We buy freddies fat fanny


Tis may turn out to be a case in point situation. The Fed seized freddy and fanny, and is dumping 100 billion into each one of them to get floating again. The two huge money shuffelers own about half of the mortages in this country (according to our local paper), and the other half is private mortage companies. The government is going to keep the businesses indefinatly (according to the local paper again). Does that sound like yet another socialization move--instead of breaking them up and letting them compete in a free type private market? I think so. I won't get a lone that involves them.

It will be interesting to see how the government screws this up--like our S-chip program, SSN, medicade and mdeicare. Now, I don't know how the banking industry works that much (but I can tell I don't like it--espically central banks), but this time we might have a "side by side" comparison over time on how well government programs actually work compared to the private sector.

Any bets the gov can't touch the private sector----again?

The Senators had their own little restrauant--that did nothing buiut take big losses (in restrauant standards) at our expense. They privatized it, and it is making profit. They can't even run a resturant in the private sector.
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yeah which one or both of them got caught cooking the books to make things look better than they were ?
Because they knew their friends would implement fascism to save them.

yeah or in other words they were too big to fail. Well they need to be split up by state so any one of them are not too big to fail.

No corporation should be allowed to grow so large that its failure would endanger the welfare of the USA. That is national security. that is not socialism or liberalism.
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Yeah having them not under govt control worked out so well didn't it ?

I have a past boss working for me today. He educated me a bit about the history of freddy and fanny. THEY ARE GOVERNMENT OWNED FROM THE BEGINNING--RUNNING AS A BUSINESS. THEY EXENCIALLY BAILD THEM SELFS OUT.

The government started freddy and fanny--to help people buy home arund the time of the New Deal.--FDR--everybody can get a home, and two cars in every driveway (he ment--the ones who don't actually earn it)

This is actually the result that I mistakenly thought would be interesting in the future.

Wasn't that interesting?
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I have a past boss working for me today. He educated me a bit about the history of freddy and fanny. THE ARE GOVERNMENT OWNED FROM THE BEGINNING--RUNNING AS A BUSINESS.

This is actually the result.

Wasn't that interesting?

Privatized in other words.

A past boss working for you now ? Darn he must be stoopid.

Were the fannie / freddie employees govt employees ?
I have a past boss working for me today. He educated me a bit about the history of freddy and fanny. THEY ARE GOVERNMENT OWNED FROM THE BEGINNING--RUNNING AS A BUSINESS. THEY EXENCIALLY BAILD THEM SELFS OUT.

The government started freddy and fanny--to help people buy home arund the time of the New Deal.--FDR--everybody can get a home, and two cars in every driveway (he ment--the ones who don't actually earn it)

This is actually the result that I mistakenly thought would be interesting in the future.

Wasn't that interesting?

I was going to say when have they not been under government control? Though not specifically stated there has been implicit government guarantee all along.
Privatized in other words.

A past boss working for you now ? Darn he must be stoopid.

Were the fannie / freddie employees govt employees ?

Privitized means run by private citizens, and owned by private citizens. A government owned business (which is destened to fail--but be bailed out) is not part of the private sector, because it is not owned by the private sector.

Private employees? Are all our state and federal workers private employees? Lets take a look at the benifits of the employees of freddy and fanny, and compare them to the benifits and pay of the private sector--that might be a good indicator---OF WHY THEY FAILED!!!---lol

Jeech man--I learned that in machine tool college.
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Privitized means run by private citizens, and owned by private citizens. A government owned business (which is destened to fail--but be bailed out) is not part of the private sector, because it is not owned by the private sector.

Jeech man--I learned that in machine tool college.

Ohh so the govt owns all of fannie and freddie stocks and such ?

you are still a tool dude.

fanny and freddy were an unusual situation, a psudo govt agency ran by private interests and with poor oversight. they were pretty much destined to fail eventually without proper regulation and control.
I was going to say when have they not been under government control? Though not specifically stated there has been implicit government guarantee all along.

Can you name any other business that has that kind of gaurantee?

Mine doesn't. If I fail--I fail--the way it sould be.

You knew it, I didn't until I talked with John. The others above slam me for not knowing history--while thinking freddy and fanny were privatly run--like the ones who did not fail.
Ohh so the govt owns all of fannie and freddie stocks and such ?

you are still a tool dude.

fanny and freddy were an unusual situation, a psudo govt agency ran by private interests and with poor oversight. they were pretty much destined to fail eventually without proper regulation and control.

Who organized (started) the companies?--and made the decisions to allow easier lending for minorities? Yiour private bank would not do that son--they knew it was risky--so they mad sure that if they used fanny or freddy to make a long to a person who might not be able to afford it--they woiuld use freddy or fanny paper work and give them the responsibility. Our banks wanted nothing to do with the lending practice.

By the way--do you have a list of the shareholders? Who are they? Which politicians are they?

The CEO is the federal government.
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Umm bear and stearns, etc are also too big to fail and got special help.
They will bail the auto industry to some extent as well.
This is a trend Socialistic capitalism.
Corporate Welfare, etc.
Umm bear and stearns, etc are also too big to fail and got special help.
They will bail the auto industry to some extent as well.
This is a trend Socialistic capitalism.
Corporate Welfare, etc.
Fascism is accurate too. Don't shy away from the term.