We Really SHOULD Try to Understand. It's Really Not Barack's Fault.


New member
Mr. Obama says we must "understand" the perspective of "Black Liberation Theology". I AGREE. We must understand as MUCH as POSSIBLE, everything about our candidates. We must EXPOSE, as MUCH as POSSIBLE, about our candidates. Black Liberation Theology was a movement NOT borne of the need for a New Religion for African Americans. It was borne of a desire for POLITICAL POWER. When you listen to the teachings of Black Liberation Theology, espoused by James Cone. Rev. Wright, and others, you can SEE what it stands for.

The Christian Religion is based on Jesus Christ, on the concept of pure love, brotherhood of Man, of loving even your enemies. Of course, we all for short of Christ's perfection, in that regard. But I see NO "White Churches"(which I don't even KNOW of, a "White" church),I see NO recognized Christian Churches where Whie people attend, where they preach, "The Blacks are your ENEMIES! They MUST BE DESTROYED by ANY MEANS NECCESAR, and any GOD that is not FOR WHITES, and AGAINST BLACKS, that GOD must be KILLED, ALSO!! It simply WOULD NOT STAND! Whites of ALL political and religious varieties would condemn it. Somw Liberals are saying "Not all Blacks subscribe to Black Liberation Theology. That is true.

But the Man who is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES DOES, don't you get it? Would we have David Duke (believed in Black Hatred) as the Leading Presidential Candidate? Would we have Yasser Arafat(believed in Hatred of Jews) as the Leading Presidential Candidate? NO, we would not!

And guess what? ALL THIS, is not even Barack Obama's fault. I SAID, on THIS WEBSITE, MONTHS AGO, that Obama was NOT having hard questions asked, was NOT being VETTED PROPERLY, for a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE.
All the Liberals, including Barack, thought it was GREAT, that he was getting a PASS. Some Libs on here laughed, thought it was FUNNY. But no one's laughing, now. NOW, it's 8 months to GO, before Election, and it's TOO LATE to shop for ANOTHER CANDIDATE.

Poor Barack. If he was REALLY smart, he would have EXPOSED all this stuff HIMSELF. He would've looked like HERO, the Most Honest Politician EVER. Instead, according to Brian Ross of ABC, he's been Ducking and Hiding for over a YEAR on this, and NOW, he is STONEWALLING ABC's requests for THE DATES OBAMA ATTENDED Rev. Wright's sermons of Hate. It's the COVERUP that REAALY ruins you, Barack. At least, that's what Liberal Democrats always say.
you do realize that the goal of hillary to team up with the pubs and go after obama while freezing hillary attacks PRIOR to him getting nomination.. is playing right into her hands.. and when HILLARY steals the nomination and beats mccain in the general and u get stuck with her as president you will have nobody to blame but yourself.
The ONLY "churches", or "religions" that are even CLOSE to what Mr. Obama has been a member of for 20 years, is th "Aryan Brotherhood", "White Supremacists", and Militant Islamist Mosqyes and Madrassas. THOSE kinds of "churches" are thoe ONLY things I can compare Mr. Obama's "religion" to. And how do 95% of White feel about THOSE?

You see, Mr. Obama's desire to swwep this under the rug, and hide it, will cause almost ALL of his White Support to vote against him. Once people are in the privacy of the voting booth, and they start thinking of unanswered question about his "White Hatred", and his REFUSAL TO DENOUNCE Rev. Wright's Hate Preaching, to QUIT this church, as Oprah Winfrey did, people will NOT pull a lever for him, unless they are the most RABID and RADICAL of Leftist/Socialists.
But chapdog, have you HEARD what these freinds of Obama preach? Not just Rev. Wright! But Malik Zulu Shabazz(Leader of the New Black Panther Party), James Meeks, another Reverend, and Chicago Politician? These guys are like Twins of Farrakhan, and IN SOME CASES, WORSE!!! You CAN'T vote for a man with freinds and beliefs like THAT. It's TOTALLY against all America STANDS for!
But chapdog, have you HEARD what these freinds of Obama preach? Not just Rev. Wright! But Malik Zulu Shabazz(Leader of the New Black Panther Party), James Meeks, another Reverend, and Chicago Politician? These guys are like Twins of Farrakhan, and IN SOME CASES, WORSE!!! You CAN'T vote for a man with freinds and beliefs like THAT. It's TOTALLY against all America STANDS for!

i have also herd what some of the evangelicals talk about and the religious right that make up the republican base. im just as offended with them.

this is a smear campaign.. and if you guys keep focusing on obama and let clinton slide without brining up her radical 60's crap you will wind up losing to her in the general.
I'm talking to Liberals, I don't care HOW Left-Wing you are. Don't any of you, think Obama should be ASKED WHY he has a DIRECT LINK on HIS Presidential Campaign page, to the New Black Panther Party? Do you KNOW what they STAND for? Bush murdered 3,000 American Civilians on 911? All Black Prisoners(proven RAPISTS, CHILD MUDERERS, CHILD RAPISTS, etc.) should be FREED FROM JAIL, AND ALL GIVEN FREE COLLEGE EDUCATIONS.

So the NBPP would like to see Pres.Bush in JAIL, but One Million Rapists and Murderes running Free, to Rape and Murder all the nice College Coeds! It's INSANITY! And THIS is Barck Obama's freinds and supporters! Here's what religious people are saying:

"Some people are trying to defend Wright as a good man. This is outrageous. 20 yrs and Obama didn't know. He became a member. Most churches have you take a membership class before you become a member so you understand what the church believes. Wright embraces black liberation theology. It is unscriptural and hate based belief. This church and its members hold these beliefs. This Rev Wright is a false teacher and that church is an habitation of devils. There is nothing Christian about them at all."
i have also herd what some of the evangelicals talk about and the religious right that make up the republican base. im just as offended with them.

Yes, chapdog, I've heard the "Jerry Falwell" cries from the Left. But is Bush a 20 Year Member of ANY church that preaches Race Hate? Is ANY Repub. Candidate a member of a Hate Church? Who is it, tell me, and I will DENONCE THEM, and call them the scumbag that they are. Just IDENTIFY them

And as for the "smear campaign" comments. Since when is it a "smear campaign", to TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT A CANDIDATE? Was it a "smear campaign", to point out Bush's Forty-year-old Drunken Driving charge in 2000? NO, IT WASN'T. IT WAS THE TRUTH.
I KNOW it hurts, to see this young, intelligent Black candidate, who gives such pretty speeches, destroyed. But he did it to HIMSELF, when he HID all these associations, and the Leftist Media did it, when they REFUSED to DO THEIR JOB, and ask the REAL questions a Pres. Candidate SHOULD be asked.
I listen to EVERYTHING, DESH, i WAIT FOR YOUR RESPONSES WITH bated breath. Sorry, the Caps button was stuck. I'm sincere, I wish we COULD have a viable Black Candidate, who had some CONSERVATIVE values, of course, but even a Moderate would be a Healing Influence, and MAYBE STOP some of these ridiculous "churches", and other racist organization. They have the freedom of America to have WHATEVER church or Racist Hate group the WISH. But I wish all the seats were empty.

And THIS guy, Obama, being a MEMBER of them, I'm sorry, desh, but HE ain't the one.