Washington's Plot to Explode Your Taxes


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By Peter Ferrara on 6.24.09 @ 6:08AM

Everyone in Washington knows the record Federal deficits and debt are out of control and can't continue. President Obama knows it. The ultraliberal Democrat Congressional leadership knows it. Rank and file Congressional Republicans and Democrats know it. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has been openly saying so.

Obama's economic policies, adopted by the Democrat-controlled Congress, call for total Federal borrowing of $3.5 trillion this year alone! The Federal debt is projected to soar over the next 10 years to a peacetime record of 84% of GDP, and to keep on growing past the all-time record of 113% of GDP during World War II. Rep. Paul Ryan, ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, projects it will climb to 200% of GDP, twice the size of our entire economy. That would be 5 times the level of national debt that prevailed for decades before Obama.

This is the result of adding Obama's extreme, liberal left, Keynesian economic plan, with its trillion dollar stimulus package of wasteful spending that will do nothing to stimulate the economy, on top of the exploding costs of our current entitlement programs.

Obama's New Amerika

But not to worry, because the Congressional Democrat leadership and President Obama have a plan. First they are going to pass national health care, adding the biggest entitlement of all to the fiscal catastrophe we already have, giving new definition to the term fiscal insanity. Then, after that, they are going to come back to us and say, gee, we have no choice now but to raise your taxes, really, really, really raise your taxes, to record-shattering levels, to levels so high that it will change the fundamental nature of our economy and our nation.

read it all here...
The republicans seemed to have pretty much literally exploded 1 trillion or so in our taxes in Iraq.

Likely enough to have paid for 10 years of healthcare for us.
Instead they gladly spent it on killing and such instead of improving the lives of millions of Americans.
We don't owe you health care...That is your responsibility...

We already provide health care for anyone who can't afford insurance..medicare, medicaid, welfare..

Get back with us and tell how much you LOVE your higher taxes..
We don't owe you health care...That is your responsibility...

We already provide health care for anyone who can't afford insurance..medicare, medicaid, welfare..

Get back with us and tell how much you LOVE your higher taxes..


"We already provide health care for anyone who can't afford insurance..medicare, medicaid, welfare.."

please explain.

France pays lower per capita taxes than we do.
The republicans seemed to have pretty much literally exploded 1 trillion or so in our taxes in Iraq.

Likely enough to have paid for 10 years of healthcare for us.
Instead they gladly spent it on killing and such instead of improving the lives of millions of Americans.

We found several claims in Obama's recent health-care sales pitches that could use some explanation or qualification.
  • He said "the average family pays a thousand dollars in extra premiums to pay for people going to the emergency room who don't have health insurance." That's from a recent report by Families USA, a group that lobbies for expanded government coverage. But another study for the authoritative Kaiser Family Foundation thinks that figure is far too high.

  • The president said the estimated $1 trillion cost of his proposals is "less than we are projected to have spent on the war in Iraq." Maybe. But so far, Iraq war costs are around $642 billion.

  • He said that the U.S. spends 50 percent more per capita on health care than the next most expensive country. Not quite. We spend 20 percent more than the second most expensive country, and 50 percent more than the third.
The republicans seemed to have pretty much literally exploded 1 trillion or so in our taxes in Iraq.

Likely enough to have paid for 10 years of healthcare for us.
Instead they gladly spent it on killing and such instead of improving the lives of millions of Americans.

that you don't see the falsehood in your statement is, well, not surprising...

as if no dems voted for the money or action in iraq...you think you're some non partisan poster, but you're not....
The president said the estimated $1 trillion cost of his proposals is "less than we are projected to have spent on the war in Iraq." Maybe. But so far, Iraq war costs are around $642 billion.
Care for disabled and maimed vets?
Replacement costs of equipment?

I think that is just the supplemental money for the war. How much was spent out of regular military budget monies?

Even with that figure it is still enough to pay for 6-7 years of healthcare here for our people.
We found several claims in Obama's recent health-care sales pitches that could use some explanation or qualification.
  • He said "the average family pays a thousand dollars in extra premiums to pay for people going to the emergency room who don't have health insurance." That's from a recent report by Families USA, a group that lobbies for expanded government coverage. But another study for the authoritative Kaiser Family Foundation thinks that figure is far too high.

  • The president said the estimated $1 trillion cost of his proposals is "less than we are projected to have spent on the war in Iraq." Maybe. But so far, Iraq war costs are around $642 billion.

  • He said that the U.S. spends 50 percent more per capita on health care than the next most expensive country. Not quite. We spend 20 percent more than the second most expensive country, and 50 percent more than the third.

That's a dubious factcheck. Even with the correct "facts," which aren't too far off from what was stated, it's still pretty damning for our healthcare...
We don't owe you health care...That is your responsibility...

We already provide health care for anyone who can't afford insurance..medicare, medicaid, welfare..

Get back with us and tell how much you LOVE your higher taxes..

Har, these guys most likely don't pay any taxes, so why would they care?