Want to see what happens when 250 pounders hit each other in the head?

I had to watch this bout on replay. I think I told you about taping Tuesday Night Fights and then using it to teach percentages and statistics to my classes of sweat hogs back in the 90’s. One of the “kids” I had in that class became a huge boxing fan and messaged me Sunday morning to make sure I had seen the fight. I hadn’t … but have now. “Awesome battle” is right! Great fight.
Have you ever seen a champion prize fighter train,
sparring before the fight? It’s a 12 round bout. He’s 15 rounds
into his sparring. They push him to 20 rounds. The champion
of the world in his weight class has completely had it. They force
him to go more. He’s in the 22 round on his 3rd sparring partner.
He collapses in the ring from exhaustion, on his hands and knees
and starts pleading. No more, no more!

Have you ever seen a champion prize fighter train,
sparring before a fight?
Have you ever seen a champion prize fighter train,
sparring before the fight? It’s a 12 round bout. He’s 15 rounds
into his sparring. They push him to 20 rounds. The champion
of the world in his weight class has completely had it. They force
him to go more. He’s in the 22 round on his 3rd sparring partner.
He collapses in the ring from exhaustion, on his hands and knees
and starts pleading. No more, no more!

Have you ever seen a champion prize fighter train,
sparring before a fight?

As a former professional boxer, I can assure you that this is a fanciful account.
His sparring partners are much bigger than him.
Maybe by 20 or 30 pounds. At least three inches
taller. They are heavier and have a longer reach.