Voting 2024 follies: the king is dead?


Shaken, not stirred!
Our story thus far:

Uncle Joe has officially taken himself out of the running(?) for the Democratic Nomination for President. Actually, it's a declining of a Defacto nomination that resembles a sort of coronation.

Now mind you, he's STILL the POTUS until next January, when the elections will be over.

Meanwhile, the talking Muppets of the MSM and various independent cable/radio shows, podcasters, etc. are all a-buzz over VP Harris as the new Defacto nomination ... even though the DNC hasn't happened yet. Essentially, the Dems are doing (or will try to do) the same as the MAGA driven GOP .... just go through the formality, pomp and circumstance for a decision that's made by the boys in the smoked filled backroom (so to speak).

Of course, there's always the chance that there will actually be a challenge for the nomination at the upcoming DNC. Stranger things in life have happened.

But I'm sure the American public will be regaled with visions of minutes long standing ovations, teary eyed delegates and just the usual BS as Uncle Joe, freshly hopped up on anti-Covid meds (if he shows up in person or via a telescreen) gives his most humbled speech of his career .... followed by maudlin blather from news commentators and delegates alike. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, you have Dump and Little Dump (aka Trump and Vance) gear up for their "back to the future" tour, as they try to convince folk that they're not really pushing a christo-fascist agenda topped with class oriented financial moves that will stick it to them .... all this as Dump mentally careens toward a level of pathological narcissism that may set new definitions, with Little Dump's lips firmly attached to that orange butt.

But remember, dear readers .... YOU CURRENTLY HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER UNLESS YOU'RE A "DELEGATE" (a miniscule representation of our diverse country).

As George Carlin once said, this is as good as it gets folks. :confused: Stay tuned.
Our story thus far:

Uncle Joe has officially taken himself out of the running(?) for the Democratic Nomination for President. Actually, it's a declining of a Defacto nomination that resembles a sort of coronation.

Now mind you, he's STILL the POTUS until next January, when the elections will be over.

Meanwhile, the talking Muppets of the MSM and various independent cable/radio shows, podcasters, etc. are all a-buzz over VP Harris as the new Defacto nomination ... even though the DNC hasn't happened yet. Essentially, the Dems are doing (or will try to do) the same as the MAGA driven GOP .... just go through the formality, pomp and circumstance for a decision that's made by the boys in the smoked filled backroom (so to speak).

Of course, there's always the chance that there will actually be a challenge for the nomination at the upcoming DNC. Stranger things in life have happened.

But I'm sure the American public will be regaled with visions of minutes long standing ovations, teary eyed delegates and just the usual BS as Uncle Joe, freshly hopped up on anti-Covid meds (if he shows up in person or via a telescreen) gives his most humbled speech of his career .... followed by maudlin blather from news commentators and delegates alike. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, you have Dump and Little Dump (aka Trump and Vance) gear up for their "back to the future" tour, as they try to convince folk that they're not really pushing a christo-fascist agenda topped with class oriented financial moves that will stick it to them .... all this as Dump mentally careens toward a level of pathological narcissism that may set new definitions, with Little Dump's lips firmly attached to that orange butt.

But remember, dear readers .... YOU CURRENTLY HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER UNLESS YOU'RE A "DELEGATE" (a miniscule representation of our diverse country).

As George Carlin once said, this is as good as it gets folks. :confused: Stay tuned.
Biden was "non compos mentis" the day he was inaugurated in Jan ,2021.

He OUGHT to have been promptly and permanently removed from office via the 25th Amendment. "OUGHT"
is a moral term, Anchovies, not a political term. In this context it means those who had the means and ability to act, were DUTY-BOUND to remove Biden from office by evoking the 25th.

Unfortunately, the 25th is a fatally flawed instrument. for this purpose.

To evoke the 25rh Amendment, the procedure stipulated in Section (4) of the text must be activated. This requires that the Vice President (Kamala Harris, in this case) and a "majority" of Biden's cabinet members send a joint, WRITTEN declaration to both the Speaker of the House and the President (pro tempore) of the Senate, stating that President Biden had "lost his marbles" to the extent that he was unfit to discharge the "powers and duties of his office. Nothing can proceed until this "trigger" in Section (4) is pulled.

Now, it goes without saying that the Vice President Harris - and a majority (if not ALL) of the members appointed to the Biden cabinet - were already fully aware of the fact that the President was a demented, cognitive train-wreck, who was wholly unfit for office, SHORTLY AFTER he was inaugurated on Jan 20th, 2021.

