Video of run-down barracks


JPP Modarater
This is why its stupid to join the military. The only reason its getting fixed now is because of the press exposure.

Frawley's 10-minute video shows still photos from throughout the building, which appears to be falling apart and filled with mold and rust.

Paint -- which Frawley said is lead-based -- is chipping. Ceiling tiles are missing. A broken drain pipe allows sewer gas into the building, while another one has tissues stuffed into it in an apparent effort to stop the gas from coming in.

Photos from the communal bathroom show some of the most disgusting images. In one, a soldier stands in a sink to avoid what Frawley describes as 3 inches of sewage water that filled the floor when toilets overflowed. Watch the run-down conditions that soldiers have been living in »
This is why its stupid to join the military. The only reason its getting fixed now is because of the press exposure.

Frawley's 10-minute video shows still photos from throughout the building, which appears to be falling apart and filled with mold and rust.

Paint -- which Frawley said is lead-based -- is chipping. Ceiling tiles are missing. A broken drain pipe allows sewer gas into the building, while another one has tissues stuffed into it in an apparent effort to stop the gas from coming in.

Photos from the communal bathroom show some of the most disgusting images. In one, a soldier stands in a sink to avoid what Frawley describes as 3 inches of sewage water that filled the floor when toilets overflowed. Watch the run-down conditions that soldiers have been living in »

this is what our watchdog media is supposed to do: hold the government accountable.

Unfortunately, ten years from now as we look at the carnage and failure of our wonderful iraq adventure in the rear view mirror, rightwing chickenhawks will be whining that the media and the liberals "lost" iraq by not reporting enough good news, and destroying america's moral. That if we had only "stayed a little longer" we would have won. Count on it.
this is what our watchdog media is supposed to do: hold the government accountable.

Unfortunately, ten years from now as we look at the carnage and failure of our wonderful iraq adventure in the rear view mirror, rightwing chickenhawks will be whining that the media and the liberals "lost" iraq by not reporting enough good news, and destroying america's moral. That if we had only "stayed a little longer" we would have won. Count on it.

Oh yeah. I haven't heard those gems in a while, "Why don't you ever report on the good news?"
I guess the pansy asses think the way to turn boys into killing machines is with wall to wall carpet and wide screen TV's ?
"Stupid" to join the military? While the conditions shown are deplorable, and the commander of that base should be busted to E-1, I know for certain those are NOT typical of military barracks. Most barracks ARE older than they should be, but are also well kept. Recruits are often kept busy repainting, cleaning floors, etc.etc.etc. The first few weeks of basic training are deliberately aimed at leaving recruits NO free time.

I also know where the deteriorating conditions of buildings comes from. It is a combination of republican leadership being to much in love with new, expensive weaponry, and democratic leadership that strangles the military budget every time they think we are at peace. When we are at peace is when we should be concentrating on maintenance of older equipment and replacing that which is too degraded to maintain.

But that is not what happens. The military gets cut back, and then when we go to war the same people who approved cutting back the military are all wondering why we have inadequate armor, inadequate vehicles, inadequate personnel, and barracks whose plumbing is fucked.

Want to know who is truly responsible for the conditions our soldiers live under - to include the hospital conditions exposed several months ago? If you vote for politicians that like to minimize the military budget, all you have to do is look in the mirror.
How very sad.

I wish the love of our military went deeper than this.

all yellow magnets and no real support.

Like McCain not voting for benifits for our military.

Shitty medical care sub standard housing.

Iraqi soldiers having to scamble from half way acrossed the world to keep their houses out of forcloseur and the like.

Im so sick of all the phony support.
"Stupid" to join the military? ......

Yes. I would say signing up for indentured servitude is stupid - particularly if you have other means of education and opportunity.

Want to know who is truly responsible for the conditions our soldiers live under - to include the hospital conditions exposed several months ago?

I already know. Any idiot who supported Bush who's led the charge in bankrupting this country and in turn short changing the troops to advance their own personal agendas.

That's right you.
Yes. I would say signing up for indentured servitude is stupid - particularly if you have other means of education and opportunity.

I already know. Any idiot who supported Bush who's led the charge in bankrupting this country and in turn short changing the troops to advance their own personal agendas.

That's right you.
That "indentured servitude" is a basic reason your type can spout your braindead useless shit. But I cannot say I am surprised seeing this attitude. The idea of genuine support of the troops is foreign to people like you. You disdain the military, and those who make it a career.

Supported Bush? It was under the Clinton administration (whom I worked hard to get elected) that the military was cut back to the bone. You think those barracks got that way over 8 years? You think the veteran hospitals were top notch and then declined only AFTER Bush was elected? What a fucking crock!

It is YOUR kind who hates the military, disdains those in the military, and constantly whines over any money spent on the military. YOU, and those like you are the ones ultimately responsible for the poor condition of military infrastructure. Your type has been spitting on the military - both figuratively and literally - since Viet Nam. And then when the conditions that YOU helped create come to light, you use it for your own political purposes.
The military is not for everyone.
I pretty much hate the military but actively support the returning Iraq vets.
And I am ex military.

I am however not a big enough fool to think that we can make it in the world without our military.
The military is not for everyone.
I pretty much hate the military but actively support the returning Iraq vets.
And I am ex military.

