Was He Defending The First Amendment?


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Update: ‘Act of Domestic Terror’ — Suspect Held After Five Stabbed at Hanukkah Celebration in New York Suburb
by Simon Kent
29 Dec 2019


I do not know what the man’s motive is, but if I was his attorney his defense would be “My client was defending his First Amendment Rights.” If I was on the jury I would vote NOT GUILTY. Allow me to elaborate on my reasoning.

There is a community of Hasidic Jews in New Square, New York.


Mrs. Clinton had swung through the Hasidic village of New Square, in Rockland County north of New York City, during her Senate campaign. And that campaign stop paid off on Nov. 7 with 1,400 votes for Clinton--about 100 times the dozen votes that her opponent, Republican Rick A. Lazio, received and far more than she received in other nearby Orthodox Jewish communities.

Hasidic Clemency Case Entangles Hillary Clinton
Feb. 24, 2001


Back up a bit further and you will learn that President Clinton gave tax dollars to Jews in New Square, an all-Hasidic village to teach children their religion. In fact, Hasidic Jews got 11,000,000 tax dollars for a non-existent yeshiva. Hillary Clinton got 99-plus percent of the Hasidic vote in her first run for the Senate. That amounted to $7,857 for every Jewish vote. Four of the Hasidic crooks went to prison. Make what you will out of Bill Clinton’s pardons.

NOTE: It would have been poetic justice had a Brooklyn Jew, Bernie Sanders, beat Clinton for the nomination in 2016. Frankly, I never understood why television mouths gave so much coverage to Republican wannabes when Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were funnier than Abbott & Costello.

Some years ago I lived close to New Square; so I know a little bit about how Hasidic Jews behave towards outsiders. No one in our government ever stood up to them. No one in our government is standing up to Muslims. Apparently, the First Amendment only applies to Christians.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, . . .

Parenthetically, Hasidic Jews can be as violent as Muslims. A friend of my wife living in Rockland Country told her that New York City Jews are fleeing NYC; buying property in the New Square area, and expanding their influence. That would not mean much except for the:

The worst of it is that Hasidic Jews do not marry in a civil ceremony. The women then have children with their Jewish husbands. Since they are not legally married they can collect welfare support for the kids. I have not been able to verify the scam; so I am relying on my wife’s friend who is very well-informed about local politics.

America has its own France right here. New Square is pretty close to being a Jewish enclave insofar as driving through New Square on PUBLIC STREETS on the Sabbath or on Jewish holidays, while Muslims are establishing “Sharia” enclaves throughout France for Muslims only.

NOTE: Publicity is the last thing serial killers want. To this day Jack the Ripper’s identity is unknown. Conversely, politically motivated murderers crave all of the publicity they can get. Political motives matters not; coverage is always the true motive. Television is more than eager to provide 24-7 reportage.

Before non-existent racism and antisemitism raise their ugly head in New Square reporting, random murder done by blacks is not a new phenomenon. One of the most brutal black killers did his murders in 1914. Black man, Julian Carlton, killed seven people by setting fire to Frank Lloyd Wright’s house. He used a hatchet to hack those who tried to escape the flames. Wright’s mistress and her two children were among the dead.


Julian Carlton


Frank Lloyd Wright, Welsh America's most famous son

Julian Carlton’s name and deed should be well-known because of Frank Lloyd Wright’s narrow escape. He was in Chicago at the time. In fact, Carlton is hardly known today. Note that Carlton did not need a gun:

Mystery of the murders at Taliesin


This link provides more background on Wright and the murders:


Finally, Julian Carlton reportedly said he felt disrespected; a popular term in movies and TV shows used to justify violence. If Carlton actually coined the phrase it has become an excuse to overlook a multitude of sin when ‘disrespecting’ becomes psycho-babble for simple rejection.

Touchy-feely freaks claim that no one has the Right to choose their friends and associates when it means hurting someone by rejecting them.

There is another school of thought on that topic:

You don't choose your friends, they choose you, and you either reject them or you accept them without reservations.” Arturo Pérez-Reverte

Long before Perez-Reverte wrote his novel The Flanders Panel (no connection) I was taught: Choose your friends. Do not let them choose you.

