We have the best first family, don't we folks?


The Superb Owl



Yeah, hard to beat a family headed by a brat who inherited for a living, on his third wife (a soft-core porn model) who tried to hide from him for months in another city, with sons who bring to mind Beavis and Butthead, one daughter he never mentions and one he'd like to "date," a son-in-law who functions as Russia's ambassador to the US, and a youngest son who is seldom seen in public because daddy is embarrassed about him having to wear a walking-around helmet.

Deplorable family values.
Yeah, hard to beat a family headed by a brat who inherited for a living, on his third wife (a soft-core porn model) who tried to hide from him for months in another city, with sons who bring to mind Beavis and Butthead, one daughter he never mentions and one he'd like to "date," a son-in-law who functions as Russia's ambassador to the US, and a youngest son who is seldom seen in public because daddy is embarrassed about him having to wear a walking-around helmet.

Deplorable family values.

At least they know how to act around power.
Speaking of the daughter trump would like to date, there was reporting today about how virtually everything made by the company Ivanka created to exploit daddy's name makes a mockery of daddy's pandering to the rubes with his calls to "buy American." Not content with the low wages available in Chinese sweat shops, Ivanka has her shoes made in ... Ethiopia.

To people with measurable IQs, all that might seem hard to swallow. trump fluffers simply unhinge their jaws and ask for more.
At least they know how to act around power.

Right. Cash in by suckering taxpayers, while seeking protection from Putin. Jared's sister openly advertised visa influence to Chinese investors. Couple of days ago Ivanka and Jared were "draining the swamp" and fighting elitists by rubbing elbows with Hollywood media moguls in Sun Valley, Idaho. The moguls had gathered to raise money to fight regulations on their influence.

Swamp the Drain!
Right. Cash in by suckering taxpayers, while seeking protection from Putin. Jared's sister openly advertised visa influence to Chinese investors. Couple of days ago Ivanka and Jared were "draining the swamp" and fighting elitists by rubbing elbows with Hollywood media moguls in Sun Valley, Idaho. The moguls had gathered to raise money to fight regulations on their influence.

Swamp the Drain!

I understand it's difficult to accept how trashy the Obama brood behaved in light of seeing how it's supposed to go.
I understand it's difficult to accept how trashy the Obama brood behaved in light of seeing how it's supposed to go.

Did it not occur to you that simply staying silent would have been smarter than squeaking that impotent shot at the eight years of class shown by the Obama family?

trump simp does class:


Might have a future following her second step-mom into a career as a soft-core porn model.
hey luvtrump you chicken shit with a russian cock in your mouth

remark on the fact that a photo you showed shows trumpy forcing his own son to preform like a trained chimp
living in lies makes one a complete failure

lying to protect your beliefs is a path to disastor

you end up with lies to cover those lies

then like trump and you idiots have

you reach maximum lie factor

nothing but lies left to you


bad infomation in means bad decisions out

embrace TRUTH

dont live in regret essay