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I thought it was the clintons that were the DLC candidates.


" 01-10-2008, 07:25 AM
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Obama and Clinton


All the debating about Obama and Clinton the past couple of days, and not just on there, but with every group I am associated with, has caused me to really think about things I haven’t thought about before.

First, on Obama vs Hillary. I think that Obama is just another DLC Democrat, who refuses to take attacking Iran off the table. And if you are going by solely issues, sorry, he is no change. He is, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. (everything I am saying , precludes the bush regime, the very worst of the worst, take them out of the picture for now, EVERYTHING looks good compared to them people).

But, we all recognize that indeed, he IS change. Even I got caught up in him. A black man becoming President! Wow! I read some of the things blacks were saying in interviews, on the streets, and I got tears in my eyes.

But what I don’t see recognized among men is that it’s the same thing for women if Hillary were elected! I know many leftist women. These are not NOW women. These are not Democrats. These are Kucinich women who are wondering if they can hold their noses to vote for Edwards for God sakes. And so many of them have written to me after reading something I wrote about what happened in the media over the past week, and how women reacted to it in New Hampshire, where they united and sent the Brushback Pitch of all time hurtling towards sexist media mavens. They have all told me they felt the same way.

They see. They see that sexism is still obnoxiously acceptable. They’ve all been abused or held back, or made uncomfortable sexually at one time or the other by powerful men. They no longer feel they have to take it.

That’s a movement too. That’s exciting for some of us too.

I fight not to get caught up in either of these movements, because I don’t think that either Hillary or Obama represent real change in the long run.

But too many men are recognizing only one movement, and dismissing the other one. I am telling you now, you keep doing that, you’re going to put Hillary in the white house."

Being a zuchini I am obviously confused... I hear the left saying that Obama is about change and hope yet a few months ago our wise sage of sexism stated he was just a DLC democrat, same old same old...

Please help a poor zuchini... which is it? Is he change or the same old same old?
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"01-10-2008, 07:58 AM
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Because at one point Obama said that he didn’t know how he would have voted on the Iraqi resolution if he was in the Senate at the time, which he wasn’t.

Damo is touching on something here that many of us have shied away from because I know for myself, I don’t want to denigrate the first realistic black candidate we’ve had, I’m very excited about it. (one of the large points of my post is that it has not escaped my notice that liberal men do not feel the same way about the first realistic woman candidate we’ve had).

The fact is Obama has not done one thing which would even imply he’s going to step for the big fights. He has avoided controversy as if it were the plague!

He ducked Jena
He ducked the moveon/Petraus vote
He ducked the Iran vote

Not once has he been there to take the shit. Guess what? Hillary has. And she’s taken the shit for it. Obama sees controversy he ducks. No one can find him. Pat Buchanon has been congratulating him on MSNBC for being smart enough to duck “that Jena nonsense”. Except to a lot of people, it’s not nonsense.

Like I said, I put the both of them about on par with each other."

wow... Obama ducks controversy.... that cannot be a good sign for a leader. Good thing our wise sage of sexism is here to set us vegetables straight.
Obama is not a member of the DLC, nor has he ever been, and has been against their particular brand of politics for some time.

"Barack Obama will not be carrying the Democratic Leadership Council’s baggage in his race to become the second Black person to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate. The state senator and professor of constitutional law has told The Black Commentator that he is acting to have his name stricken from the “New Democrats Directory,” a list of several hundred DLC-affiliated elected officials.

“I am not currently, nor have I ever been, a member of the DLC,” said Obama, in a statement that substantially reflects a telephone conversation with Associate Editor Bruce Dixon, this weekend. “It does appear that, without my knowledge, the DLC…listed me in their ‘New Democrat’ directory,” Obama continued. “Because I agree that such a directory implies membership, I will be calling the DLC to have my name removed, and appreciate your having brought this fact to my attention.”

Thats what happens when half the board has you on IA. :)

No my brother .. that's what happens when you make a false claim and it gets disproven.

Obama is not with the DLC, nor has he ever been.

In fact, the smartest political move he has made has been his rejection of the DLC.

I know, I know .. truth has a way of getting in the way of a good argument.
No my brother .. that's what happens when you make a false claim and it gets disproven.

Obama is not with the DLC, nor has he ever been.

In fact, the smartest political move he has made has been his rejection of the DLC.

I know, I know .. truth has a way of getting in the way of a good argument.

Ummm... read thread again... I simply quoted another poster who made that claim. A poster who stated that Obama ducked controversy, that he was DLC, that he really didn't represent change, etc....

You will want to speak to her about the claims above. I "innocently" asked for clarification.
Wow, BAC. I haven't seen you miss that far off the mark before.

SF was quoting others because of conversations we had on the day he posted this thread. He wasn't the one to make that claim.
Ummm... read thread again... I simply quoted another poster who made that claim. A poster who stated that Obama ducked controversy, that he was DLC, that he really didn't represent change, etc....

You will want to speak to her about the claims above. I "innocently" asked for clarification.

My bad :(
Wow, BAC. I haven't seen you miss that far off the mark before.

SF was quoting others because of conversations we had on the day he posted this thread. He wasn't the one to make that claim.

I knew that .. I was ahhh ... errr .. just trying to prove I can make a mistake.


That'll work ... won't it?