Voters who are hungry for a positive alternative should pay attention.

Learn The Definition of racism Gary if you wish to be taken seriously. Don't ask Ryan, he has demonstrated his ignorance already
Looks like Gary is making the rounds again...every 4 years like clockwork, and then he disappears .
Like some kina election locust life cycle
Ryan is in the gop like mitt, krystol, will etc NOT SUPPORTING HIM, LEAVING THE PARTY ETC...........

Thnx donnie
We need to make America sane again.

Based on his statements, clearly Donald Trump is racist. He has said 100 things that would disqualify anyone else from running for president but doesn't seem to affect him. The stuff he's saying is just incendiary.

Are #youin? Check out our new video -- and spread it around. #election2016 #TeamGov^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
Sorry Gary but when a libertarian can demonstrate to me that the can offer more than a thinly veiled form of anarchy and actually do something of significance I might become more open minded about listening.

Until then Libertarians would be wise to listen to the advice of hookers. Action talks bullshit walks.