Wasting More of Your Grandkids $$$$$$$


Repent, America!
The community organizer who ruined America's credit rating was in Chicago begging rich Socialists for money when a lady flying her plane was intercepted by F16s for no real reason at a cost to the tax payers of NINE THOUSAND BUCKS A HOUR.

Then some coward called the police on her, costing more tax payer dollars.

This Communist dictator just doesn't get it.

Is it November 2012 yet?
You'll know when it's Nov/12. That will be the start of drawing up a plan to tax those folks with planes so fewer planes will result in fewer F16s which will result in greater savings. There's always a win-win solution. :)
You'll know when it's Nov/12. That will be the start of drawing up a plan to tax those folks with planes so fewer planes will result in fewer F16s which will result in greater savings. There's always a win-win solution. :)
Which will in turn result in lose of more high paying jobs from Boeing, Gulfstream, Bell, Curtiss-Wright, etc and trickle-down unemployment to their suppliers and their suppliers .
It was restricted air space. She flew into it and was intercepted by the people who are supposed to intercept unauthorized planes in restricted air space.

The woman was flying either without a radio or had her radio turned off. Take her licence away.
You must be one of the George Soros paid cyber posters I was warned about.

Unless you are making the claim that people should be allowed to fly anywhere they want without having any means of communication, you are indeed a troll.

And not a particularly good one.
Give one good reason why a law abiding US citizen can't fly their private plane because The Messiah is in town but the Mexican Army can land in Texas, no problem.
Give one good reason why a law abiding US citizen can't fly their private plane because The Messiah is in town but the Mexican Army can land in Texas, no problem.

Because the law abiding citizen was flying in restricted air space. Its what happens when ANY president is in a given area.
You failed to answer my question. Mexicans can land helicopters in Texas, no F16s. A 75 year old lady flies her private plane near the Anointed, and 2 F16s come from OHIO.

Now what other President ever ordered something like that?
You failed to answer my question. Mexicans can land helicopters in Texas, no F16s. A 75 year old lady flies her private plane near the Anointed, and 2 F16s come from OHIO.

Now what other President ever ordered something like that?

Did Obama order it? No. Anywhere the president is there is restricted air space. It has been that way for many years. Obama did not order anything. The standard presidential security applied. On 9/11/01, the airspace around that elementary school was restricted.

The mexican army thing was just proof of the ineptness of the mexican army.
Wasting More of Your Grandkids $$$$$$$

From reading the responses it appears a sizable number of people have never seen the following bumper sticker: I'm spending my children's inheritance.