After all is said and done, individual mass murderers have a deep-seated need to associate themselves with government mass murders in modern times. If you start the clock in the early 20th century with the Ottoman Empire’s slaughter of Armenian Christians, Soviet Union genocide, Nazi Germany, and Communist China, it is not hard to understand a lack of conscience for killing a dozen or so for whatever reason when governments slaughtered close to 200,000,000 in just one century.
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Update: ‘Act of Domestic Terror’ — Suspect Held After Five Stabbed at Hanukkah Celebration in New York Suburb
by Simon Kent
29 Dec 2019


I do not what the man’s motive is, but if I was his attorney his defense would be “My client was defending his First Amendment Rights.” If I was on the jury I would vote NOT GUILTY. Allow me to elaborate on my reasoning.

There is a community of Hasidic Jews in New Square, New York.


Mrs. Clinton had swung through the Hasidic village of New Square, in Rockland County north of New York City, during her Senate campaign. And that campaign stop paid off on Nov. 7 with 1,400 votes for Clinton--about 100 times the dozen votes that her opponent, Republican Rick A. Lazio, received and far more than she received in other nearby Orthodox Jewish communities.

Hasidic Clemency Case Entangles Hillary Clinton
Feb. 24, 2001


Back up a bit further and you will learn that President Clinton gave tax dollars to Jews in New Square, an all-Hasidic village to teach children their religion. In fact, Hasidic Jews got 11,000,000 tax dollars for a non-existent yeshiva. Hillary Clinton got 99-plus percent of the Hasidic vote in her first run for the Senate. That amounted to $7,857 for every Jewish vote. Four of the Hasidic crooks went to prison. Make what you will out of Bill Clinton’s pardons.

NOTE: It would have been poetic justice had a Brooklyn Jew, Bernie Sanders, beat Clinton for the nomination in 2016. Frankly, I never understood why television mouths gave so much coverage to Republican wannabes when Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were funnier than Abbott & Costello.

Some years ago I lived close to New Square; so I know a little bit about how Hasidic Jews behave towards outsiders. No one in our government ever stood up to them. No one in our government is standing up to Muslims. Apparently, the First Amendment only applies to Christians.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, . . .

Parenthetically, Hasidic Jews can be as violent as Muslims. A friend of my wife living in Rockland Country told her that New York City Jews are fleeing NYC; buying property in the New Square area, and expanding their influence. That would not mean much except for the:

The worst of it is that Hasidic Jews do not marry in a civil ceremony. The women then have children with their Jewish husbands. Since they are not legally married they can collect welfare support for the kids. I have not been able to verify the scam; so I am relying on my wife’s friend who is very well-informed about local politics.

America has its own France right here. New Square is pretty close to being a Jewish enclave insofar as driving through New Square on PUBLIC STREETS on the Sabbath or on Jewish holidays, while Muslims are establishing “Sharia” enclaves throughout France for Muslims only.

NOTE: Publicity is the last thing serial killers want. To this day Jack the Ripper’s identity is unknown. Conversely, politically motivated murderers crave all of the publicity they can get. Political motives matters not; coverage is always the true motive. Television is more than eager to provide 24-7 reportage.

Before non-existent racism and antisemitism raise their ugly head in New Square reporting, random murder done by blacks is not a new phenomenon. One of the most brutal black killers did his murders in 1914. Black man, Julian Carlton, killed seven people by setting fire to Frank Lloyd Wright’s house. He used a hatchet to hack those who tried to escape the flames. Wright’s mistress and her two children were among the dead.

Julian Carlton’s name and deed should be well-known because of Frank Lloyd Wright’s narrow escape. He was in Chicago at the time. In fact, Carlton is hardly known today. Note that Carlton did not need a gun:

Mystery of the murders at Taliesin


This link provides more background on Wright and the murders:


Finally, Julian Carlton reportedly said he felt disrespected; a popular term in movies and TV shows used to justify violence. If Carlton actually coined the phrase it has become an excuse to overlook a multitude of sin when ‘disrespecting’ becomes psycho-babble for simple rejection.

Touchy-feely freaks claim that no one has the Right to choose their friends and associates when it means hurting someone by rejecting them.

There is another school of thought on that topic:

You don't choose your friends, they choose you, and you either reject them or you accept them without reservations.” Arturo Pérez-Reverte

Long before Perez-Reverte wrote his novel The Flanders Panel (no connection) I was taught: Choose your friends. Do not let them choose you.

After all is said and done, individual mass murderers have a deep-seated need to associate themselves with government mass murders in modern times. If you start the clock in the early 20th century with the Ottoman Empire’s slaughter of Armenian Christians, Soviet Union genocide, Nazi Germany, and Communist China, it is not hard to understand a lack of conscience for killing a dozen or so for whatever reason when governments slaughtered close to 200,000,000 in just one century.

