Want to step inside my mind? Watch "Patriocracy"


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Want to step inside my mind? Watch "Patriocracy"

When I thought my perspective was alone in the world of politics Patriocracy seemed to take every political standard in my brain and put it into a Documentary.

It is on downloadable movie sources for free but I didn't find it on the internet in full yet I didn't search long. This is a movie EVERYONE in politics should be required to watch in order to be "debate savvy".

I hope I don't have to elaborate on how to click "clip 2" and others...
With all due respect my man there have been many partisan liberals on this board before you. Now I'm not arguing whether that is good or bad but you are not the first. So go ahead and change your name to I am a liberal and then ask your question.
Typical of your style of “woe-is-me” leftist bullshit AP.

The clip ask, “how did we get this way?” The answer is simple, our founders knowing the treachery of government set up a system whereby two houses and a President of government had to come to a relative consensus before they could fuck the nation up the ass with absurd unconstitutional actions. It worked pretty well as long as the bastards obeyed most of the Constitution’s rules. But after the Duopoly agreed to forgo all constitutional principles and requirements they could sneak by the people, then the twin sisters got jealous of each other and went into all-out hair pulling mode and now they live their political lives on the fact that their partisan brain-dead drone followers keep electing them no matter what, anyhow.

Viva-La-Gridlock!!!!!!!! Every day somebody in Congress says “NO” is another day fucking BIG government is unsure how they’ll go about robbing me of my money, liberty and security.
With all due respect my man there have been many partisan liberals on this board before you. Now I'm not arguing whether that is good or bad but you are not the first. So go ahead and change your name to I am a liberal and then ask your question.

So you are drunk again and think I asked a question.......you aren't very smart kid. There was NO question.
Typical of your style of “woe-is-me” leftist bullshit AP.

The clip ask, “how did we get this way?” The answer is simple, our founders knowing the treachery of government set up a system whereby two houses and a President of government had to come to a relative consensus before they could fuck the nation up the ass with absurd unconstitutional actions. It worked pretty well as long as the bastards obeyed most of the Constitution’s rules. But after the Duopoly agreed to forgo all constitutional principles and requirements they could sneak by the people, then the twin sisters got jealous of each other and went into all-out hair pulling mode and now they live their political lives on the fact that their partisan brain-dead drone followers keep electing them no matter what, anyhow.

Viva-La-Gridlock!!!!!!!! Every day somebody in Congress says “NO” is another day fucking BIG government is unsure how they’ll go about robbing me of my money, liberty and security.

It's not a "clip" small brain. It's an entire movie. It's only Part1.....You would know that if you read ANYTHING..........

Try to find "clip2" after watching "clip1".

I know you thought process is a challenge but maybe you can figure it out. I could tell you how but this is too fun..

There is "clip 2" It was extremely hard to find. It was one of the screens shown after the end of clip 1.

Again, there is no FULL VIDEO online but was hoping this wouldn't be too complicated for the small brains. But who was I kidding..

There is "clip 2" It was extremely hard to find. It was one of the screens shown after the end of clip 1.

Again, there is no FULL VIDEO online but was hoping this wouldn't be too complicated for the small brains. But who was I kidding..

You're the King of cut & paste crap Goober. Only brain-dead morons like you get all excited by such pimple-faced propaganda. Have you ever had an original thought of your own?
dear Op

the right never will discuss anything like adults

don't take them seriously.

simply help us all destroy their constant lies.
why did you right push to end the post office?

why are you people wanting the post office dead?

that issue right there shows what lying bags of shit your side is
The founders wanted a post office.

They were willing to have government pay for it FOREVER .

the left set it up to pay for itself and you wanted it DEAD instead.

because you dont care about the constitution or the founders.

YOU LIE and say we are not a democracy.

YOU want this country dead and whats left handed over to the money people.

YOU are the ENEMY of this country
its on my bucket list....right next to "eat maggots"........

So with your sarcasm you show that you don't want to learn what is in others minds to the degree of eating maggots.

This is where the brains separate from the party bias morons.

I want to learn what everyone thinks because I think I can beat them in a debate. I would never tell them I don't want to know what they think.........
That would be worse than swimming in a fucking cesspool.

Again. Another small brain that doesn't want to know my perspective on politics to a degree of insult.

And again, I can learn this kids perspective simply by looking at his party of bias. In his party of bias he can not have an original thought. I know every response this idiot will make because I research his thoughts (via his party of bias).

Yet this sheeple poster thinks he has original thought.............LOL