Wake The Fuck UP!

In the wake of our new socialist dictatorship, I find it absolutely fascinating, how many brain-dead idiots who call themselves 'conservative', want to line up and proclaim to be 'moderates' for the sake of hopefully engaging the left in meaningful dialogue. You would think, John McCain's political demise would have been enough, that they would have gotten a clue with that, but nope... nadda!

(R)Sen. Orin Hatch - Utah, came out today to reassure us on the right, that he has personal spoken to 'his friend' Obama, about the SCOTUS pick, and he takes him at his word that he will pick someone who will be fair to all people, rich and poor, etc.... Senator Hatch? The primary fundamental function of a judge on the Supreme Court, should be to follow the Constitution, without regard to what is "fair" or "unfair" to people based on their richness or poorness.

Hatch is just the latest McCainanite Republican, who apparently still believes we can work with the left for meaningful changes to benefit all. Here on this very board, there are "right wing" types who claim to be "fiscal conservatives" who are falling all over themselves to appear "objective" and "reasoned" to the left. It's as if, getting your clock cleaned is not enough, you gotta hop right back up and continue to mutter the same mindless bullshit you were before.

These people can not be "worked with" in any regard. Unless you are somehow okay with turning our capitalist free-market nation into a Marxist-Socialist wet dream. If that is the case, then by all means, keep pretending you have a chip in the pot here, and by being "objective", the left will give your thoughts some consideration. Send me an invite to the Winterfest in Hell, will ya?

I realize the Republican Party is a bit of disarray at the moment, and if past recent history is any indication at all, we will end up with some watered-down hodgepodge of semi-conservative issues to confront the Obama-mania which seems to have swept the nation. It's time for you people who see yourself as "moderate conservatives" to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Stop pretending you have some ideological basis for not supporting conservatism, whether it's social or fiscal. Stop trying to play the PC game of throwing social conservatism under the bus, to please the lefties! Forget about being "liked" by the left, it doesn't matter what you do, even if you completely support and endorse their agenda, you are still the fucking enemy to them, and you'll never gain any credibility from them.

Gone are the days of Bill Clinton, where right-wingers could poke and prod a Democrat populist president into adopting conservative issues, we are now dealing with radical '60s anti-establishment Socialists. These people want to re-fucking-write the Constitution! They are not the least bit interested in hearing what you have to say, or giving any consideration to views from anyone right of Stalin.

It's time to not only wake the fuck up, but to grow up as well! You may indeed have a strong principled foundation for your views, and you may wish that we lived in a nation that recognizes those views, but the reality of the situation is, it's going to come down to those who believe in capitalism and democracy, and those who believe in socialism and communism. Those are your choices, not some off-shoot concept of fiscal conservatism devoid of social conservatism! That particular ideology doesn't work anyway! Without the benevolence and considerations of social conservatism, the purely fiscal conservative is left looking like a greedy capitalist bastard by the left, and that unfortunately is not going to win many elections. So, give it up, accept that you are either going to support Conservatism or Socialism, you can't have a "Perfect World" here.

Mostly, it's time to wake the fuck up, and stop pretending we can be "diplomatic" with those on the left. We can't be diplomatic, we can't compromise, we can't "work together" on a damn thing. Stop believing it, stop trying to convince people of it, stop pushing for trying it some more. The longer you spend, trying to do this, the longer they will remain in complete control of our lives, and if something doesn't change quickly, they will make the controls permanent, and we will lose a great nation. There is a time to rest on your principles, and there is a time to stand up and fight, and this is the time to fight. But first, you need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Gone are the days of Bill Clinton, where right-wingers could poke and prod a Democrat populist president into adopting conservative issues, we are now dealing with radical '60s anti-establishment Socialists. These people want to re-fucking-write the Constitution! They are not the least bit interested in hearing what you have to say, or giving any consideration to views from anyone right of Stalin.

Well that sucks.

Out of curiosity, would you rather see your representatives strike bargains with the left that are designed to slow the erotion of constitutional restraints, or would you rather they sat on their arses, collected their Congressional paychecks, and just let the chips fall as they may?

