We Can't Afford It, Mr. President


By Judith Anderson

We Cant Afford It, Mr. President

Polls show that the public is both nervous and angry as political leaders throw together massive financial bailouts. We instinctively know that high levels of public debt are dangerous for our future whether we voted for Obama or McCain in November.

Concerned citizens want a sustainable recovery we can believe in not an inflationary quick-fix. We cannot have confidence in economic stimulus and bailouts that look, sound and smell like a giant Ponzi scheme.

We have to begin by stipulating that government and many companies and individuals have been living beyond their means for quite some time. There was too much borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Suddenly Peter was tapped out. There was the inevitable short fall and the system came down like a house of cards.

"The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts that at the end of Obama's ten year planning cycle government debt will equal 82% of the value of all goods and services produced in the U.S. in 2019."