Vietnam Veterans Day

Thank you.

What would have really been great is being able to understand what our service did to help our fellow Americans.
I've spent a lifetime not being able to come up with anything.
Do you believe that Vietnam was a threat to the United States? Stop skipping your meds.

I understand what my dad's service in the 1940s was for. Mine, however, is a different story.
Thank you.

What would have really been great is being able to understand what our service did to help our fellow Americans.
I've spent a lifetime not being able to come up with anything.
Do you believe that Vietnam was a threat to the United States? Stop skipping your meds.

I understand what my dad's service in the 1940s was for. Mine, however, is a different story.
Most of my living Viet vet friends say the same thing.

As did the deceased ones before them.
Thank you to all the soldiers who fought in it..and to everyone involved... their families, support groups, etc...Reach out to thank one in person if you can...I'm sure they will absolutely appreciate it....:flagsal:
I just bought my dad a new “Retired US Army” cap from a group of veterans raising funds to help other veterans. I gave him that $20 cap Sunday and you’d have thought I’d have given him a $5000 check. I’ve never known anyone who loved the Army more than he did.

Thank you to all Vets, and on this day, especially to our Vietnam Vets.
Thank you.

What would have really been great is being able to understand what our service did to help our fellow Americans.
I've spent a lifetime not being able to come up with anything.
Do you believe that Vietnam was a threat to the United States? Stop skipping your meds.

I understand what my dad's service in the 1940s was for. Mine, however, is a different story.

The indifference and disrespect to VN vets was particularly difficult to understand, as the participants and the rest of us grew up practically worshiping those who served in WWII.
Thank you.

What would have really been great is being able to understand what our service did to help our fellow Americans.
I've spent a lifetime not being able to come up with anything.
Do you believe that Vietnam was a threat to the United States? Stop skipping your meds.

I understand what my dad's service in the 1940s was for. Mine, however, is a different story.

Private Ownership.
"Beginning in the 1930s, France began to exploit the region for its natural resources and to economically diversify the colony. Cochinchina, Annam and Tonkin (encompassing modern-day Vietnam) became a source of tea, rice, coffee, pepper, coal, zinc and tin, while Cambodia became a centre for rice and pepper crops." › wiki
Your service was an honorable one

We thank you

Vets should always be honored

It still breaks my heart when I remember how Bush wouldn’t honor the dead coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan

There bodies were brought home unseen

No one was allowed to cover their return
I had an emotional reaction the first time I visited the Vietnam Memorial on the Washington DC mall, and as far as I can remember it is the only monument I ever had that kind of reaction to.

Edit to add: I had a reaction to the USS Arizona memorial too, now that I think about it