Voters Prefer To Cut The Federal Payroll, Should we Cut the Federal Payroll?

Mr. T

Verified User
By a 63% to 18% margin, voters prefer to cut the federal payroll rather than offering federal workers a raise as the president has proposed.


The average federal government employee receives a salary of around $75,000 per year. With present and future fringe benefits equal to about 76 percent of salaries, that makes for total annual compensation of around $133,000. How does this match up to the private sector?

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With projections of huge federal deficits for years to come, policymakers should scour the budget looking for places to cut spending. One area to find savings is the generous compensation paid to the federal government's 2.1 million civilian workers.1 Total wages and benefits paid to executive branch civilians amounted to $236 billion in 2011, indicating that compensation is a major federal expense that can be trimmed.2

During the last decade, compensation of federal employees rose much faster than compensation of private-sector employees. As a consequence, the average federal civilian worker now earns twice as much in wages and benefits as the average worker in the U.S. private sector.3 A recent job-to-job comparison found that federal workers earned higher wages than did private-sector workers in four-fifths of the occupations examined.4

The federal workforce has become an elite island of secure and high-paid workers, separated from the ocean of average American workers competing in the global economy. It is time for some restraint. Federal wages should be frozen or cut, overly generous federal benefits should be overhauled, and the federal workforce downsized through program terminations and privatization. It is unfair to ask taxpayers to foot an ever-increasing bill for federal workers, especially when private-sector compensation has not kept pace.

When benefits such as health care and pensions are included, the federal compensation advantage over private workers is even larger, according to the BEA data. In 2010, federal worker compensation averaged $126,141, or double the private-sector average of $62,757. Figure 2 shows that average federal compensation has grown rapidly over the last decade.

good lord, has he really proposed that? he out of his fucking mind?......

Nah... he, like most democrats, is convinced that nobody will ever actually look at his policy. This is based on the fact the republicans are still battling for the top spot and nobody has drawn any attention to it.
By a 63% to 18% margin, voters prefer to cut the federal payroll rather than offering federal workers a raise as the president has proposed.


The average federal government employee receives a salary of around $75,000 per year. With present and future fringe benefits equal to about 76 percent of salaries, that makes for total annual compensation of around $133,000. How does this match up to the private sector?

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Considering that most of those "average government workers" are professional level people with advanced education and graduate degrees. Compared to the private sector they are substantially underpaid. I know a lot of BA/BS in science and technology that make more then that and most MBA's from reputable schools make well over $100,000/year.
Nah... he, like most democrats, is convinced that nobody will ever actually look at his policy. This is based on the fact the republicans are still battling for the top spot and nobody has drawn any attention to it.
What an ignorant argument. This is a point of view that is a self fullfilling prophecy for inept government. It aint like most government jobs outside of the military are unskilled position. Hell my field of work is a prime example. We constantly steal talent from the Government cause we pay substantially more for skilled and professional caliber people. Hell most government jobs that pay over $50,000/year require a graduate degree! A graduate degree! Hell go try and hire an engineer or a CPA with BS for $50,000. See how many of them will apply.

Talk about a reciple for bad government that would work. Let's pay professional caliber people 20% less then the private sector and see how bad government really gets!
I suppose the hopple is recruiting letter carriers who have been on the job over 20 years making over 6 figures. If they stay on and retire after 30 years they will receive 80k per year plus SS and lets not forget their HC benefits continue after they retire.
I suppose the hopple is recruiting letter carriers who have been on the job over 20 years making over 6 figures. If they stay on and retire after 30 years they will receive 80k per year plus SS and lets not forget their HC benefits continue after they retire.
Oh for Christs sakes spare me the ideological ignorance!!!

It is stupid shit like this which is alienating so many people from the Republican party. Only a true mouth breather believes this shit.
Considering that most of those "average government workers" are professional level people with advanced education and graduate degrees. Compared to the private sector they are substantially underpaid. I know a lot of BA/BS in science and technology that make more then that and most MBA's from reputable schools make well over $100,000/year.

you do realize that some government workers are janitors, right?......
you do realize that some government workers are janitors, right?......
Federel Workers? Damned precious few of them and I promise you their not making $100,000/year.

Most unskilled positions in the federel government have been contracted out to private companies. You do realize that the majority of the civilian federal work force are White Collar, educated and a substantial member are professional level workers and most profesional level civilian employees make less then their private sector counterparts. Which is why the Federal government has a difficult time retaining them. (read my link).

The whole OP is a brain dead comparision of apples to oranges from people who for some unknown reason, want to see our federal government fail in it's responsibility to serve the people.
Federal employees earn higher average salaries than private-sector workers in more than eight out of 10 occupations, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data finds.
Accountants, nurses, chemists, surveyors, cooks, clerks and janitors are among the wide range of jobs that get paid more on average in the federal government than in the private sector.

The janitor only made an average salary of $67,691 in 2008

With about 2.0 million civilian employees, the Federal Government, excluding the Postal Service, is the Nation's largest employer.
Considering that most of those "average government workers" are professional level people with advanced education and graduate degrees. Compared to the private sector they are substantially underpaid. I know a lot of BA/BS in science and technology that make more then that and most MBA's from reputable schools make well over $100,000/year.

that's the way it's supposed to be.
20 Signs You Might Be A Typical American Worker
Today, an astounding 48 percent of all Americans are considered to be either "low income" or are living in poverty.

According to the New York Times, approximately 100 million Americans are either living in poverty or in "the fretful zone just above it".

A lot of those people actually do have jobs. Unfortunately, a part-time job that pays 8 or 9 dollars an hour just will not get you anywhere close to getting over the poverty line.

This is not the way that the U.S. economy used to work. Back in the old days, good paying jobs that would allow you to live "the American Dream" were plentiful.

But now millions upon millions of Americans are scrambling for anything that they can get. According to a recent survey conducted by Gallup, the percentage of Americans that are working part-time jobs but that would like full-time jobs is now higher than it has been at any other time in the last two years.

Fine! But don't come pissing and moaning to me when you have to hire someone that's dangerously underqualified to run the Dept of Defense like 3D or Captain Billy!

Speaking of unqualified; Just look at the job Obama, Pelosi & Reed have done. They created this dang mess.. LMAO!!!! Maybe that is why our economy is going the same way as Greece.

It's time we vote someone in who can handle the job without blowing away our future.