Unfortunately, in this case, the VP and the members of Biden's cabinet were all spineless, craven "bum-licks" who lived in "fear and trembling" of the Democrats shadowy, hard-left coup - meisters. That is, the ruthless clique who had plotted to install a mentally disabled Joe Biden in the Oval Office to serve as their ceremonial puppet and official "rubber stamp". To "blow the whistle" on the coup leaders by evoking the 25th was unthinkable because Kamala and all the members of Biden's cabinet knew it would bring down upon their heads, the ugly wrath and destructive fury of evil ass-holes like "Barry O" and Nancy Pelosi (the radical, "wicked witch" of the Democrat empire); terrifying denizens of the political dark who would instantly crush their political careers for ever. But, more to the point, - those authorised (in Section (4) to "pull the trigger" and evoke the 25th Amendment - the VP and a majority of members of the Biden cabinet - were in the case Biden - all dirty rats who were collectively devoid of one scintilla single atom of moral integrity or conscience, (And) this is the primary reason, I think, that they knowingly and wilfully did the bidding of the evil coup -meisters - protected Biden (who was INDEED insane) from exposure and working to sustain the greatest lie and political confidence trick that has ever been perpetrated on the American people.

Be assured, Anchovies, they will face a terrible reckoning come January of 2025 !

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
The next step is to get Joe to resign the Presidency so Harris can assume the mantle before the Convention. Then she technically rolls into teh convention as the de facto incumbent. There are a couple of ways to look at the Harris endorsement by Biden.

1) It was his final middle finger to Obama, Pelosi and the cabal that pushed him out because he knows they can't stand Harris
2) They really have no choice. If not her then who get the money? If they pass over a black woman for another white guy, then they risk turning off the black vote completely

Of course these two are not mutually exclusive.

With Harris now the prevailing nominee, the thing to watch is who her VP pick will be. For me if it is anyone but Newsom that takes it, then it is an acknowledgement that they know they can't win in 2024 and will seek to save the Senate and the maybe take back the House. They will try to live to fight another day and try to hamstring Trump like they did in his first term.
Our story thus far:

Uncle Joe has officially taken himself out of the running(?) for the Democratic Nomination for President. Actually, it's a declining of a Defacto nomination that resembles a sort of coronation.

Now mind you, he's STILL the POTUS until next January, when the elections will be over.

Meanwhile, the talking Muppets of the MSM and various independent cable/radio shows, podcasters, etc. are all a-buzz over VP Harris as the new Defacto nomination ... even though the DNC hasn't happened yet. Essentially, the Dems are doing (or will try to do) the same as the MAGA driven GOP .... just go through the formality, pomp and circumstance for a decision that's made by the boys in the smoked filled backroom (so to speak).

Of course, there's always the chance that there will actually be a challenge for the nomination at the upcoming DNC. Stranger things in life have happened.

But I'm sure the American public will be regaled with visions of minutes long standing ovations, teary eyed delegates and just the usual BS as Uncle Joe, freshly hopped up on anti-Covid meds (if he shows up in person or via a telescreen) gives his most humbled speech of his career .... followed by maudlin blather from news commentators and delegates alike. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, you have Dump and Little Dump (aka Trump and Vance) gear up for their "back to the future" tour, as they try to convince folk that they're not really pushing a christo-fascist agenda topped with class oriented financial moves that will stick it to them .... all this as Dump mentally careens toward a level of pathological narcissism that may set new definitions, with Little Dump's lips firmly attached to that orange butt.

But remember, dear readers .... YOU CURRENTLY HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER UNLESS YOU'RE A "DELEGATE" (a miniscule representation of our diverse country).

As George Carlin once said, this is as good as it gets folks. :confused: Stay tuned.
The Primary system desperately needs to be reformed.
The next step is to get Joe to resign the Presidency so Harris can assume the mantle before the Convention. Then she technically rolls into teh convention as the de facto incumbent. There are a couple of ways to look at the Harris endorsement by Biden.

1) It was his final middle finger to Obama, Pelosi and the cabal that pushed him out because he knows they can't stand Harris
2) They really have no choice. If not her then who get the money? If they pass over a black woman for another white guy, then they risk turning off the black vote completely

Of course these two are not mutually exclusive.