For example, there are only two choices for Obama's pick for the SCOTUS:
A) One in which GOP Senators provide their input and make bargains
B) One in which GOP Senators do not provide input and bargaining
In the wake of our new socialist dictatorship, I find it absolutely fascinating, how many brain-dead idiots who call themselves 'conservative', want to line up and proclaim to be 'moderates' for the sake of hopefully engaging the left in meaningful dialogue. You would think, John McCain's political demise would have been enough, that they would have gotten a clue with that, but nope... nadda!

(R)Sen. Orin Hatch - Utah, came out today to reassure us on the right, that he has personal spoken to 'his friend' Obama, about the SCOTUS pick, and he takes him at his word that he will pick someone who will be fair to all people, rich and poor, etc.... Senator Hatch? The primary fundamental function of a judge on the Supreme Court, should be to follow the Constitution, without regard to what is "fair" or "unfair" to people based on their richness or poorness.

Hatch is just the latest McCainanite Republican, who apparently still believes we can work with the left for meaningful changes to benefit all. Here on this very board, there are "right wing" types who claim to be "fiscal conservatives" who are falling all over themselves to appear "objective" and "reasoned" to the left. It's as if, getting your clock cleaned is not enough, you gotta hop right back up and continue to mutter the same mindless bullshit you were before.

These people can not be "worked with" in any regard. Unless you are somehow okay with turning our capitalist free-market nation into a Marxist-Socialist wet dream. If that is the case, then by all means, keep pretending you have a chip in the pot here, and by being "objective", the left will give your thoughts some consideration. Send me an invite to the Winterfest in Hell, will ya?

I realize the Republican Party is a bit of disarray at the moment, and if past recent history is any indication at all, we will end up with some watered-down hodgepodge of semi-conservative issues to confront the Obama-mania which seems to have swept the nation. It's time for you people who see yourself as "moderate conservatives" to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Stop pretending you have some ideological basis for not supporting conservatism, whether it's social or fiscal. Stop trying to play the PC game of throwing social conservatism under the bus, to please the lefties! Forget about being "liked" by the left, it doesn't matter what you do, even if you completely support and endorse their agenda, you are still the fucking enemy to them, and you'll never gain any credibility from them.

Gone are the days of Bill Clinton, where right-wingers could poke and prod a Democrat populist president into adopting conservative issues, we are now dealing with radical '60s anti-establishment Socialists. These people want to re-fucking-write the Constitution! They are not the least bit interested in hearing what you have to say, or giving any consideration to views from anyone right of Stalin.

It's time to not only wake the fuck up, but to grow up as well! You may indeed have a strong principled foundation for your views, and you may wish that we lived in a nation that recognizes those views, but the reality of the situation is, it's going to come down to those who believe in capitalism and democracy, and those who believe in socialism and communism. Those are your choices, not some off-shoot concept of fiscal conservatism devoid of social conservatism! That particular ideology doesn't work anyway! Without the benevolence and considerations of social conservatism, the purely fiscal conservative is left looking like a greedy capitalist bastard by the left, and that unfortunately is not going to win many elections. So, give it up, accept that you are either going to support Conservatism or Socialism, you can't have a "Perfect World" here.

Mostly, it's time to wake the fuck up, and stop pretending we can be "diplomatic" with those on the left. We can't be diplomatic, we can't compromise, we can't "work together" on a damn thing. Stop believing it, stop trying to convince people of it, stop pushing for trying it some more. The longer you spend, trying to do this, the longer they will remain in complete control of our lives, and if something doesn't change quickly, they will make the controls permanent, and we will lose a great nation. There is a time to rest on your principles, and there is a time to stand up and fight, and this is the time to fight. But first, you need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

When you use terms like "Socialist Dictatorship" to describe a basically right of centre administration you make yourself look stupid.
Whether or not I agree with your political stance, whether or not ANYONE agrees with your political stance, such terms negate any reasonable debate you might wish to engender.
You appear to be as mad as a hatter. I am sure you are not.
In the wake of our new socialist dictatorship, I find it absolutely fascinating, how many brain-dead idiots who call themselves 'conservative', want to line up and proclaim to be 'moderates' for the sake of hopefully engaging the left in meaningful dialogue. You would think, John McCain's political demise would have been enough, that they would have gotten a clue with that, but nope... nadda!

