USA Freedom Singers

No rightie comments? They had plenty to say about little kids singing the Obama song.

Singing about the USA is far different than singing a Hymn to the Beloved Leader...

Basically singing a song about "yaaay USA!" rather than one that sings the praises of one man. A bit less controversial there. Imagine how the leftists would react if they were singing the Star Spangled Banner or some other "yaay USA" song.
Do you stupid feminazi cunts know the difference between kids singing at a private political rally and kids subjected to state sponsored compulsory indoctrination?

I know the difference between a post written by an adult and a post written by a rude adolescent misogynist.
Guess which category yours fall into Princess.
I know the difference between a post written by an adult and a post written by a rude adolescent misogynist.
Guess which category yours fall into Princess.

It would have to be the one that's an adult; because yours is obviously written by a rude adolescent misogynist, Bucky. :D