We are witnessing the final stages of Western Civilization


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The agents of destruction (the Marxist Left) have seized control of all levers of power, social and institutional. Avenues of redress of grievances have been shut down. Academia and the press, as well as Hollywood, have reshaped public opinion. The system of checks and balances, so precious to our freedom, has been dissolved into an all-powerful authoritarian executive branch.

The Marxist Left feels no need to hide it's true intentions of fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a communist welfare state. Transforming America (into a Marxist state) was Obama's main talking point throughout his pre and post potus term.

Political prisoners are held without trial while rival politicians are victims of show trials. The FBI, CIA, Justice and State departments are mere toys in the hand of the executive. The Supreme Court is neutered by outright physical threat from the unchecked mob. The Marxist juggernaut has captured all the levers of power.

I thought "The End" was supposed to have been when Obama won. That's what Rush told me.
The agents of destruction (the Marxist Left) have seized control of all levers of power, social and institutional. Avenues of redress of grievances have been shut down. Academia and the press, as well as Hollywood, have reshaped public opinion. The system of checks and balances, so precious to our freedom, has been dissolved into an all-powerful authoritarian executive branch.

The Marxist Left feels no need to hide it's true intentions of fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a communist welfare state. Transforming America (into a Marxist state) was Obama's main talking point throughout his pre and post potus term.

Political prisoners are held without trial while rival politicians are victims of show trials. The FBI, CIA, Justice and State departments are mere toys in the hand of the executive. The Supreme Court is neutered by outright physical threat from the unchecked mob. The Marxist juggernaut has captured all the levers of power.

actually the left is destroying the executive by destroying executive immunity.

do you think this Marxist takeover will cause markets to tank, and if not, is it Marxism?
The agents of destruction (the Marxist Left) have seized control of all levers of power, social and institutional. Avenues of redress of grievances have been shut down. Academia and the press, as well as Hollywood, have reshaped public opinion. The system of checks and balances, so precious to our freedom, has been dissolved into an all-powerful authoritarian executive branch.

The Marxist Left feels no need to hide it's true intentions of fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a communist welfare state. Transforming America (into a Marxist state) was Obama's main talking point throughout his pre and post potus term.

Political prisoners are held without trial while rival politicians are victims of show trials. The FBI, CIA, Justice and State departments are mere toys in the hand of the executive. The Supreme Court is neutered by outright physical threat from the unchecked mob. The Marxist juggernaut has captured all the levers of power.

The agents of destruction (the Marxist Left) have seized control of all levers of power, social and institutional. Avenues of redress of grievances have been shut down. Academia and the press, as well as Hollywood, have reshaped public opinion. The system of checks and balances, so precious to our freedom, has been dissolved into an all-powerful authoritarian executive branch.

The Marxist Left feels no need to hide it's true intentions of fundamentally transforming our constitutional republic into a communist welfare state. Transforming America (into a Marxist state) was Obama's main talking point throughout his pre and post potus term.

Political prisoners are held without trial while rival politicians are victims of show trials. The FBI, CIA, Justice and State departments are mere toys in the hand of the executive. The Supreme Court is neutered by outright physical threat from the unchecked mob. The Marxist juggernaut has captured all the levers of power.

You are insane.
He may not be insane but all that gibberish about the executive branch was pretty bizarre. The odd thing is that is Trump's goal. To own all those parts of govt. He tried hard to weaponize the DOJ and they told him to fckk off. Political prisoners being held. He probably means those that attacked congress. They are being tried. If libs had done that this same guy would be calling for them to in front of firing squads.
He may not be insane but all that gibberish about the executive branch was pretty bizarre. The odd thing is that is Trump's goal. To own all those parts of govt. He tried hard to weaponize the DOJ and they told him to fckk off. Political prisoners being held. He probably means those that attacked congress. They are being tried. If libs had done that this same guy would be calling for them to in front of firing squads.
One thing Trump is doing, he is showing how horrible America can be.
actually the left is destroying the executive by destroying executive immunity.
The needs to destroy the republic because our Constitution affords We the People individual freedoms along with the overall power of the country, which the left finds insufferable. The way to destroy such a free republic involves a two-pronged attack on the Constitution:

1. Destroy the Amendments, starting with the 1st and the 2nd, by A) controlling all forms and methods of communication and clamping down with censorship, permitting only permitted ideas and shutting down prohibited ideas, and legitimizing the imprisonment of offenders B) legitimizing every possible infringement on the right to bear arms as "common sense."

2. Destroy the checks and balances of the government itself by A) weaponizing a Justice Dept / FBI that becomes answerable to no one but their masters on the left, and legitimizing the concept of "Special Counsel" that can imprison anyone in any position of government for any reason and whose "reports" somehow become "official findings" that somehow become "rulings" that are legitimized as meeting requirements of "due process" (and thus stabbing the 4th Amendment in the gut).

What we are witnessing is the blatant transformation of a great republic into a tyrannical Marxist State.

A stolen election is our outward sign that the tyranny has long-since arrived and is well into making itself at home.