(R)Sen. Orin Hatch - Utah, came out today to reassure us on the right, that he has personal spoken to 'his friend' Obama, about the SCOTUS pick, and he takes him at his word that he will pick someone who will be fair to all people, rich and poor, etc.... Senator Hatch? The primary fundamental function of a judge on the Supreme Court, should be to follow the Constitution, without regard to what is "fair" or "unfair" to people based on their richness or poorness.

Hatch is just the latest McCainanite Republican, who apparently still believes we can work with the left for meaningful changes to benefit all. Here on this very board, there are "right wing" types who claim to be "fiscal conservatives" who are falling all over themselves to appear "objective" and "reasoned" to the left. It's as if, getting your clock cleaned is not enough, you gotta hop right back up and continue to mutter the same mindless bullshit you were before.

These people can not be "worked with" in any regard. Unless you are somehow okay with turning our capitalist free-market nation into a Marxist-Socialist wet dream. If that is the case, then by all means, keep pretending you have a chip in the pot here, and by being "objective", the left will give your thoughts some consideration. Send me an invite to the Winterfest in Hell, will ya?

I realize the Republican Party is a bit of disarray at the moment, and if past recent history is any indication at all, we will end up with some watered-down hodgepodge of semi-conservative issues to confront the Obama-mania which seems to have swept the nation. It's time for you people who see yourself as "moderate conservatives" to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Stop pretending you have some ideological basis for not supporting conservatism, whether it's social or fiscal. Stop trying to play the PC game of throwing social conservatism under the bus, to please the lefties! Forget about being "liked" by the left, it doesn't matter what you do, even if you completely support and endorse their agenda, you are still the fucking enemy to them, and you'll never gain any credibility from them.

Gone are the days of Bill Clinton, where right-wingers could poke and prod a Democrat populist president into adopting conservative issues, we are now dealing with radical '60s anti-establishment Socialists. These people want to re-fucking-write the Constitution! They are not the least bit interested in hearing what you have to say, or giving any consideration to views from anyone right of Stalin.

It's time to not only wake the fuck up, but to grow up as well! You may indeed have a strong principled foundation for your views, and you may wish that we lived in a nation that recognizes those views, but the reality of the situation is, it's going to come down to those who believe in capitalism and democracy, and those who believe in socialism and communism. Those are your choices, not some off-shoot concept of fiscal conservatism devoid of social conservatism! That particular ideology doesn't work anyway! Without the benevolence and considerations of social conservatism, the purely fiscal conservative is left looking like a greedy capitalist bastard by the left, and that unfortunately is not going to win many elections. So, give it up, accept that you are either going to support Conservatism or Socialism, you can't have a "Perfect World" here.

Mostly, it's time to wake the fuck up, and stop pretending we can be "diplomatic" with those on the left. We can't be diplomatic, we can't compromise, we can't "work together" on a damn thing. Stop believing it, stop trying to convince people of it, stop pushing for trying it some more. The longer you spend, trying to do this, the longer they will remain in complete control of our lives, and if something doesn't change quickly, they will make the controls permanent, and we will lose a great nation. There is a time to rest on your principles, and there is a time to stand up and fight, and this is the time to fight. But first, you need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

:clink: :clink: :clink: :clink: :clink:

Dixie, you are a goddamn gift. It is my sole wish in life that people like you continue forever to dominate the Republican party. GOd bless you.
When you use terms like "Socialist Dictatorship" to describe a basically right of centre administration you make yourself look stupid.
Whether or not I agree with your political stance, whether or not ANYONE agrees with your political stance, such terms negate any reasonable debate you might wish to engender.
You appear to be as mad as a hatter. I am sure you are not.

What, is left of centre so damned evil that even Obama has not breached the crossing?
But the people have woken up, Dixie. Bush and his administration woke the people up. His unreserved arrogance, his national telecast lies, the in-your-face money given to friends, the psychopathic, war-mongering mutterings of Cheney......it was enough to wake the dead.

