a huge military power. Even the wildest estimates for Chinese military spending don't match ours.

That could backfire in the future, though, as the US becomes weaker and weaker financially because we're propping up our military, and China surpasses our spending because their economic boom is so great.
The US will be a very strong country for at least another hundred years. But the Chinese are soon to surpass us in total values, and we were never the per capita king. But we are still a huge military power. Even the wildest estimates for Chinese military spending don't match ours.

That could backfire in the future, though, as the US becomes weaker and weaker financially because we're propping up our military, and China surpasses our spending because their economic boom is so great.

Yes the US will remin relatively strong because of size, not becuase of policies.

And yes China will pretty much eat our lunch.

I do not think economic wise the rest of the world are going to be eager to invest in our schemes in the future.
US superpower status is shaken

By Paul Reynolds
World affairs correspondent, BBC News website

Will Uncle Sam still bestride the world in future?
The financial crisis is likely to diminish the status of the United States as the world's only superpower.

On the practical level, the US is already stretched militarily, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and is now stretched financially.

On the philosophical level, it will be harder for it to argue in favour of its free market ideas, if its own markets have collapsed.

Pivotal moment?

Some see this as a pivotal moment.

The political philosopher John Gray, who recently retired as a professor at the London School of Economics, wrote in the London paper The Observer: "Here is a historic geopolitical shift, in which the balance of power in the world is being altered irrevocably.

"The era of American global leadership, reaching back to the Second World War, is over... The American free-market creed has self-destructed while countries that retained overall control of markets have been vindicated."

"In a change as far-reaching in its implications as the fall of the Soviet Union, an entire model of government and the economy has collapsed.

"How symbolic that Chinese astronauts take a spacewalk while the US Treasury Secretary is on his knees."

I think we're seeing the complete collapse of rightwing "free market" ideology. It happens every everytime we go through another one of these deregulation cycles.

But, the rightwing will never stop clutching their failed ideologies. Its like they're emotionally invested in it, or something.

But, what I really think it is? They don't want their tax money spent on brown people, single mothers, or the working poor. I really think that's what it boils down too
US superpower status is shaken

By Paul Reynolds
World affairs correspondent, BBC News website

Will Uncle Sam still bestride the world in future?
The financial crisis is likely to diminish the status of the United States as the world's only superpower.

On the practical level, the US is already stretched militarily, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and is now stretched financially.

On the philosophical level, it will be harder for it to argue in favour of its free market ideas, if its own markets have collapsed.

Pivotal moment?

Some see this as a pivotal moment.

The political philosopher John Gray, who recently retired as a professor at the London School of Economics, wrote in the London paper The Observer: "Here is a historic geopolitical shift, in which the balance of power in the world is being altered irrevocably.

"The era of American global leadership, reaching back to the Second World War, is over... The American free-market creed has self-destructed while countries that retained overall control of markets have been vindicated."

"In a change as far-reaching in its implications as the fall of the Soviet Union, an entire model of government and the economy has collapsed.

"How symbolic that Chinese astronauts take a spacewalk while the US Treasury Secretary is on his knees."

It is fucking sad what domestic liberals, world marxists, our own government, the world banks, etc etc have done to us.

If we would have just stuck to the constitution and real American values, we would have been able to stay America. It was nice while it lasted.
It is fucking sad what domestic liberals, world marxists, our own government, the world banks, etc etc have done to us.

If we would have just stuck to the constitution and real American values, we would have been able to stay America. It was nice while it lasted.

Please list these "real american values"?
I think we're seeing the complete collapse of rightwing "free market" ideology. It happens every everytime we go through another one of these deregulation cycles.

But, the rightwing will never stop clutching their failed ideologies. Its like they're emotionally invested in it, or something.

But, what I really think it is? They don't want their tax money spent on brown people, single mothers, or the working poor. I really think that's what it boils down too

I think we're seeing the complete collapse of the left's facade of support of free enterprise and their embrace of special interest run government.

Now that the government will soon be theirs, they too have decided the facts don't matter and that the people can be scared into supporting their policies. In a very short period of time they will become everything they hated about the Bush Administration and his rubberstamp Congress, and they won't have the perspective or honesty to see it in themselves.

The conclusion that free markets have failed and that we should cast them off for more economic planning by Washington is as disastrous as the conclusion that 9/11 changed the way we should value our basic civil liberties. And we will see similar results with that line of thinking.

It's more government and less real freedom, security and opportunity for real people.
It's more government and less real freedom, security and opportunity for real people.

yeah so what's new ?
And that's the sad story of what's supposed to be a change election.

The question of "Change to what?" was a perfectly valid question to challenge the rise of an Obama candidacy. It was simply asked by the wrong Republican candidate.
this is the funnies shit ever. USC shows he's only got a GED by posting such crap.
And Cypress, to his credit admitted not knowing shit about the economy say's the end of free markets is here. BHAHAHAH the fucking BHAHAHAH
And that's the sad story of what's supposed to be a change election.

The question of "Change to what?" was a perfectly valid question to challenge the rise of an Obama candidacy. It was simply asked by the wrong Republican candidate.

yeah it is a shame, but of the 2 candidates Obama to me offers at least a slim shot at change. Slim I agree. Yeah there are other candidates that have no chance of winning and I feel I must vote against McSame.