Way to go Joe! More Americans have died from Covid than during Trump's Presidency

Truth Detector

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The silence from the phony media propaganda arm of the DNC is deafening. Under Biden, MORE Americans have died from the disease Biden claimed he would bring to an end. This fact becomes even more telling when you realize that Trump didn't have the benefit of a vaccine until the last days of his Presidency. Biden's Presidency began with millions getting vaccinated every day.

THINK sheeple.
More Americans have died from Covid than during Trump's Presidency

That is just a lie. There is no other way to say this. And the sad part is you keep lying about something that will probably happen sooner or later. When you can finally can truthfully say it, you will have lied so often that people will not believe you.

trump lost 429,991 Americans to Covid-19. So far, Biden has lost 336,266 Americans to Covid-19. When another 93,726 die from Covid-19, you will be able to truthfully say more Americans have died from Covid-19 under Biden.

trump lost 429,991 Americans to Covid-19. So far, Biden has lost 336,266 Americans to Covid-19. When another 93,726 die from Covid-19, you will be able to truthfully say more Americans have died from Covid-19 under Biden.

You want me to prove that 429,991 is a bigger number than 336,266?

Biden will be President for many more years, and so there is a lot of time to get that 93,726. Why can't Republicans wait until their claim is actually true to make it?
That was a "drive-by" rally...

I still remember when trump decided not to pay the bus drivers who would take his cult members back to their car. A bunch of old sick people were abandoned in the cold... During a pandemic. trump complained the bus drivers would not do it for free.
I still remember when trump decided not to pay the bus drivers who would take his cult members back to their car. A bunch of old sick people were abandoned in the cold... During a pandemic. trump complained the bus drivers would not do it for free.

Dear God, he did it multiple times. Omaha was the big time, but there were several other times. And far more that the bus drivers took pity on the trump sickos, and drove them back to their cars even though trump failed to pay them.
I still remember when trump decided not to pay the bus drivers who would take his cult members back to their car. A bunch of old sick people were abandoned in the cold... During a pandemic. trump complained the bus drivers would not do it for free.
Dear God, he did it multiple times. Omaha was the big time, but there were several other times. And far more that the bus drivers took pity on the trump sickos, and drove them back to their cars even though trump failed to pay them.
There’s probably a term for the type of schizophrenia where you reply to your own posts.