The people realize change is needed immediately. Big change. Even some Repubs have woken up. They know the people will never tolerate going back to the twisted, psychotic Bush/Republican doctrine after living it for eight years.

I'm sure you're correct when you say the Dems will make the controls permanent. Of course they'll certainly try because another Bush-type administration, wars and the almost total financial collapse of the economy, must never be allowed to happen again.

The Dems are bringing the US back from the edge of the cliff. There is only one way to go. McCain, Spector, Hatch....what you're witnessing is the scales falling from their eyes after being mesmerized by their unhinged leader for the last eight years.

You're also correct when you talk about the Repubs not being able to work with the left. There are no Repub ideas, no Repub platform....as Obama told them they better not come to the table with the same old, worn out ideas. The Repubs have nothing to offer. Their ideas and philosophy were tried for eight years and we all see where we are. Not just the US but the entire free world.

Countries bogged down in wars. Economies in financial turmoil. Even the blind can see.

You have to wake up, Dixie.

I don't know how old you are but obviously you missed the intent/goals behind the 60s. The governments in those days were sending the youth to the slaughter. A generation of children knowing that, at 18, their government would force death or dismemberment upon them and they weren't even old enough to vote!

It was a vile and disgusting time and, yes, some did choose to fight the very people who were sending them to their death; their own government!

Wake up, Dixie. This time the "60s radicals" are not going to settle for cheap talk and a few crumbs. The very people whose government was willing to sacrifice their lives 40 years ago now have to deal with ravaged pension plans due to the lack of governmental leadership/oversight.

It's over, Dixie. Forty years later the bullshit is coming to an end.

Change. It's long overdue.

In the wake of our new socialist dictatorship, I find it absolutely fascinating, how many brain-dead idiots who call themselves 'conservative', want to line up and proclaim to be 'moderates' for the sake of hopefully engaging the left in meaningful dialogue. You would think, John McCain's political demise would have been enough, that they would have gotten a clue with that, but nope... nadda!

(R)Sen. Orin Hatch - Utah, came out today to reassure us on the right, that he has personal spoken to 'his friend' Obama, about the SCOTUS pick, and he takes him at his word that he will pick someone who will be fair to all people, rich and poor, etc.... Senator Hatch? The primary fundamental function of a judge on the Supreme Court, should be to follow the Constitution, without regard to what is "fair" or "unfair" to people based on their richness or poorness.

Hatch is just the latest McCainanite Republican, who apparently still believes we can work with the left for meaningful changes to benefit all. Here on this very board, there are "right wing" types who claim to be "fiscal conservatives" who are falling all over themselves to appear "objective" and "reasoned" to the left. It's as if, getting your clock cleaned is not enough, you gotta hop right back up and continue to mutter the same mindless bullshit you were before.

These people can not be "worked with" in any regard. Unless you are somehow okay with turning our capitalist free-market nation into a Marxist-Socialist wet dream. If that is the case, then by all means, keep pretending you have a chip in the pot here, and by being "objective", the left will give your thoughts some consideration. Send me an invite to the Winterfest in Hell, will ya?

I realize the Republican Party is a bit of disarray at the moment, and if past recent history is any indication at all, we will end up with some watered-down hodgepodge of semi-conservative issues to confront the Obama-mania which seems to have swept the nation. It's time for you people who see yourself as "moderate conservatives" to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Stop pretending you have some ideological basis for not supporting conservatism, whether it's social or fiscal. Stop trying to play the PC game of throwing social conservatism under the bus, to please the lefties! Forget about being "liked" by the left, it doesn't matter what you do, even if you completely support and endorse their agenda, you are still the fucking enemy to them, and you'll never gain any credibility from them.

Gone are the days of Bill Clinton, where right-wingers could poke and prod a Democrat populist president into adopting conservative issues, we are now dealing with radical '60s anti-establishment Socialists. These people want to re-fucking-write the Constitution! They are not the least bit interested in hearing what you have to say, or giving any consideration to views from anyone right of Stalin.

