Users Can Now Change their Own Names Every 10 days.


Staff member
So, quit bugging us for changes. You can change your own name on the Edit Profile page of your settings.

Other users will be able to see a username history so there will be less confusion about who is who...
every 10 days!?!?!!?!?

what kind of authoritarian nightmare are you running here?

other than your quest dominating our lives with your 10 day waiting period, i like the new changes :D
So, quit bugging us for changes. You can change your own name on the Edit Profile page of your settings.

Other users will be able to see a username history so there will be less confusion about who is who...

everyone is Legion......yeah, that will solve the problem....
If other people can find out who you are then what the hell is the point? (Other than for purely childish reasons)
If other people can find out who you are then what the hell is the point? (Other than for purely childish reasons)
We always operated under the assumption that people would know who were are anyways, unless they were retarded. Somethings we do just for fun, a concept that must be unknown to you.
i am very happy that now everyone can experience the joy of continually shifting their online identity.
So, quit bugging us for changes. You can change your own name on the Edit Profile page of your settings.

Other users will be able to see a username history so there will be less confusion about who is who...

bout frickin time. I was starting to think that the attrition rate on this board would rival the military in Iraq
Be careful there are rules about when you can change back... I just changed my name and have to use the Admin powers to change back now. :P
Also, if you don't grab your name back after the time lapses, it is available for others to use. I'm working out time limits, etc. Opening this option is going to open questions...

this is what i posted in the board issues section to damo:

people taking established names could present a problem.

It would probably fall under our rule of impersonating other members.

If someone before this feature asked me to rename them the name of someone else on here, I obviously would have said no.

I would make it so no one can EVER steal any of your past names.

thoughts? O_o
So, quit bugging us for changes. You can change your own name on the Edit Profile page of your settings.

Other users will be able to see a username history so there will be less confusion about who is who...

:cheer: YIPPEE! :cheer:

Finally! On several occassions I had to ask my "lady friend" who was who. While always gracious, I did feel like I was bothering her.
I'd prefer that not happen. If the user asks us to change back to their established name just before the time runs out, we can ensure the name stays unavailable to others. We will not change any user to an established name of another user.