Why do you support rounding up Jews and murdering them in camps?
Here it comes:

Federal prosecutors filed hate-crime charges
Monday against accused Monsey stabber Grafton Thomas in the machete rampage that injured five Hanukkah celebrants inside a rabbi’s home.

Swamp creatures wasted no time in jumping on an opportunity to take control of crimes committed in states —— not to mention another opportunity to abolish double jeopardy.

Democrats love everything containing the word hate, while they despise freedom of speech:


Murder is murder. Codifying “Hate Crimes” is discriminatory in that it makes one victim more important than another in the eyes of the law. If ever the slippery slope argument was applicable it is in convicting an accused defendant based on motive alone. One unrelated remark defined as hate speech uttered by a defendant years before he was arrested can be used to prove he or she committed a hate crime.

The logic used by liberals never cease to amaze me; never more than trying to pass “Hate Crime” legislation. Such philosophical legislation boggles the mind because it assigns a psychological motive to selected acts. The most outlandish example of defining a hate crime was the time President Clinton blamed Rush Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City Bombing.​


Will wonders never cease? Suddenly Democrats are defending the First Amendment:

Grafton, 37, is charged with five counts of obstructing the free exercise of religious beliefs by attempting to kill with a dangerous weapon and causing injuries, according to the Associated Press.

Grafton Thomas charged with hate crimes in Monsey stabbing attack
By Bruce Golding
December 30, 2019 | 12:55pm


Democrats saw another opportunity when a good guy with a gun killed a bad guy with a gun in a Christian church in Texas. Now Democrats can attack the Second Amendment —— AGAIN. Naturally, the gun-grabbers would have been a lot happier had the bad guy used an assault rifle instead of a shotgun.
Update: ‘Act of Domestic Terror’ — Suspect Held After Five Stabbed at Hanukkah Celebration in New York Suburb
by Simon Kent 29 Dec 2019 https://www.breitbart.com/faith/2019...w-york-suburb/
I do not know what the man’s motive is, but if I was his attorney his defense would be “My client was defending his First Amendment Rights.” If I was on the jury I would vote NOT GUILTY. Allow me to elaborate on my reasoning.Apparently, the First Amendment only applies to Christians.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, . .
After all is said and done, individual mass murderers have a deep-seated need to associate themselves with government mass murders in modern times. If you start the clock in the early 20th century with the Ottoman Empire’s slaughter of Armenian Christians, Soviet Union genocide, Nazi Germany, and Communist China, it is not hard to understand a lack of conscience for killing a dozen or so for whatever reason when governments slaughtered close to 200,000,000 in just one century. [/B][/QUOTE]

Sounds like a 1950 Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists self defense of their First Amendment rites......as in those burning Bush's second coming of liberty & justice for all Christians thru 9/11.....
There is a community of Hasidic Jews in New Square, New York.

Mrs. Clinton had swung through the Hasidic village of New Square, in Rockland County north of New York City, during her Senate campaign. And that campaign stop paid off on Nov. 7 with 1,400 votes for Clinton--about 100 times the dozen votes that her opponent, Republican Rick A. Lazio, received and far more than she received in other nearby Orthodox Jewish communities.

Hasidic Clemency Case Entangles Hillary Clinton
Feb. 24, 2001


Back up a bit further and you will learn that President Clinton gave tax dollars to Jews in New Square, an all-Hasidic village to teach children their religion. In fact, Hasidic Jews got 11,000,000 tax dollars for a non-existent yeshiva. Hillary Clinton got 99-plus percent of the Hasidic vote in her first run for the Senate. That amounted to $7,857 for every Jewish vote. Four of the Hasidic crooks went to prison. Make what you will out of Bill Clinton’s pardons.

Blame this on the coronavirus or the Clintons or both:

A friend of ours, I will call her Janet, lives in Rockland County near the village of New Square. We have been friends with Janet for 50 years —— she is coming up on 90 years old. In all those years Janet and my wife talked on the telephone every few weeks. The other day my wife was in tears when Janet told her what Democrat scum are doing to her.

At age 89 it is not easy for Janet to go food shopping in the best of times; so she ordered food from Walmart because the coronavirus scam trapped her in her home. Now get this:

Walmart refused to deliver anything in her area because she lives too close to New Square. Not only Walmart, but other suppliers refuse to deliver in Janet’s area.

You will not hear Janet’s story reported on television the way all of those horror stories were reported daily when television mouths were pushing Obamacare.