It's time to not only wake the fuck up, but to grow up as well! You may indeed have a strong principled foundation for your views, and you may wish that we lived in a nation that recognizes those views, but the reality of the situation is, it's going to come down to those who believe in capitalism and democracy, and those who believe in socialism and communism. Those are your choices, not some off-shoot concept of fiscal conservatism devoid of social conservatism! That particular ideology doesn't work anyway! Without the benevolence and considerations of social conservatism, the purely fiscal conservative is left looking like a greedy capitalist bastard by the left, and that unfortunately is not going to win many elections. So, give it up, accept that you are either going to support Conservatism or Socialism, you can't have a "Perfect World" here.

Mostly, it's time to wake the fuck up, and stop pretending we can be "diplomatic" with those on the left. We can't be diplomatic, we can't compromise, we can't "work together" on a damn thing. Stop believing it, stop trying to convince people of it, stop pushing for trying it some more. The longer you spend, trying to do this, the longer they will remain in complete control of our lives, and if something doesn't change quickly, they will make the controls permanent, and we will lose a great nation. There is a time to rest on your principles, and there is a time to stand up and fight, and this is the time to fight. But first, you need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!
What, is left of centre so damned evil that even Obama has not breached the crossing?

There is no way that Obama's government can be compared with European Liberal/Social Democratic governments. That some Americans label Obama as left wing is proof of their extreme ignorance.
I would guess that, in the unlikely event of a genuinely left wing coming to power in the US, people would take to the streets in the fashion of the 'Body Snatchers'.
To appreciate left wing politics you must first suffer and, even taking into account the present financial climate, Americans have never really suffered.
That's one of the reasons that your leaders had no idea what to do about the downturn or, come to that, what to do about the pig flu.
When you use terms like "Socialist Dictatorship" to describe a basically right of centre administration you make yourself look stupid.
Whether or not I agree with your political stance, whether or not ANYONE agrees with your political stance, such terms negate any reasonable debate you might wish to engender.
You appear to be as mad as a hatter. I am sure you are not.
Right of center? Which part? The socialized medicine or the socialized banking system?
What, is left of centre so damned evil that even Obama has not breached the crossing?
They avoid that description like the plague, even if it is accurate, because they believe that "moderates" are better.... I'd generally have to agree since I am so often described that way. Although I wouldn't say I was "moderate", rather I'd say libertarian.
Wake up, Dixie. This time the "60s radicals" are not going to settle for cheap talk and a few crumbs. The very people whose government was willing to sacrifice their lives 40 years ago now have to deal with ravaged pension plans due to the lack of governmental leadership/oversight.

It's over, Dixie. Forty years later the bullshit is coming to an end.

Change. It's long overdue.

Hippies II: The New World Order
You have 'socialised' banking? What does that mean? What is 'socialised' medicine?
It means the government is pretty much directing exactly how the banks run and buying huge chunks of them. What is socialized medicine? It's that kind that is paid for and run by the government. You know, the kind that Obama tells us we really need. With a bunch of Newspeak "committees" and such to figure out how to limit the amounts they'll give without it sounding like they are rationing the care...

What is your perception? In what way is Obama "right of center"? Is it the way he wants to tax the rich? Is it the way he wants the government to provide health care? Is it the way the government is taking over the running of companies?

This deliberately obtuse version of the Socratic method you tried to use here isn't so much annoying as it is sophomoric.
Well that sucks.

Out of curiosity, would you rather see your representatives strike bargains with the left that are designed to slow the erotion of constitutional restraints, or would you rather they sat on their arses, collected their Congressional paychecks, and just let the chips fall as they may?

