Vance: Prisoners coming home ‘a testament to Trump’s strength’

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win

File under demented hillbilly cracka​

Vance: Prisoners coming home ‘a testament to Trump’s strength’​

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) suggested Thursday that fear of a second Trump administration motivated Russia to agree to the historic prisoner swap with the U.S.

Two weeks ago we were watching the election slip away, as Biden bluffed trump and the damned fool fell for it.

Now Dems. are all in, and trump is out of chips.

So he's trying to trade costume jewelry for chips, but nobody is interested. While all pundits are saying that Putin can read the writing on the wall re. Harris winning, trump is trying to take credit for hostages coming home?

Republicans across the board are now freaking out. They made their bed, so fuck them!

trump claims he would have gotten the hostages without giving anything in return. A quick perusal of trump's hostage agreements shows that he overwhelmingly gave up a lot more than he got in return.



The claim is nonsense of course....the Russians have always been willing to negotiate with America and the West..... it is we who have refused catastrophic result. .
I have been told that Vance has slightly more reality on Ukraine than most of the children of Washington, but on everything else he has moronic neocon opinions.
Which of course brings into question if Trump is fit to successfully manage America's decline.....almost all of my grapevine says no.
Not that is matters.....the Revolution will not allow Trump to be declared the winner......they cant....the rank and file of the Revolution would revolt against Revolution High Command.
I recommend when trying to figure out what is coming ask yourself this question:

What would Stalin do?
He's the same as Pence, without the latent homosexuality. He'll obediently parrot the trump lies without breaking a sweat. When he starts staring adoringly at trump at every event, he'll have officially morphed into Pence.
I disagree. His homosexuality is buried deeper, but it's all that much stronger for it.

IOW that guy is so deep in the closet he will discover Narnia any second now.
The claim is nonsense of course....the Russians have always been willing to negotiate with America and the West..... it is we who have refused catastrophic result. .
That is as usual stupid. We have been in constant negotiations for returning Americans held in other countries. We have professionals who do it full-time. this negotiation involved 6 countries and 24 captives were involved. It is a huge complicated problem. One far beyond Trump's small ability to understand and deal with. Obviously beyond yours too.
I know, I know buckle up.
He's the same as Pence, without the latent homosexuality. He'll obediently parrot the trump lies without breaking a sweat. When he starts staring adoringly at trump at every event, he'll have officially morphed into Pence.

Not so sure about that....

What is hilarious is that dumb shit said he did not know what is in the deal, but it was a terrible one. Trump makes no sense, but with his followers, he does not have to. He said he could have gotten them all out and given nothing. Oh well, if he says it, it must be true. Anyone with firing neurons would be offended by that.
Not that is matters.....the Revolution will not allow Trump to be declared the winner......they cant....the rank and file of the Revolution would revolt against Revolution High Command.
They count the votes. Then announce a winner fair and square. Whoever this revolution is, does not attack. It is Trump and the right who are trying to tear it all down. Destroying America is the plan as Project 2025 shows.