With Harris now the prevailing nominee, the thing to watch is who her VP pick will be. For me if it is anyone but Newsom that takes it, then it is an acknowledgement that they know they can't win in 2024 and will seek to save the Senate and the maybe take back the House. They will try to live to fight another day and try to hamstring Trump like they did in his first term.
All those people like Joe and were happy about his over 40 years in high-level politics. Lindsay Graham talked about how everyone. on both sides of the aisles had real affection and respect for Biden.
There is no internal strife. It was simply Biden's choice.
All those people like Joe and were happy about his over 40 years in high-level politics. Lindsay Graham talked about how everyone. on both sides of the aisles had real affection and respect for Biden.
There is no internal strife. It was simply Biden's choice.
Talk about the slave mind.
The next step is to get Joe to resign the Presidency so Harris can assume the mantle before the Convention. Then she technically rolls into teh convention as the de facto incumbent. There are a couple of ways to look at the Harris endorsement by Biden.

1) It was his final middle finger to Obama, Pelosi and the cabal that pushed him out because he knows they can't stand Harris
2) They really have no choice. If not her then who get the money? If they pass over a black woman for another white guy, then they risk turning off the black vote completely

Of course these two are not mutually exclusive.

With Harris now the prevailing nominee, the thing to watch is who her VP pick will be. For me if it is anyone but Newsom that takes it, then it is an acknowledgement that they know they can't win in 2024 and will seek to save the Senate and the maybe take back the House. They will try to live to fight another day and try to hamstring Trump like they did in his first term.
With about what, 3 weeks before the convention, I doubt that you'll have Uncle Joe resign in time to swear in Harris. Essentially, he would have to fall ill enough for an immediate transition of power. Possible, given his current status. Time will tell.

Yeah, Biden is like every other politician ... a LOT of ego! I wasn't surprised at his hesitant endorsement.

Oh, the donor class can put their money towards whomever they choose. There is no law that prevents them from doing so. Therefore, if by some miracle Harris is NOT nominated, the entire re-election machine just changes currents.

If Harris does NOT get the nomination, there will be a significant loss in the black vote (as well as the "women's vote") .... but the general youth vote and general population vote would make up for that. Remember, the onus of a Dump/Little Dump administration for 4 years is a powerful motivator.

Newsom has a LOT of baggage regarding his governance of California. Another choice won't be any more or less detrimental should Harris get the nod (and that seems likely).

Of course, this is all my opinion.

Stay tuned.
With about what, 3 weeks before the convention, I doubt that you'll have Uncle Joe resign in time to swear in Harris. Essentially, he would have to fall ill enough for an immediate transition of power. Possible, given his current status. Time will tell.

Yeah, Biden is like every other politician ... a LOT of ego! I wasn't surprised at his hesitant endorsement.

Oh, the donor class can put their money towards whomever they choose. There is no law that prevents them from doing so. Therefore, if by some miracle Harris is NOT nominated, the entire re-election machine just changes currents.

If Harris does NOT get the nomination, there will be a significant loss in the black vote (as well as the "women's vote") .... but the general youth vote and general population vote would make up for that. Remember, the onus of a Dump/Little Dump administration for 4 years is a powerful motivator.

Newsom has a LOT of baggage regarding his governance of California. Another choice won't be any more or less detrimental should Harris get the nod (and that seems likely).

Of course, this is all my opinion.

Stay tuned.
Well, I have to correct myself. The 12th Amendment prevents it from being Newsom if Harris is the gal.

If there is a significant loss of black and women votes there is no making it up
Well, I have to correct myself. The 12th Amendment prevents it from being Newsom if Harris is the gal.

If there is a significant loss of black and women votes there is no making it up
Not quite, as the "black vote" in general was not seriously taken as a determiner for a LONG time. And remember, the largest voting block is the YOUTH vote across the board. Bernie Sanders had a lock on that until the DNC sandbagged him in favor of Hillary.
Oh, just to add on: It seems the MAGA/GOP is having a serious melt down regarding recent events. Fox Noise and it's media cousins are spewing all types of absurd conspiracy scenarios. The "serious" folk like christo-fascist creep Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) are gearing up for (yet another) legal assault, claiming that the Dems just can't deny all the states that primaried Biden their candidate without referendum. :rolleyes: Someone needs to clue Mikey in that since Uncle Joe WASN'T OFFICIALLY NOMINATED AS A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BY DELEGATE CONVENTION, HE CAN DROP OUT AND ENDORSE ANYONE HE CHOOSES. All legal and above board.

So now the MAGA/GOP and their Dump/Little Dump ticket must face a seasoned prosecutor in debates and a campaign who KNOWS (hopefully) how to cut through the BS.

Again, it's the Dem's race to lose. Stay tuned.