Waste of Farm Subsidies and Will Get Worse With More Dems in Congress


I fault both parties for bloated farm subsidies, but at least the Republicans are talking about reform and reduction, while the Dems latest plan is loaded with more social welfare and spending:

"Ron Kind, a Democrat from Wisconsin, will introduce the first such bill next week. He wants more cash for conservation, bigger subsidies for biofuels and coupons to allow old folk and the poor to shop at farmers' markets. "

More subsidies for biofuels like those derived from corn? Why most of those receiving don't need any more or any at all, from the same article:
"Six out ten American farmers get no federal money, while 10% of farmers get 72% of it. Nor are these small, struggling family farmers. Over half the subsidies go to large commercial farms. "

Remember that for all Democrats talk about reducing corporate welfare, they are full of it and that party that will spend more everywhere it can.
Remember that for all Democrats talk about reducing corporate welfare, they are full of it and that party that will spend more everywhere it can.

more than 250billion for a needless war where there were no WMD's??

dano you lose all credibility when you bring up pointless arguements like this and ignore reckless spending by the R's.
I believe Agriculture provides about 1 in 6 jobs in this country once it is all figured in down the line.
Funny it is mostly the rural farmers in KY that voted Bush in. Hmmm that will change I suppose....

Ahh, but did they vote for him because he would subsidized them more or did they vote for him on the "moral" issues? A legitimate question when considering "rural" America.
No doubt those stupid farmers will vote for Bush in the next election too! LOL
I grow tired of hearing how much the farmers are "stupid"... *sigh* there is a reason that there is an Agricultural College in most western/souther states and it isn't so they can rock at football...
I grow tired of hearing how much the farmers are "stupid"... *sigh* there is a reason that there is an Agricultural College in most western/souther states and it isn't so they can rock at football...

You have to consider the source. Anyway, I don't think I've heard that farmers are stupid too often.
I grow tired of hearing how much the farmers are "stupid"... *sigh* there is a reason that there is an Agricultural College in most western/souther states and it isn't so they can rock at football...

Farming requires a lot of techincal and business knowedge. More than many occupations.
Exactly. I used to be on campus with a lot of aggies and enviro's.
Ranching and Farming are the roots of my family. It gets personal when people start calling us all "stupid" just because they think all "rednecks" are fools. I guess that they base it all on the Dukes of Hazard.
Ranching and Farming are the roots of my family. It gets personal when people start calling us all "stupid" just because they think all "rednecks" are fools. I guess that they base it all on the Dukes of Hazard.

Agreed Leaning, but if their wallets start hurting too much....
"Six out ten American farmers get no federal money."

Seems to me that take zero dollars away from most of them wouldn't hurt too much at all. I'm sure they're happy not to have to pay the taxes for subsidies they don't get. Use some of the money to pay down the deficit too.
You have to consider the source. Anyway, I don't think I've heard that farmers are stupid too often.

The source is The Economist, a newsmagazine that picked Kerry over Bush, I reiterated facts from it, is there some problem?