

New member
Many of you know me from Netscape, my aol account has been hacked and I am having trouble resetting my password. I will work on this after work tomorrow as they are only able to send e-mails in my name. So, until I post here saying the problem has been fixed please do not open any e-mails from me. Again my e-mail address is DeMartMan@Aol.com I haven't sent any to any of you in some time, so if you see my name just deleted. Please pass this on to anyone from our old group.
I have resolved this, but as those who know me, it has been a few years since I've e-mailed people. For the most part I stick to message boards and my work on Christianity and the Confusion. This has been frustrating but on the good side it looks like whoever it was, was only sending out spam for some diet program and not viruses. Just the same, please delete any e-mails from me as it will be some time before I would send any to you. I hope this gets to all my old friends. I have missed our talks and our old Netscape boards, but time goes on.
Your friend