Video: Is Rush Limbaugh's consistent reference to Obama as a 'little child' racist?


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December 21, 4:44

Rush Limbaugh refers to President Obama as a child. AP Photo Ron EdmondsRush Limbaugh has recently adopted the theme of referring to President Obama as a little child when attacking the administration's various political moves.

Today Limbaugh referred to President Obama as an "out of control little child who thinks that he is the Messiah" while criticizing the federal spending. Last week Limbaugh also referred to the President as a "little man-child" when government expansion. These are the two most recent references and Media Matters documents at least six other occasion including times when Limbaugh used the phrase "boy" in referencing an adult Obama.

Curiously these references have drawn little scrutiny from the press or Limbaugh's followers. It is possible that the media has simply grown to expect a hint of racism from Limbaugh and that they therefore view it as a "non-story." On the other hand Limbaugh is still perhaps the most influential right-wing commentator in the United States. Therefore if his statements truly do reflect a racist stereotype it seems the story should get more attention given Limbaugh's importance to the political debate.

One does not have to reach far to find racist references to adult African-Americans as "little children" or "child-like." The stereotype developed of the racist stereotype that African-Americans were more animal-like and therefore acted like children even when fully-matured. For example Rudyard Kipling's famous poem "The White Man's Burden" referred to other, non-European peoples as "half-devil and half-child." In addition, some have historically adopted the racist viewpoint that African-Americans are somehow less morally culpable for wrong actions because, like a child, they have less ability to reason and act rationally.omg

It seems that Limbaugh's references to President Obama reflect upon this racist stereotype. Rather than attacking President as simply being wrong in his actions Limbaugh seems to be consistently painting a picture of an African-American President who is a little child ruining everything that makes America great. Instead of attacking President Obama for reasoning in the wrong way Limbaugh suggests that the President is not reasoning at all but rather acting like an adolescent with these references.

For example many would agree that government spending is excessive but there are also legitimate arguments that such spending is necessary to spur economic growth. Instead of countering that kind of reasoning Limbaugh simply portrays the President as a "power thirsty man-child" who simply wants more power.