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There's a lot to agree with in the video, but it attempts to perpetuate an untruth about Obama; namely that he promised to end foreign wars. For some reason many people, especially on the left, believe that Obama ran in 2008 promising to end the war in Afghanistan. He did no such thing. He ran, in fact, on increasing our forces in Afghanistan while ending our occupation in Iraq.

Excellent video but we have to take note of what Sedan wrote in msg #3. Also, if Ron Paul was running for a different party he might have a chance to implement his policies, if elected. However, him being part of the Republican Party it would never happen. People like Cheney and Rumsfeld and McCain still hold power in that party, behind the scenes, as they have for decades. Paul would have to remake the Republican Party before his ideas had a chance of being implemented.

Obama, while moving slowly, is moving in the right direction. He has an eye on long term goals. The troops are coming out of Iraq. Medical care is being implemented. I think it's unwise to "jump the gun". In the next four years he will solidify his ideas. Fundamental changes will be made. It is a slow process but Obama is moving along making the necessary changes to keep the US the leader of the free world.

The elimination of Osama bin Laden. The rescue of the two hostages in Somalia by the same Special Operations Forces. Obama has "modernized" warfare. Less military/industrial complex involvement which, on it's own, must be rattling some cages. "Working smarter, not harder", as the old saying goes. He'll cut military spending, not by making a big deal out of it, but by using alternative methods. Fewer troops, less war machines will reduce costs. Rather than argue about it in Congress his approach will show the non-necessity of greater spending. What better way to take on the military/industrial complex?

American citizens are extremely fortunate. They already have a competent, visionary leader. All they have to do is let him do his job.
There's a lot to agree with in the video, but it attempts to perpetuate an untruth about Obama; namely that he promised to end foreign wars. For some reason many people, especially on the left, believe that Obama ran in 2008 promising to end the war in Afghanistan. He did no such thing. He ran, in fact, on increasing our forces in Afghanistan while ending our occupation in Iraq.

Good point.
Obama ended the iraq war and never promised to end the Afganistan war.
True but this is one of the few area's of policy in which I do agree with Dr. Paul. His comparison of US Militirism to Ancient Rome is very apt. Their over extending themselves militarily was a key contributor to the collapse of the Roman Empire. That was also the case in the historical collapse of some other great empires including, The Spanish Empire and The British Empire.

Now that may be the historical fact and it may be the truth but do you think that this kind of rhetoric is what rural and small town voters in South Carolina want to hear?
Well that was 30 seconds of my life I'll never get back. I mean is he insane? Does he honestly think telling the truth is going to get the Republican base to vote for him?

Here is how the Republican establishment treats Dr. Paul:

The problem Obama has is that whenever a candidate achieves a particular office, elements on the left and right immediately assume the candidate made some important promises simply by being in a particular party, against a particular candidate and platform, and the numerous other circumstances surrounding the election. Many on the left have always held Obama's candidacy in 2008 as a non-verbal promise to end Bush's wars, and quickly (i.e. hope and change). This, they will claim, is partly why they chose him over Hillary. Its not fair, but its reality. The Republican candidates will be held to the same rule regarding health care and spending.