Useful Idiots Building Mosques


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A sympathetic strain runs between Islam’s genetic theocracies and Germany.

Turkey was Germany’s ally during WWI, and remained neutral in WWII until Muslim pragmatists lined up with the winners in 1945 when the war was almost over. To my way of looking at the historical relationship between Germany and Muslims, nobody admired Nazi Germany more than Muslims. In truth, Hitler admired Islam —— the admiration was reciprocal.

So why is Germany thinking about building mosques for Islam?

Berlin (AFP) – Support is growing in Germany for a “mosque tax” to make Islamic institutions less dependent on potentially anti-democratic or “radical” foreign funding sources, a media report said Sunday.

Only an idiot believes that Germany’s taxpayers funding Islam’s political movement will reduce radical influence in Germany. The fact is that Germans will save Muslims the expense of building their own mosques.

The federal government sees it as “a possible path”, according to an answer to a parliamentary query, the Welt am Sonntag newspaper reported.

Several of Germany’s 16 states had also signalled support in principle for the idea which would mirror Germany’s voluntary Christian “church tax”, the newspaper said.

Concern has grown in Germany about the influence of foreign funding sources on mosques for the country’s estimated five million Muslims, who hail mostly from Turkey and Arab countries.

Some 900 mosques in Germany are run by the Turkish-Islamic Union of the Institute for Religion (Ditib), under the authority of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government.

Even a blind pig finds a truffle once in a while.

“Democracy is like a streetcar. You ride it until you arrive at your destination and then you step off.” Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Its imams are paid by the Turkish state, and the group has come under scrutiny with some of its members suspected of spying on Turkish dissidents living in Germany.

At the height of a bitter row between Germany and Turkey in mid-2017, two German ministers warned in a Spiegel Online commentary that Erdogan’s “dangerous ideologies must not be imported to Germany via certain mosques.”

In other cases, some mosques have come under police scrutiny or been closed for preaching radical and militant Islamist ideas.

Welt am Sonntag said that, in the newspaper’s own survey, several states had affirmed that mosque communities in Germany should be able to finance themselves.

Germans can solve their problem if they adopt our First Amendment.

The interior ministry of the regional state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania had said it was open to “mosque financing based on the church model” to reduce foreign influence, including “the danger of possible radicalisation”.

A spokesman for the interior ministry of Baden-Wuerttemberg state had also pointed to the threat of outside influence “on theological content and political opinion”.

“In the worst case”, the spokesman had told the newspaper, this included “radical Islamist or anti-democratic content or aspirations”.

Merkel’s Germany Considering Tax to Fund Mosques, Islamic Institutions
12 May 2019

Finally, there are more Americans of German descent than any other nationality. I guess the best Germans left Germany a long time ago.
A sympathetic strain runs between Islam’s genetic theocracies and Germany.

Turkey was Germany’s ally during WWI, and remained neutral in WWII until Muslim pragmatists lined up with the winners in 1945 when the war was almost over. To my way of looking at the historical relationship between Germany and Muslims, nobody admired Nazi Germany more than Muslims. In truth, Hitler admired Islam —— the admiration was reciprocal.

The strain remains hostile in today’s Germany:

The German Federal Foreign Office said that Washington has approached them to contribute to a new surveillance mission in the Persian Gulf but had rejected the appeal saying there was no prospect of a contribution, German tabloid Bild reports.

Germany’s allies, including the U.S. and the UK, have been attacked in the Persian Gulf by Iran in recent months. and under the doctrine of collective defence guaranteed by the NATO alliance, Germany is duty-bound to come to the aid of its allies if asked. Yet senior members of Angela Merkel’s left-centrist coalition government have made clear working with the U.S. is out of the question.

NATO ‘Ally’ Germany Won’t Back U.S. in Gulf to Avoid War with Iran
by Chris Tomlinson
31 Jul 2019