voter fraud

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Major allegations of vote fraud in New Hampshire
Major allegations of vote fraud in New Hampshire are circulating after Hillary Clinton reversed a mammoth pre-polling deficit to defeat Barack Obama with the aid of Diebold voting machines

Voting-computer chips missing

A shipment of 174 computer chips vital to ballot-counting machines was sent from the secretary of state's office to San Diego County last week – but disappeared in transit.

Nobody knows whether the chips, which enable optical-scan computers to read paper ballots, were stolen or simply dropped out of two cardboard tubes holding them.

Officials are scratching their heads.

Politics - Voting-computer chips missing - sacbee.comSacramento Bee -- Voting-computer chips missing : A shipment of 174 computer chips vital to ... Go to Home Page. Contact The Bee: (916) 321-1000 * E-Mail ... - 22k

New Hampshire District Admits Ron Paul Votes Not Counted
Clear Evidence Of Widespread Vote Fraud In New Hampshire

The head clerk of the New Hampshire town of Sutton has been forced to admit that Ron Paul received 31 votes yet when the final amount was transferred to a summary sheet and sent out to the media, the total was listed as zero. The fiasco throws the entire primary into doubt and could lead to a re-count.
There were several major vote fraud issues to arise out of the New Hampshire primary revolving mainly around Ron Paul and Barack Obama, who were both seemingly cheated out of third and first places respectively as a result of rigged Diebold voting machines and deliberate malfeasance in the counting of hand-written paper ballots.

Con Job at Diebold Subsidiary
Associated Press 12.17.03 * 10:05 AM
SAN FRANCISCO -- At least five convicted felons secured management positions at a manufacturer of electronic voting machines, according to critics demanding more stringent background checks for people responsible for voting machine software.

Voter advocate Bev Harris alleged Tuesday that managers of a subsidiary of Diebold, one of the country's largest voting equipment vendors, included a cocaine trafficker, a man who conducted fraudulent stock transactions and a programmer jailed for falsifying computer records.

The programmer, Jeffrey Dean, wrote and maintained proprietary code used to count hundreds of thousands of votes as senior vice president of Global Election Systems, or GES. Diebold purchased GES in January 2002.
I am suprised the Ronophiles on here are not LIVID. 31 votes listed as zero. Who know howmany more tens of tens of votes could be missing. Sorry I was just poking. It would appear there were some improprieties in NH and there should be a manual recount.
I am suprised the Ronophiles on here are not LIVID. 31 votes listed as zero. Who know howmany more tens of tens of votes could be missing. Sorry I was just poking. It would appear there were some improprieties in NH and there should be a manual recount.

I love it how when Al Gore asked for a recount these libertarian bitches say its not needed....

But now their candidate seems to have "lost" votes and they bitching about getting manual recounts...

Big hypocrites...

I am suprised the Ronophiles on here are not LIVID. 31 votes listed as zero. Who know howmany more tens of tens of votes could be missing. Sorry I was just poking. It would appear there were some improprieties in NH and there should be a manual recount.

There had better be a recount if any of this is true.

You planning on humping Moloch?

I was talking about me and you sweetcheeks!.
I love it how when Al Gore asked for a recount these libertarian bitches say its not needed....

But now their candidate seems to have "lost" votes and they bitching about getting manual recounts...

Big hypocrites...


I love it how when Al Gore asked for a recount these libertarian bitches say its not needed....

But now their candidate seems to have "lost" votes and they bitching about getting manual recounts...

Big hypocrites...

look Gore fucked himself. He asked for a limited recount instead of asking that the entire state be recounted. If he had the Supremes would have had no jurisdiction to hear the case and the chips would have fallen where they may.
I am suprised the Ronophiles on here are not LIVID. 31 votes listed as zero. Who know howmany more tens of tens of votes could be missing. Sorry I was just poking. It would appear there were some improprieties in NH and there should be a manual recount.


Tens of tens!

There isn't going to be any manual recount, nobodyrunning is disputing the results. And I can't make heads or tails out of these blogs. I don't know. Maybe I am just tired right now, and am missing something.
i think she cheated. took a page from the republican play book. let see if Obama continues to kick her ass in areas of the country were its paper.
absolutely they can very easily be programed to for example count every 10 th obama vote to a Hilary