War Party vs Obama


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Gonzo asked if he would be assassinated due to his race. His threat against the war machine, if authentic, is what really puts his life in jeopardy. First, they will do everything they can to smear him.


Of course, they're going to have a hell of a time hanging the neo-Nazi label around a black man's neck, but don't worry – there's always the Rev. Wright-Nation of Islam angle to work. And believe you me, they will work it for all it's worth before the primaries are over.

This is the fate that befalls all antiwar candidates for the presidency: the Smear Bund knows its job, and it never sleeps. Whether Obama will survive the vicious attacks that are sure to come remains to be seen. What I do know is this – the same forces that went after Ron Paul have Obama in their sights, and for precisely the same reason.

The War Party's agenda is clear and simple: de-legitimize anyone who advances foreign policy ideas that go against the grain of militarism and slavish appeasement of Israel. Anyone who questions why we are in a war in the midst of Mesopotamia for no apparently good reason is going to be smeared, and brought down. The War Party – and by that I don't just mean Republicans – plays dirty, and they play for keeps.