Wasserman-Schultz out as DNC Chair


100% recycled karma
in a bit of good news. this woman supports the TPP, loose regs on payday lending and more:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has handed the day-to-day operations of the Democratic Party over to Clinton’s hand picked operator Brandon Davis.

Davis assumes the role of Chief of Staff, but in reality, he will be running the Democratic National Committee until a new Chairperson is selected at this year’s convention. He is currently the national political coordinator for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

Wasserman-Schultz will retain her title in name only until the Democratic party votes on a successor.

The Bronx cheer you’re hearing as you read this article is coming from Vermont, where Bernie Sanders fans are cheering the departure of the southern Florida congresswoman known as DWS.

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz drew the ire of her party for initially scheduling only six Democratic presidential primary debates - and those being on Saturday and Sunday nights when few people would be expected to tune in.

Eventually three more debates during reasonable viewing hours were scheduled.

Democratic nominees traditionally appoint an election manager after the contest has been sewn up, just like Obama did when Howard Dean was the party chair in 2008.

So it’s tough to characterize the departure of Wasserman Schultz as any form of condemnation of her record as Democratic party leader - though many rank and file point to the 2014 election disaster as another reason for this turn of events.

Now, Wasserman Schultz faces heavy opposition in a primary campaign for her congressional district with Democratic challenger Tim Canova challenging her to a series of to a series of six debates about the issues facing their district which covers the northeast portion of Miami and the southern portion of Fort Lauderdale and well heeled city of Weston and points in between.

It’s ok to Feel the Bern in Tim Canova’s call for six debates one more time here, as it is coming from a candidate former Democratic nominee contender Bernie Sanders himself recently endorsed.

Canova still Feels the Bern too, holding out hope that something will change at the convention and send the Vermont senator into the Presidential race.

Canova just passed the $2,000,000 fundraising mark, and his average donation is just $17.

Wasserman Schultz has thus far tried to ignore her opponent, but that seems to have only encouraged Tim Canova to grow bolder in his opposition to the outgoing party chair based on the issues.

Their vastly divergent stances on payday lending, private prisons, marijuana legalization and financial regulation in general still aren’t clear to the public.

Canova is a professor at Nova Southeastern University who specialized in the study of financial regulation, and whose progressive positions are closely aligned with Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren who founded the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The two candidates are on opposite sides of trade issues, with Wasserman Schultz in favor of the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty (the TPP) and Canova strongly opposed to the international agreement.
I heard her ouster was part of the price that Vlad Putin exacted from crooked Hillary to keep the unsavory details of Bill's adventures with Jeff Epstein and deadbeat Don under wraps.
I heard her ouster was part of the price that Vlad Putin exacted from crooked Hillary to keep the unsavory details of Bill's adventures with Jeff Epstein and deadbeat Don under wraps.

Prove it.

I'll understand if you can't. I predict you won't.
It's interesting that politicians are being vilified for their support of TPP, even though no one ever really commits any energy to attacking Obama for it (aside from the fast-track controversy). It's kind of like people who vilified McCain for campaign finance reform, even though Bush signed it into law.
It's interesting that politicians are being vilified for their support of TPP, even though no one ever really commits any energy to attacking Obama for it
progressive and Trump both have gone after Obama. It'd very unpopular -but Obama is old news
TPP is very current dimwit.
Stuff your idiotic jingoisms up your old man ass.
gawd almighty..I have never seen anyone who can read be so unable to comprehend.
the reference "old news" is to Obama NOT the TPP! .it's right there.

Are you fucking stoned? you simply cannot be this thick!

When is your B-Day and i'll send up some "see Spot Run" books to
teach you comprehension.
gawd almighty..I have never seen anyone who can read be so unable to comprehend.
the reference "old news" is to Obama NOT the TPP! .it's right there.

Are you fucking stoned? you simply cannot be this thick!

When is your B-Day and i'll send up some "see Spot Run" books to
teach you comprehension.

TPP is current, is Obama's baby and he is still prez.

It's interesting that politicians are being vilified for their support of TPP, even though no one ever really commits any energy to attacking Obama for it (aside from the fast-track controversy). It's kind of like people who vilified McCain for campaign finance reform, even though Bush signed it into law.

Nobody will ever blame the Negro in Chief for anything. I hope Obama has a massive stroke after he gets out of office while driving a golf cart with Moochelle and his spawn in the cart with him and drives it off of a 100 foot cliff