Wanna raise property values in your city

it's meant for those with more than a GED education

You like bubble level of property values?
High property values pretty much created the sub prime market so people could buy overpriced properties.

The answer is to boost the incomes so they can buy the properties. Ie true sustainable growth in America.
it's meant for those with more than a GED education

LOL... I just got back from S.F. yesterday and heard a couple of stories that completely back your assertion. If you already own property in the City you are in good shape. Good luck trying to bring anything new on-line.
Want to raise property values? Stack people on top of each other and, as we would say in the military, nut to butt. The more you stick inside a smaller space the more per square foot you will pay.
Wanna raise property values? Bring higher paying jobs to the area.
Nah, that's just a way to get people to go against their own quality of life and let people stack them as thickly as possible into a smaller area. An incentive, so to speak.
Nah, that's just a way to get people to go against their own quality of life and let people stack them as thickly as possible into a smaller area. An incentive, so to speak.

Yes but the only sustainable way for higher property values.
Me I like the lower property values and less people and the regualations that crowding brings with it.
your a moron, you bragged for a year how your property went up from the idiot you bought it from.
Now you want it to go down.
Shit you"d have flunked out of UK anyway.
your a moron, you bragged for a year how your property went up from the idiot you bought it from.
Now you want it to go down.
Shit you"d have flunked out of UK anyway.

yeah. It can go down now I sold it for a VERY nice profit.
I only bought it for the investment aspect.
bought low sold high. Something wrong with that business concept Mr CPA?
how the freak was anybody supposed to know you sold the property.
Glad you made a gain.
only potential investors want values to go down.
how the freak was anybody supposed to know you sold the property.
Glad you made a gain.
only potential investors want values to go down.

I want values to go down and wages to go up so more people can buy and keep homes.

My profit and gains is a seperate issue.
I would rather still be poorer if many other working class bould be better off.

And to prove that I take less from my business than my manager does.
Walk the Talk Mr. CPA man.