WAPO Buries sanders victory into Trump Article


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Take a look at the front page of WAPO -do you see any separate stories about Sanders upset win? no.
Here is ALL I can find on Sanders win in Indiana -2-3 paragraphs buried in this (below)

Trump becomes de facto GOP nominee as Cruz exits after crushing Indiana loss

good luck finding any sanders quotes/reportage in that..keep looking.... its there.

This is what WAPO and even the NYTimes has been doing the entire campaign -and EVERY STORY about sanders has the obligatory
denunciation that sanders can't win or has a "narrow path" .

This has been going on for months,, this is your Free Press at work.:rolleyes: It's a corpotocratic sell out to special interests.

Now look at the front page again -how many Trump articles can you find? I count 6 more

With the coming string of Sanders leaning states coming up the spectre of a contested convention becomes more and more real.
Better start warming up to Biden lefties. He might have a shot against trump.
With the coming string of Sanders leaning states coming up the spectre of a contested convention becomes more and more real.
Better start warming up to Biden lefties. He might have a shot against trump.
He's got and has maintained better numbers against Trump.
But he's not US Democratic Party Established certified - and he upsets the inevitability of HRC.

Further he isn't a corporatist like HRC, and the Press is nothing but a corporate tool. Sanders has always been inconvenient to the powerful.
He's got and has maintained better numbers against Trump.
But he's not US Democratic Party Established certified - and he upsets the inevitability of HRC.

Further he isn't a corporatist like HRC, and the Press is nothing but a corporate tool. Sanders has always been inconvenient to the powerful.

Yes he has. Gotta love it.