Was MLK Right to Use Christians, when he himself was an Atheist?


He denies the trinity. Denies the divinity of Christ. Claims that we are the one who "chose" Jesus to be the Christ. Claims the resurrection and immortality are akin to "magic" and that Christianity only exists due to pagan influences. I only 5 documents, he exposes himself as blatantly anti-christian. As someone who used the christian community as a vehicle for his politics.

Martin Luther King Jr was a great civil rights leader, the greatest of all time. But idol worship is not the christian way. MLK was not a true christian. MLK was sadly, holding to false beliefs contary to scripture. For that, I pity him.

He denies the trinity. Denies the divinity of Christ. Claims that we are the one who "chose" Jesus to be the Christ. Claims the resurrection and immortality are akin to "magic" and that Christianity only exists due to pagan influences. I only 5 documents, he exposes himself as blatantly anti-christian. As someone who used the christian community as a vehicle for his politics.

Martin Luther King Jr was a great civil rights leader, the greatest of all time. But idol worship is not the christian way. MLK was not a true christian. MLK was sadly, holding to false beliefs contary to scripture. For that, I pity him.

MLKing was closer to Jesus than you right wing fascists.
I know he liked to fuck White Girls, but I didn't know he was an Atheist. (are you SURE about this?)
What did I do?

What was Jesus last name?

Jesus does not have a last name. Last names were not common
in those times. Christ is not a name, but a title. Christ means
“anointed” or “Messiah”, so Jesus became the “Christ” or “Messiah”
when he got baptized at the age of 30.

What is Jesus's full name?

Due to the numerous translations, the Bible has undergone, "Jesus"
is the modern term for the Son of God. His original Hebrew name is
Yeshua, which is short for yehōshu'a. It can be translated to 'Joshua,'
according to . . . . .

This is called a heart attack.

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground,
for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

He denies the trinity. Denies the divinity of Christ. Claims that we are the one who "chose" Jesus to be the Christ. Claims the resurrection and immortality are akin to "magic" and that Christianity only exists due to pagan influences. I only 5 documents, he exposes himself as blatantly anti-christian. As someone who used the christian community as a vehicle for his politics.

Martin Luther King Jr was a great civil rights leader, the greatest of all time. But idol worship is not the christian way. MLK was not a true christian. MLK was sadly, holding to false beliefs contary to scripture. For that, I pity him.

He denies the trinity. Denies the divinity of Christ. Claims that we are the one who "chose" Jesus to be the Christ. Claims the resurrection and immortality are akin to "magic" and that Christianity only exists due to pagan influences. I only 5 documents, he exposes himself as blatantly anti-christian. As someone who used the christian community as a vehicle for his politics.

Martin Luther King Jr was a great civil rights leader, the greatest of all time. But idol worship is not the christian way. MLK was not a true christian. MLK was sadly, holding to false beliefs contary to scripture. For that, I pity him.

the trinity. the divinity of Christ

All pagan concepts