We can get immigration reform done

Look, understand this about bipartisanship; I have a track record in my legislative career of working with folks across the aisle and I also, by the way, am sympathetic to the fact that it’s hard for Republicans to work with me right now because there are members of their base who, if somebody even smiles at me, they think, you’re a traitor.

You smiled at Obama. You’re nice to him. You were polite, and if you’re rude to Obama, we can raise money. So, the incentive structure right now for cooperation within the Republican Party is not real strong. So I’m sympathetic to that.

But, when we talk about bipartisanship, what we mean is, is that there’s going to be some negotiation, and, no, the Republicans aren’t going to get their way on everything and there are going to be some times where we disagree, and when we disagree, if we’re not doing everything the way they want and they say, I’m going to take my ball and go home, and I won’t vote for anything, that's not a failure of bipartisanship on our part.

There’s got to be some give on the other side, particularly when you drove the car into the ditch.

You know, we can’t just go back to business as usual. So, on immigration meet me a quarter of the way.

We’ll deal with border security issues, and I’ll be serious about it, and by the way, sometimes I’ll get attacked in my own base, right, because sometimes some of the things I’ve done some of you guys aren’t happy with.

So, I remain hopeful. Remember hope?

I know it’s been 18 tough months, and I know I’ve got more gray hair.

I know some folks say, well, you know, he’s not as cool as he was. When they had all the posters around and everything. Now, I’ve got a Hitler mustache on the posters. That’s quite a change.

You know, my approval ratings kind of start sinking, and some people are just not entirely satisfied.

You know what, the health care bill wasn’t everything I wanted. It’s the biggest deal since Medicare, but, you know, it wasn’t everything I wanted.

Look, I understand. I understand that, but remember what the campaign was about; hope, change.

People weren’t paying attention to me when I said change is hard. People, a lot of folks, they just missed that part.

They were like, hope, change, and they thought, nice swearing-in, you got Bruce Springsteen singing. Everybody is feeling good. This is going to happen fast.

Well, no.

If it was easy, it would’ve happened before.

If it was easy, we would have put in place mileage standards on cars 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago, on trucks.

We didn’t do it, because it’s hard, and it’s hard not just because of the special interests, although they’re there, but it’s also hard because, you know what, everybody gets kind of comfortable with the devil they know, and change can be scary, and people can be frightened, and issues can be demagogued, and the talking head media debate can get everybody confused, and cynical, and feeling like, you know what, nothing is changing.

The fact of the matter is, over the last year and a half, we have moved this country in powerful ways.

Thank you very much, everybody. God bless you. God bless America.
President Obama, we know you have stated that comprehensive immigration reform is an important priority that must be addressed this year, and we agree with you that Congress should pass bipartisan legislation.

We believe that a broad segment of the American people support comprehensive immigration reform because they recognize that our broken immigration system unnecessarily damages our economic competitiveness and tears apart families and communities.

This coalition of supporters, which includes leaders from the business, labor, religious, and law enforcement communities, understands that a commonsense approach to immigration reform will benefit our entire nation.

Comprehensive immigration reform means a return to the rule of law, increased border and homeland security, cracking down on unscrupulous employers, and preventing future flows of illegal immigrants by removing incentives to enter the country illegally.

Reform proposals must protect American workers, end the shadow economy, provide certainty to American agriculture, and increase American competitiveness in all areas of the economy.

Comprehensive immigration reform also means reuniting families, modernizing existing immigration programs, and giving immigrant college-aged students a chance at the American dream.

It also must include a pathway to earned citizenship that requires undocumented immigrants to pay taxes and fines, pass background checks, learn English and go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship.

Comprehensive immigration reform must provide fairness for American taxpayers by ensuring that all workers and businesses pay their fair share of taxes.

The benefits of comprehensive reform for taxpayers and the U.S. economy have been enumerated in recent reports issued by the Cato Institute and the Center for American Progress.

While a majority of Americans support the commonsense, tough, and fair immigration reform principals outlined above, fixing our broken system this year will not be easy.

But, with your continued support, we stand ready to address this great challenge and are prepared to support bipartisan solutions for the long-term benefit of our nation.
Now, folks are out there looking at the Arizona law, and it’s divided the country.

I think the Arizona law was a mistake, and my Justice Department is looking very carefully at the nature of this law.

But, I understand the frustrations of folks in Arizona.

The fact of the matter is, is that for decades we keep on talking about solving the problems of the border, and we don't.

Truth of the matter is, is that you’ve got hundreds of thousands of undocumented workers coming over the border, and that gets people stressed.

You’ve got employers who are exploiting undocumented workers all across America, actively recruiting them and often taking advantage of them when they get here.

So, there is a whole bunch of work that has to be done, but we can’t solve the problem by playing politics.

We can’t solve the problem by demagogueing the issue, and so what I told my Republican colleagues is, look, I'll be there with you in terms of securing the border.

That's part of my responsibility as Commander-in-Chief and as President, but you’ve got to meet me on solving the problem long term.

It’s not enough to just talk about National Guard down at the border.

You’ve got to talk about how we’re going to hold employers accountable and how are we going to take the folks who are living in the shadows right now, and say to them, you’ve got a responsibility, you’ll have to pay a fine, you’ll have to pay back taxes, you’ll have to learn English, but we are going to give you a pathway in order for you to be a part of this community legally.

That is something we’ve got to work on together.
Legion likes to talk to himself, it makes it funnier when he uses speeches and/or letters of actual people to do it...