I am however not a big enough fool to think that we can make it in the world without our military.
Would it be more accurate for you to say you hated being IN the military?

The military is most definitely not for everyone. That is a prime reason that we should never again resort to a conscription force.
That "indentured servitude" is a basic reason your type can spout your braindead useless *&^ But I cannot say I am surprised seeing this attitude. The idea of genuine support of the troops is foreign to people like you. You disdain the military, and those who make it a career.

Supported Bush? It was under the Clinton administration (whom I worked hard to get elected) that the military was cut back to the bone. You think those barracks got that way over 8 years? You think the veteran hospitals were top notch and then declined only AFTER Bush was elected? What a 8&^% crock!

It is YOUR kind who hates the military, disdains those in the military, and constantly whines over any money spent on the military. YOU, and those like you are the ones ultimately responsible for the poor condition of military infrastructure. Your type has been spitting on the military - both figuratively and literally - since Viet Nam. And then when the conditions that YOU helped create come to light, you use it for your own political purposes.

1) Stop projecting. I said its stupid to join now. Not once have I said that I hated our military or its troops.

2) I can't think of one initiative dedicated to taking care of their well being and education that I've never supported.

3) Not supporting war initiatives does not equate to not supporting their well being. Stop being obtuse.
Would it be more accurate for you to say you hated being IN the military?

The military is most definitely not for everyone. That is a prime reason that we should never again resort to a conscription force.
I loved being in the military. I got to jump out of airplanes and repel out of helicopters, I got to do some pretty slick training with Special forces, I earned the Schutzenschnur Award (Silber) while in Germany. I attended SFAS 3x and was finally successful on my third try but when it came time to re-up I decided I would rather go to college and then law school. The military was good for me. I believe it would be good for about 60 or 70% of 18 year olds in this country. It taught me discipline, it taught me persistence and it taught me that I could take orders from people MUCH less intelligent than myself. That being said, I despise this administrations foray into Iraq. Bush had this planned in 1999 and actually said that a second bush presidency would not be good for Saddam. Had we concentrated on the Afghan front I would be in full support of this war. But we didn't, and we didn't because Bush and Co. rightly knew that Afghanistan was not going to be an easy fight. They wanted something they could point to in 2004 and say "See we got them evil doers!" Only they didn't and now thanks to GWB and Donald "McNamera" Rumsfeld the US military is being slow bled and strung so thin that even the DOJ worries about their combat effectiveness. And too many of you on the right are more concerned with the Iraqi government than you are OUR OWN SOLDIERS. And that, in my book is NOT supporting the troops.
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I loved being in the military. I got to jump out of airplanes and repel out of helicopters, I got to do some pretty slick training with Special forces, I earned the Schutzenschnur Award (Silber) while in Germany. I attended SFAS 3x and was finally successful on my third try but when it came time to re-up I decided I would rather go to college and then law school. The military was good for me. I believe it would be good for about 60 or 70% of 18 year olds in this country. It taught me discipline, it taught me persistence and it taught me that I could take orders from people MUCH less intelligent than myself. That being said, I despise this administrations foray into Iraq. Bush had this planned in 1999 and actually said that a second bush presidency would not be good for Saddam. Had we concentrated on the Afghan front I would be in full support of this war. But we didn't, and we didn't because Bush and Co. rightly knew that Afghanistan was not going to be an easy fight. They wanted something they could point to in 2004 and say "See we got them evil doers!" Only they didn't and now thanks to GWB and Donald "McNamera" Rumsfeld the US military is being slow bled and strung so thin that even the DOJ worries about their combat effectiveness. And too many of you on the right are more concerned with the Iraqi government than you are OUR OWN SOLDIERS. And that, in my book is NOT supporting the troops.
The stability and strength of the Iraqi government is a significant factor in when we can pull out. Being concerned over the status of the Iraqi government is BECAUSE we want to be able to bring our boys home.

And if you think pulling out now without regard to the situation is going to save lives in the long run, better think again. (Unless you are advocating the U.S. take on a cloak of separatism.)
The stability and strength of the Iraqi government is a significant factor in when we can pull out. Being concerned over the status of the Iraqi government is BECAUSE we want to be able to bring our boys home.

And if you think pulling out now without regard to the situation is going to save lives in the long run, better think again. (Unless you are advocating the U.S. take on a cloak of separatism.)
This is arguing in the abstract. There is NOTHING to show that the Iraqi government has done ANYTHING substantial to meet the milestones and we don't even really talk about them anymore. Instead we talk about We can stand down when they stand up, we can stay there for 100 years if they were just stable and not shooting at us, knowing full well that as long as we are there they will be shooting at us. Christ, the Arabs got their asses handed to them by the Israelis and the death by a thousand cuts keeps on going. Do you really think that we are going to be any more successful than the Israeli's are? If so you are kidding yourself. The Arabs hate us in the ME for the same reason they hate the Israeli's and because we support the Israeli's. As for pulling out saving lives, it will save American lives and I don't a fuck about the Iraqi's. But I KNOW we broke it so we bought it. When asked after the first Gulf War why we didn't invade Iraq, Cheney said that we could not be involved in occupying Iraq and that it would become "A Quagmire", his words not mine. Nothing has changed and he was right then.