Was It A Racially Motivated Crime Or Was It A Welfare State Crime?


Verified User
The motive for this killing is only the first of the inevitable:


(Alachua County Sheriff’s Office) Ezekiel Hicks, 25, was arrested on murder charges Sunday, April 7, in the death of 41-year-old Craig Brewer.

A good Samaritan was fatally shot over the weekend while handing out $20 bills and paying for meals at a Florida restaurant, according to police.

Police arrested Ezekiel Hicks, 25, on murder charges early Sunday in the death of 41-year-old Craig Brewer, who was shot and killed at a Waffle House, in Gainesville, Florida, just a few miles west of the University of Florida.

Officials with the Alachua County Sheriff's Office said the restaurant's surveillance camera captured an altercation between the two on video. Witnesses said the victim was arguing with a female acquaintance of the suspect, who was reportedly upset because Brewer's generosity didn't include her.

Waffle House good Samaritan shot to death paying for meals, handing out $20 bills
By Karma Allen
Apr 9, 2019 2:03 AM


I will begin with the Democrat Party’s strategy for dictating behavior —— Good Samaritan Laws.

When the government can punish you for not supporting strangers it is only one baby step shy of abolishing every individual liberty. A country without individual liberties is the only kind of country Socialists/Communists want.

Socialists move forward incrementally in all things. Obamacare moved into criminal law; i.e., the government punishes you for not buying health insurance. Strip away all of the doublespeak and you are left with this fact: Every law that punishes inactivity is criminal law. The shame is that there is no day in court for those who are punished for NOT doing as they are told.

Ultimately, Good Samaritan Laws without criminal or civil penalties have no teeth. Indeed, there has never been a priest that did not dream about punishing law-abiding citizens who refuse to do as they are told. American judges do it all of the time. The Socialist priesthood is very close to making the Good Samaritan dream all-inclusive for bureaucrats as well as for judges.

Those who think Good Samaritan Laws are necessary should get their sermons in the church of their choice. In that way they can VOLUNTARILY submit to any punishment their chosen “spiritual leader” metes out. Do not force me to come along.

Here is a brief clip from the final episode of the Jerry Seinfeld show titled The Good Samaritan:

Make no mistake about those people written up as Socialists. When they are backed into a corner they will trigger a violent revolution in order to protect the gains they made since the late nineteenth century. Violent revolution is the only choice Socialists/Communists will have when they see their levers of power slipping away.

Duty to Rescue Law

What the Seinfeld gang was actually guilty of more accurately falls under what are called “Duty to Rescue laws”. These are laws that punish people who do not render aid to others when it is reasonable to do so.


There are, however, 10 states which now require that strangers notify the police anytime they are witness to a crime. Additionally, Massachusetts (where the Seinfeld troupe was nabbed), Wisconsin, Minnesota, Vermont, and Rhode Island all have laws requiring some kind of direct assistance if it is needed and reasonable, with a possible fine of up to $100 for infringement. While enforcement of these laws is reportedly rare, the fact that they exist is a powerful indicator of the potential role of government in legislating morality.

Legality vs. Morality

A society where complete strangers feel inspired to risk their own lives to help one another in times of need sounds almost universally appealing. However, where do we draw the limit for the law’s role in influencing morality and basic human decency? Does everyone have an intrinsic obligation to help each other, even when the situation has nothing to do with them? Or should we be free to be more selective about when we choose to get involved with others? Do charity and heroism maintain their appeal when mandated under threat of fine or imprisonment? What do you think?

Legislating Morality: Good Samaritan and Duty to Rescue Laws
Jeanine Leder | March 19, 2015


Remember how the welfare state began. Look at where it is at now! Everything Good Samaritans did to this country started small. Indeed, tax dollar funded abortions and selling baby parts began with ending back ally abortions. And take a good look at the Good Samaritan garbage driving open-borders.

Good Samaritan Laws piss into the wind. Every time priests try to legislate love it blows back in their faces.

It has long-been my contention that parasites brought down every civilization, every empire, every culture, every prosperous country that ever was. Our federal government confirms my observation with Good Samaritan Laws.

Finally, the biblical Good Samaritan took care of a stranger out of his own pocket, while today’s parasites demand that government Good Samaritans force everyone to “do the right thing” —— most often with tax dollars.
FOX should impeach the judge:

“Failure to do an official act” is doublespeak for the same old liberal garbage. Just like every priesthood that ever was, Socialists try to make the transition from prohibiting and punishing reprehensible behavior to telling everyone how to conduct their daily lives. Socialists can, and do, get away with abolishing private property, taxing incomes, perverting the law, betraying the country, and violating the Constitution at every turn. For all of the things Socialists in government can do they cannot govern unless they can force people to do as they are told. In short: YOU MUST NOT becomes YOU MUST.

It has long-been my contention that parasites brought down every civilization, every empire, every culture, every prosperous country that ever was. Our federal government confirms my observation with Good Samaritan Laws.

Finally, the biblical Good Samaritan took care of a stranger out of his own pocket, while today’s parasites demand that government Good Samaritans force everyone to “do the right thing” —— most often with tax dollars.

See the Eric Hoffer quote
"Indeed, there has never been a priest that did not dream about punishing law-abiding citizens who refuse to do as they are told."

I'd say you're full of shit.

"Every time priests try to legislate love it blows back in their faces. "

Tell us, what do priests have to do with this asshole killing a Good Samaritan?
Tell us, what do priests have to do with this asshole killing a Good Samaritan?

To RB 60: I did not say they did in that instance.

On the other hand nut cases usually kill one or two individuals. Serial killers can murder dozens before getting caught. Throughout history institutions killed thousands given the opportunity. Priests and wannabe priests recruit true believers to help with the institutional killing.

The subject of organized religion and government killing is a different topic than my premise in this thread. Basically:

A bullet in the back of the head would work wonders on television mouths, Socialists, lawyers, and clerics of every denomination.

To RB 60: I did not say they did in that instance.

On the other hand nut cases usually kill one or two individuals. Serial killers can murder dozens before getting caught. Throughout history institutions killed thousands given the opportunity. Priests and wannabe priests recruit true believers to help with the institutional killing.

The subject of organized religion and government killing is a different topic than my premise in this thread. Basically:

A bullet in the back of the head would work wonders on television mouths, Socialists, lawyers, and clerics of every denomination.


Then why bring up priests? Again, isn't this thread about this asshole killing a Good Samaritan? Myself, I'd have just shot him and been done with it.
Then why bring up priests? Again, isn't this thread about this asshole killing a Good Samaritan?

To RB 60: I cited priests in this context to make a point about:

. . . Good Samaritan Laws without criminal or civil penalties have no teeth. Indeed, there has never been a priest that did not dream about punishing law-abiding citizens who refuse to do as they are told. American judges do it all of the time. The Socialist priesthood is very close to making the Good Samaritan dream all-inclusive for bureaucrats as well as for judges.

You went far astray.
To RB 60: I cited priests in this context to make a point about:

You went far astray.

I believe you went astray with the "Indeed, there has never been a priest that did not dream about punishing law-abiding citizens who refuse to do as they are told" statement.

But I have to go, I might be back later.