Virginia Moves to Make Catnapping a Felony


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Virginia Moves to Make Catnapping a Felony

Thursday, January 17, 2008

RICHMOND, Va. — If Del. Jennifer McClellan's cat equality bill has nine lives, it might need them all to survive the legislative process.

On her second try, McClellan herded the cat theft legislation through a House of Delegates subcommittee Wednesday. Again, it wasn't easy as McClellan and other lawmakers had to huddle outside the meeting room to scratch out a final draft acceptable to the subcommittee.

McClellan's bill would make stealing a cat a Class 6 felony, punishable by up to five years in prison. Under current law, catnapping is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.

Abscond with someone's dog, however, and you can get slapped with a Class 5 felony and up to 10 years in prison. McClellan originally proposed the same punishment for cat thieves, but she scaled it back after determining she didn't have the votes for full cat equality.

"The theft of a cat should be a crime treated as close as possible to the theft of a dog," McClellan, D-Richmond, told the subcommittee.,2933,323419,00.html
Theft of cats should be punishable by forcing the perpatrator to go to Ruth's Chris to get a free filet mignon.
Virginia Moves to Make Catnapping a Felony

Thursday, January 17, 2008

RICHMOND, Va. — If Del. Jennifer McClellan's cat equality bill has nine lives, it might need them all to survive the legislative process.

On her second try, McClellan herded the cat theft legislation through a House of Delegates subcommittee Wednesday. Again, it wasn't easy as McClellan and other lawmakers had to huddle outside the meeting room to scratch out a final draft acceptable to the subcommittee.

McClellan's bill would make stealing a cat a Class 6 felony, punishable by up to five years in prison. Under current law, catnapping is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.

Abscond with someone's dog, however, and you can get slapped with a Class 5 felony and up to 10 years in prison. McClellan originally proposed the same punishment for cat thieves, but she scaled it back after determining she didn't have the votes for full cat equality.

"The theft of a cat should be a crime treated as close as possible to the theft of a dog," McClellan, D-Richmond, told the subcommittee.,2933,323419,00.html

LOL. Imagine that conversation in prison.

"Man, I get 4 years"

"For what?"


"Well I got 6 years"

"For what?"

"Stealin a cat"

*room goes silent*
LOL. Imagine that conversation in prison.

"Man, I get 4 years"

"For what?"


"Well I got 6 years"

"For what?"

"Stealin a cat"

*room goes silent*
I'm pretty sure he'd lie.

But that guy who got 10 for stealing my dog? He deserves it.
Virginia Moves to Make Catnapping a Felony

Lady T's war on cats, hits a setback.

Cat Owners: 1 -- Lady T: 0
I'm pretty sure he'd lie.

But that guy who got 10 for stealing my dog? He deserves it.

I got that from "Alice's Restaurant".

And seriously, isn't this kind of trivial? Why is the legislature actually wasting time on this stuff? Isn't this already covered under the whole law about "stealing" in general? I guess it's better to face down the hordes of cat-stealers out there, however, than to balance the goddamn budget.
I got that from "Alice's Restaurant".

And seriously, isn't this kind of trivial? Why is the legislature actually wasting time on this stuff? Isn't this already covered under the whole law about "stealing" in general? I guess it's better to face down the hordes of cat-stealers out there, however, than to balance the goddamn budget.
She wanted "equity" in sentencing comparative to dogs. Then realized she couldn't get that.
It's not like a judge is going to send someone for prison for TEN YEARS for stealing a cat... or a dog... anyway. If someone stole a dog, it would sort of be just one of those "WTF?" moments.
People steal Pit Bulls all the time. They then fight them.

Yeah, I forgot about that.

But I think this whole "equality" nonsense is just trivial mess... do you have any idea what a legislative session costs? This is like 90,000 dollars of taxpayer money to make catnapping a felony, whenever cats are practically never stolen.
I don't worry about the disparity as a cat person. I already know I'm better than most people. Of course, I come from a family with pygmy goats, so I'm more of a goat person than a cat person.
It wasn't about reality, it was about her distorted version of "fairness" she believed that cats were being disparaged "unfairly".

She is a goofball. I am sure the penality for the dogs came about with expensive show dogs being stolen.

Does she fight for any important issues, or is this just one more liberial who dwells on non issues?
Who really cares? Who steals cats?

I can understand stealing dogs now. Not cats.

That was my question as well, who would steal a cat ?

And in the article they speak of someone stealing one from an animal shelter who probably euthanizes hundreds of cats each year....

This appears to be a case of political cranial-anal-itis.
If I had voted for her I would have had to just give up on voting. She is clearly insane and a waste of time and money for the taxpayer (as well as a waste of the more general shared resource of Oxygen.)