For example, there are only two choices for Obama's pick for the SCOTUS:
A) One in which GOP Senators provide their input and make bargains
B) One in which GOP Senators do not provide input and bargaining

fuck em all, let em fall, i've got plenty of ammo and not afraid to use it.
In the wake of our new socialist dictatorship, I find it absolutely fascinating, how many brain-dead idiots who call themselves 'conservative', want to line up and proclaim to be 'moderates' for the sake of hopefully engaging the left in meaningful dialogue. ...
Good rant, Dix. I think we should follow the lead of the Democrat Party when they were on the ropes just a few short years ago. They turned to their base, which is far left, starting with Pelosi, then Reid, now Obama. The GOP should turn to its base, which is socially and fiscally conservative, and wants the government off it's back.
It means the government is pretty much directing exactly how the banks run and buying huge chunks of them. What is socialized medicine? It's that kind that is paid for and run by the government. You know, the kind that Obama tells us we really need. With a bunch of Newspeak "committees" and such to figure out how to limit the amounts they'll give without it sounding like they are rationing the care...

What is your perception? In what way is Obama "right of center"? Is it the way he wants to tax the rich? Is it the way he wants the government to provide health care? Is it the way the government is taking over the running of companies?

This deliberately obtuse version of the Socratic method you tried to use here isn't so much annoying as it is sophomoric.

There was no Socratic method intended. My questions were straightforward. One cannot debate unless one understands opposing views. We don't have sophomores, so I wouldn't know.
I think one thing that many seem to have in spades here, is the readiness to believe the worst of a post and jump to uncharted conclusions. Perhaps it comes from the Humpty-Dumptyness of the average American and his understanding of words.
Obama should have taken a controlling government interest in the banks. No private companies are going to invest in them and at present he is throwing good money after bad. Nationalise them. Fear not. It will happen.
Of course he should introduce a fairer tax system. I am not familiar with your system at present other than you pay a huge amount more than we do. So those who can, should and those that cannot, shouldn't.
Medicine in the US doesn't need socialism it needs a bloody Atomic bomb. The present system, as I understand it, is absolutely scandalous. Take away the onus from employers, scrap the parasitic insurance companies and let each and every citizen contribute. Employers would be more willing to hire and more willing to honestly meet their financial obligations to society.
Power must be wrested away from those who believe they have bought the right to govern. Hold those who have dragged you down accountable.
Reduce military spending, supply better education, get real. Learn to lose a little.
Lose your imperialist ideas. Stay at home and sort out the mess that once was proud America.
I occasionally think back to when Bush was throwing out the idea people should be able to use their retirement funds for private investing. Imagine the nightmare we'd have now if that had come to pass. I think it would have dwarfed the mortgage defaults. It could have resulted in an entire generation slipping into poverty.

Socialism? Social policies? Big government? Maybe Obama is going too far, too fast, but how else can one ensure that doesn't crop up again proposed a Republican leader with the ability to communicate with the public?

I suppose we should be thankful that Bush stammered and staggered through the English language the way he did or more people would have followed him. Just imagine a Republican with the oratory skills of Obama coupled with the insane ideas of Bush at the helm. Now there's a nightmare too terrifying to contemplate.

I think the fear of socialism or, more accurately, social policies has greatly diminished since the general population had a taste of "free enterprise", à la Bush.

It means the government is pretty much directing exactly how the banks run and buying huge chunks of them. What is socialized medicine? It's that kind that is paid for and run by the government. You know, the kind that Obama tells us we really need. With a bunch of Newspeak "committees" and such to figure out how to limit the amounts they'll give without it sounding like they are rationing the care...

What is your perception? In what way is Obama "right of center"? Is it the way he wants to tax the rich? Is it the way he wants the government to provide health care? Is it the way the government is taking over the running of companies?

This deliberately obtuse version of the Socratic method you tried to use here isn't so much annoying as it is sophomoric.
I occasionally think back to when Bush was throwing out the idea people should be able to use their retirement funds for private investing. Imagine the nightmare we'd have now if that had come to pass. .

Private pyramid scheme, public pyramid scheme, it really makes no difference.

When you ask for lies, you will hear them.
I occasionally think back to when Bush was throwing out the idea people should be able to use their retirement funds for private investing. Imagine the nightmare we'd have now if that had come to pass. I think it would have dwarfed the mortgage defaults. It could have resulted in an entire generation slipping into poverty.
or it could have resulted in the totally justified crucifixions of these thieving bastards. Something that would have had a substantially profound and more positive effect on how CEOs and shareholders run their companies.