‘We Need to Unite’: Protests Against the Far Right Are Held Across France


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Tens of thousands of demonstrators crowded onto French streets on Saturday to denounce the rise of the country’s far-right political party and call on fellow citizens to block it from taking power in snap parliamentary elections set by President Emmanuel Macron.

The protests, organized by the country’s five biggest labor unions, were widely supported by human rights associations, activists, artists and backers of a newly formed left-wing coalition of political parties, the New Popular Front. Most protesters painted a dark picture of the country under a far-right prime minister.

We are seeing panic that the people are rising up against their leaders who have betrayed them.....sold them out to the EVIL American Empire.
The French political situation is a shit show, in part because Macron is completely incompetent and hostile to the French People I am hearing........he is only qualified to be a bank teller Andrei Martyanov says.
Tens of thousands of demonstrators crowded onto French streets on Saturday to denounce the rise of the country’s far-right political party and call on fellow citizens to block it from taking power in snap parliamentary elections set by President Emmanuel Macron.

The protests, organized by the country’s five biggest labor unions, were widely supported by human rights associations, activists, artists and backers of a newly formed left-wing coalition of political parties, the New Popular Front. Most protesters painted a dark picture of the country under a far-right prime minister.


Absolutely insane projections for France's elections, looks like Macron's party will get *absolutely decimated*Here are the numbers:- Far-right bloc (Le Pen's RN and Zemmour's reconquête): in the lead in 362 seats- Left-bloc ("Popular Front"): in the lead in 211 seats- Macron's party: in the lead in 3 seats. You read that right: 3 seats!!! And to top it off, none of these 3 seats are even in France, all of them are seats for French people abroad - Les Républicains (centre-right): in the lead in 1 seatIt's an election in 2 rounds. The projections for the 2nd round are that left and far-right would battle it out in in 536 seats; Macron’s alliance would make the run-off in only 41 (!), and LR in just three.In short these elections look like they'll essentially destroy "Macronism" as a political force in France. Either that's somehow 9D chess that no-one understands or Macron's dissolution of the French parliament is one of the stupidest moves ever by a French president.
I suspect that Macron assumed that the French people would have warm fuzzies about the Paris Olympics and that this would translate into them betraying the Europeans shift away from the elites...that he would do well.

Macron is also a moron.
The Olympics are extremely dicey....this could very easily be a disaster....Washington is driving hard for WW3 and Ukraine is collapsing.....this is the worst of times to hold an Olympics.
The banlieues are always the first to riot, which I expect to happen over the summer. The water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas will be much in demand I suspect.
Maybe people in France are tired of illegals doing shit like this:

And you have proof that all these folks are "illegals"? You do know that France for many years has had a non -white population due to migration from their former colonies in Asia and Africa, right?
And you have proof that all these folks are "illegals"? You do know that France for many years has had a non -white population due to migration from their former colonies in Asia and Africa, right?
The Hamas bandannas are cool to you, huh?

I'm not even talking anymore. Fuck you, and them.
And you have proof that all these folks are "illegals"? You do know that France for many years has had a non -white population due to migration from their former colonies in Asia and Africa, right?
Plus whether they came legally or illegally does not touch that argument that there are too damn many of them......as all not moron adults know.
Tens of thousands of demonstrators crowded onto French streets on Saturday to denounce the rise of the country’s far-right political party and call on fellow citizens to block it from taking power in snap parliamentary elections set by President Emmanuel Macron.

The protests, organized by the country’s five biggest labor unions, were widely supported by human rights associations, activists, artists and backers of a newly formed left-wing coalition of political parties, the New Popular Front. Most protesters painted a dark picture of the country under a far-right prime minister.

No, violent leftist riots are what is happening, as they refuse to give up the power the voters took from them...IOW, ty[icasl leftist bullshit.

Here's a photo of what is really happening, to confuse and anger you:

Tens of thousands of demonstrators crowded onto French streets on Saturday to denounce the rise of the country’s far-right political party and call on fellow citizens to block it from taking power in snap parliamentary elections set by President Emmanuel Macron.

The protests, organized by the country’s five biggest labor unions, were widely supported by human rights associations, activists, artists and backers of a newly formed left-wing coalition of political parties, the New Popular Front. Most protesters painted a dark picture of the country under a far-right prime minister.

Typical leftist violence after electoral losses.

Here's another photo of what is really happening to confuse you with the facts; ENJOY:

This is where it began . These young people are 100% correct and should be applauded. The movement began building steam in the early 2000's and kept building steam. I find no fault in what they are saying but a whole lot of TRUTH. They have been betrayed by the Socialist left and had their futures STOLEN from them. They stood up and said NO MORE! I have been following them for a good long while now and have seen the growth year over year as the failed left continued to make more VICTIMS. This movement is building all across the world BTW,.... In Europe and at home here in America. The die has been cast....

VERY VERY interesting video from their earlier years. Sound familiar? IT SHOULD...

A declaration of WAR,....they meant it,..............and so do WE!

" We are the generation doubly punished, condemned to pay into a social system so generous with strangers it becomes unsustainable for our own people"

Yep,....sounds pretty damned familiar doesnt it? Gee,....almost like the left uses the same FILTHY playbook everywhere its evil takes root. Those kids are speaking TRUTH to power. GOOD ON THEM!
This is at the heart of my sig line btw. Were coming for your asses,......all across the globe. What is past is past but we can damn sure control our present and make what we want of our future. REJOICE!
We are seeing panic that the people are rising up against their leaders who have betrayed them.....sold them out to the EVIL American Empire.
Gee,....I guess the leftwing Socialist scumbags in France cant accept election results huh? Surely the board lefties here will condemn such actions right? RIGHT? :) BTW,....the same thing is going to happen here this coming fall when Trump runs corrupt Joe and his gang out of town. The left will go insane,....after 4 years of telling us all how we HAVE TO accept election results. They have no shame or honor,...NONE. I for one am VERY MUCH looking forward to it. That way Trump can drop the hammer on these 2 faced scumbags the second he is sworn in. And you know what? HE WILL.......;)