Was Ferraro criticising the right Democrat?


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"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept." - Geraldine Ferraro, March 10, 2008

And this from a HILLARY CLINTON supporter? That has to be the most astoundingly obtuse quote of the entire Presidential campaign season so far. Boy, when you get these silly people going, there's no telling what they'll come up with next.

Whether her remarks apply to Obama or not (something I doubt), consider how accurately they apply to Ferraro's own present hero, Hillary Clinton. Would she be where she is, if she were not a woman?

If Hillary were not a woman, then another thing she would not be, is the wife of a former President. And everything she is today, has been "achieved" purely by riding the coattails of her husband.

It's hard to call her humiliating failure at enacting socialized health care in 1993, an "achievement", but even that came solely because she was the President's wife, not because of any qualification or past experience she had as either a legislator, manager, or medical person. She had never been any of those.

And, humiliating as her failure was, there was little else she could point to as a "qualification" to run for Senate. Would the people of New York state have voted for an anonymous lawyer from Connecticut and Arkansas, to be their choice for U.S. Senator? Hardly. Only her visibility and strident rhetoric from various White-House-related podiums and press conferences, has given her the "name recognition" to be noticeable above the run-of-the-mill bureaucrats infesting the elite East Coast halls of government. And she earned none of those podiums or venues. Only by virtue of her husband being elected President, was she able to take advantage of them.

And even today, she can point to little else than her Senate "experience" (where she also accomplished nothing), plus vague references to carefully-unspecified "experience" before that time, as her qualification to assume the highest office in the land.

If Ferraro wants to castigate someone for achieving what he has by virtue of his color or gender (she applied both to Obama for some reason), she's criticizing the wrong Democrat.

People who live in glass houses, should be careful about throwing stones. And Ferraros' house here, is so fragile, that I have to wonder about her intelligence and sanity in even TRYING to throw that particular missile.

Democrats sure get weird when they're losing. Though examples abound, nowhere has that been more starkly visible than with Geraldine Ferraro's latest blurt in support of her saviour Hillary Clinton.